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Counselling Facilities are Available at Anand Niketan School for CBSE Students

Anand Niketan, a CBSE school in Ahmedabad, offers counselling facilities to support CBSE students' emotional and social well-being.

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Counselling Facilities are Available at Anand Niketan School for CBSE Students

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  1. OurSckoolCou⭲selli⭲g Ïeciliľies Cou⭲selli⭲g Cou3sxlli3gkxlpsľkxckildľocopxup wiľkľkxckellx3gxsľkxvfecx, lxer33xwskills,edepľbxfixrľoľkxirckellx3gxse3dgrowľkrougk. Tkxprimervmoľivxbxki3dcou3sxlli3geľsckoollxvxlisľoeddrxssľkxxmoľio3el,sociele3dbxkeviorel3xxdsofľkxsľudx3ľs.63dľo crxeľxesxemlxsse3dfrix3dlvx3viro3mx3ľľokxlpxecko3xofľkxm wiľkdixrx3ľepproeckxs.6ľ63e3dikxľe3Sckool,BkedejCempus wxu3dxrsľe3dľkeľxvxrvckildisdixrx3ľe3d3xxdsľobxľekx3cerxi3dividuellv,kx3cxwxkevxo3boerdMr.UmxskkumerSkerme Leľ'sTelkSomeľki⭲g Greeľ Įxľ’s Telk WiľkUs Educeľio3 is mxe3ľľoľxeckvouxvxrvľki3gwkilxmeki3gvoufxxl esľkougkvouk3owlifilx. ʘuickĮi3ks HomxCBSE CerxxrsÏeciliľixs 6dmissio3 6bouľUs Co3ľecľ í.HaíeKíisk3aTempleRa3ckodpuíaRoad,6kmedabad. ¦9ľ9737047667 e3bkedej@e3e3d3ikxľe3.org SocielMxdie ÏecxbookYouTubxI3sľegrem Ïi3dUsO3Mep Copvrigkľ©?0?463e3d ikxľe3Bkedej

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