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Both households and individuals are proposed as statistical units. ... Does any member of this household/do you have access to a computer at home? ...

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    Slide 1:

    Economic Analysis and Statistics Division, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry Beirut, 7-10 June 2005 Martin Schaaper OECD METHODOLOGIES AND MODEL QUESTIONS: HOUSEHOLD AND INDIVIDUAL CORE INDICATORS

    Slide 2:Background

    OECD Partnership Core indicators Methodological annex

    Slide 3:Core indicators households-individuals

    Slide 4:Overview

    collection methodologies for surveys of household and individual ICT use particular statistical issues statistical units survey scope and coverage classificatory variables for output suggested question wording corresponding to the core indicators.

    Slide 5:Main basis for suggestions

    previous WPIIS work leading to a model questionnaire for measuring ICT use and electronic commerce in households/by individuals (2002) current work on revising that model questionnaire (2005) work done by Eurostat and individual OECD member countries. Suggestions made in the presentation and paper are likely to change: with input from other countries when the OECD model survey is finalised.

    Slide 6:Suggestions - methodology

    A number of suggestions are offered in the OECD paper… but they are not comprehensive – many participating countries will have household surveys and procedures in place for instance labour force surveys. The suggestions include: collection methods frequency and reference period/date

    Slide 7:Particular statistical issues

    Units: households versus individuals Mobile phones Measuring broadband Measuring interaction with government Recall period Choice of denominator for indicators

    Slide 8:Statistical units

    Both households and individuals are proposed as statistical units. It is suggested that all questions be asked of a randomly selected adult who responds in respect of the household and him/herself.

    Slide 9:Survey scope and coverage

    Individuals adults the lower age limit is usually 16 Question: what should the upper age limit, if any, be? Households coverage issues for some countries Question: are households where all members are outside the age range of individuals out of scope?

    Slide 10:Suggested output classifications

    Household characteristics household composition (with/without children under 16) household size (number of members) Question: others? e.g. geographic or income classification.

    Slide 11:Suggested output classifications

    Individual characteristics age: 16 to 24; 25 to 44; 45 to 64; 65 to 74; 74? gender highest education level (no formal education, primary or lower secondary, upper secondary/post-secondary non-tertiary, tertiary) employment status (paid employee, self-employed, unemployed, not in the labour force) occupation (equivalent to ISCO88 major groups).

    Slide 12:Questions corresponding to core indicators – household

    Does any member of this household/do you have access to a radio at home? HH1 Does any member of this household/do you have access to a television at home? HH2 Does this household have a fixed line telephone at home? HH3 Does any member of this household/do you have access to a mobile telephone at home? HH4 Does any member of this household/do you have access to a computer at home? HH5 Does any member of this household/do you have access to the Internet at home regardless of whether it is used? HH7 What type/s of Internet connections are used for Internet access at home? HH12 (EC) broadband

    Slide 13:Questions corresponding to core indicators - individuals

    Have you used a computer in the last 12 months? HH6 Did you have the use of a mobile phone during some or all of the last 12 months? HH11 (EC) use - not ownership or access Have you accessed the Internet in the last 12 months? HH8 Where did you access the Internet in the last 12 months? HH9 free public access facility charged public access facility How often did you usually access the Internet during the last 12 months HH13 (EC)

    Slide 14:Questions corresponding to core indicators - individuals

    For which of the following activities did you use the Internet in the last 12 months? HH10 For getting information (on products, health, from government, other) For communicating For purchasing or ordering goods or services For Internet banking or other financial services For education and learning For dealing with government For leisure activities (including downloading games, music or software).

    Slide 15:martin.schaaper@oecd.org

    THANK YOU! www.oecd.org/sti/measuring-infoeconomy click on “Don’ miss ? Statistical standards”

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