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Cardiovascular diseases and Soils. Rui BezerraBatista , MS, DS Health, Enviroment and Sustainable Development Pedology Federal University of Paraiba State, Department of Soil Science.
Cardiovascular diseases and Soils Rui BezerraBatista, MS, DS Health, Enviroment and Sustainable Development Pedology Federal University of Paraiba State, Department of Soil Science
IntroductionHealth and Environment in Sustainable Development: Five Years after the Earth Summit • How are we doing? • Powerty and inequity • Cardiovascular diseases
Soil Health and Sustainability A healthy soil is full of macro- and microorganisms in proper balance with the physical and chemical condition of soil ( See also American Journal of Alternative Agriculture, Volume 7, 1992).
The questions are: Are there relationships between soils and cardiovascular diseases? What is the soil and how is it classificated?
Connections between soil’s geomedical standards and Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) and cancer Characteristics CVD Cancer Altitude elevada - UNF(unfavourable for beginning of disease) Textura argilosa UNF - Textura arenosa FAV(favourable for - beginning of disease) Regiao Semi Arida UNF - Litoral(alta pluviometrica) FAV - Rochas maficas UNF - Rochas felsicas FAV ? Rochas calcarias UNF ?
Connections between soil’s geomedical standards and Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) and cancer Characteristics CVD Cancer Solos intemp./lixiv. FAV - (no information) Carater Entrofico UNF - Carater Distrofico - FAV Carater Alico - - Saturacao por Sodio ? - Niveis elevados de Ca UNF - Niveis elevados de Mg UNF - Relation K:Na - UNF
Connections between soil’s geomedical standards and Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) and cancer Characteristics CVD Cancer Horizonte B textural UNF - Horizonte B espodico FAV - Horizonte B latossolico - UNF Horizonte Gley UNF FAV Horizonte Salico - FAV Aqua Dureza UNF - Aqua Radiotividade UNF - Fracao sesquioxidica - ? TiO2 ? -
Connections between soil’s geomedical standards and Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) and cancer Characteristics CVD Cancer Elementos tracos etc Se UNF UNF Cd FAV FAV Zn UNF UNF Cu - FAV Mn FAV - Pb FAV - Cr UNF - F UNF -
Carcinogenos Humanos AGENT SITE of NEOPLASIA Aflatoxina Liver Agentes Alquilantes Maroow Androgenos Liver Animas Aromaticas Bladder Arsenico Skin, Lungs Asbestos Lung, Pleura Benzeno Marrow Benzidina Bladder Eter clorometil Lung Cromo Lung Esterogenos Uterus, Vagina Immunosupressores Lymphoid tissue
Some considerations about the Paraiba State MORBIDITYDiseases of Respiratory System = 25% Infectious and Parasitic Diseases = 19% Diseases of Digestive System = 16% MORTALITY Cardiovascular Diseases = 24% Diseases of Respiratory System =22% Other reasons = 21%
Geomedical Status of mankind and animals Soils Plants Many aspects of nutrition Climate, physical and chemical Some infections, Zoonoses, etc Effects of ionizing radiations, water supply, air contamination, and some other local factors Schematic presentration showing influence of some important factors on geomedical conditions
ConclusionsDeteriorating environmental conditions are a major contributory factor to poor health and poor quality of life and hinder sustainable development.«We increasingly understand that the health and well-being of our families depends upon a clean and healthy environment. Nowhere is this more true than in the case of children, who are particularly vulnerable to pollution».
De tudo ficaram tres coisas a certezaDe que estava sempre comecundoA certeza de que era preciso contimuareA certeza de seria interrompidoantes de terminarFazer da interrupdo um caminho novo?Fazer da queda um passo de danca?Do medo uma escadaDo sonho uma ponteDa procura um encontro
“The staple foods may not contain the same nutritive substances as in former times….Chemical fertilizers, by increasing the abundance of the crops without replacing all the exhausted elements of the soil, have indirectly contributed to change the nutritive value of cereal grains and vegetables….Hygienists have not paid sufficient attention to the genesis of diseases. Their studies of conditions of life and diet, and of their effects on the physiological and mental state of modern man, are superficial, incomplete, and of too short duration. They have, this, contributed to the weakening of our body and our soul”
“The preservation of fertility is the first duty of all that live by the land….. There is only one rule of good husbandry - leave the land far better than you found it.” GEORGE HENDERSON, The Farming Ladder HOWARD, A. The soil and health. Nova Iorque: The Devin-Adair, 1947. 307p