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2011 Math Field Day - 20 th Annual Event - SOUTH: May 14 @ Capistrano Valley HS NORTH: May 21 @ Westminster HS

2011 Math Field Day - 20 th Annual Event - SOUTH: May 14 @ Capistrano Valley HS NORTH: May 21 @ Westminster HS. Orange County Math Council Officers President/Registration: Amber Baur Vice-President/MFD Coordinator: Dave Chamberlain Treasurer/Past President: Connie Wadsley

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2011 Math Field Day - 20 th Annual Event - SOUTH: May 14 @ Capistrano Valley HS NORTH: May 21 @ Westminster HS

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  1. 2011Math Field Day- 20th Annual Event -SOUTH: May 14 @Capistrano Valley HS NORTH: May 21 @Westminster HS

  2. Orange County Math Council Officers President/Registration: Amber Baur Vice-President/MFD Coordinator: Dave Chamberlain Treasurer/Past President: Connie Wadsley Secretary: Cathery Yeh Membership: Brian Hightower

  3. Math Field Day is an opportunity for Orange County elementary school students to join together in promoting excellence in mathematics, team work, achieving goals and school spirit.

  4. The event offers students an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to reason, communicate, and problem-solve in cooperative groups.

  5. A school may bring a team of 4 students and 1 alternate from each of grades 4 - 6. Each team must be accompanied by an adult proctor who will help in the administration of the tests.

  6. Deadline to register a team on the Math Field Day website: March 21, 2011

  7. Deadline to submit names of coaches/team members/ alternates/proctors on the Math Field Day website for the program: April 15, 2011 Coach/team member/ alternate/proctor changes can be made any time up to the morning of registration.

  8. Alternates: A coach may substitute an alternate for one of the four grade-level team members any time up to 8:30 AM on the morning of the competition. Any changes in the team members, different than those listed in the program, must be submitted at the registration table. No changes in a 4-member team can be made after 8:30 AM on the day of the competition.

  9. Alternates: May be included in the official team photo May participate in Rubik’s Cube Challenge Will not receive a medal if a grade level team wins one

  10. Each school’s participants and alternates will receive a participation certificate, a button, a program with all students and schools listed, a snack, a team photo, and a team bag of goodies donated by corporate sponsors.

  11. Orange County Mathematics Field Day “Infinity” Sponsor:

  12. Orange County Mathematics Field Day “Prime” Sponsor:

  13. Orange County Mathematics Field Day “Prime” Sponsor:

  14. Orange County Mathematics Field Day “Power” Sponsor:

  15. Orange County Mathematics Field Day “Power” Sponsor:

  16. Orange County Mathematics Field Day “Product Donation” Sponsor:

  17. Orange County Mathematics Field Day “Product Donation” Sponsor: Photos by Jen Marie (Official Photographer of 2011 Math Field Day)

  18. All 2011 Math Field Day updates/info will be posted at: www.ocmathcouncil.com

  19. Schedule of Events 7:30 – 8:30 Registration/Poster Exhibit/Photos 8:30 – 9:00 General Assembly in the Gym 8:30 & 9:30 Proctor Trainings TBD Rubik’s Cube Proctor Training 9:15 – 10:00 Math Reasoning (all grades) 10:05 – 10:35 Statistics, Data Analysis, & Probability (all grades) 10:35 – 10:55 Snack Break 10:55 – 11:25 Number Sense (4th); Measurement & Geometry (5th); Algebra & Functions (6th) 11:35 – 12:05 Measurement & Geometry (4th); Algebra & Functions (5th); Number Sense (6th) 12:15 – 12:45 Algebra & Functions (4th); Number Sense (5th); Measurement and Geometry (6th) 12:45 – 2:00 Lunch (Bring own games/activities) 1:15 – 2:15 Rubik’s Cube Challenge in Gym 2:15 – 3:15 Awards Assembly in the Gym

  20. Button Design Competition (Optional) Each school may submit one button design to mathfieldday@ocmathcouncil.com . Submission Deadline: March 28, 2011 BUTTON MUST: Incorporate the 2011 theme Be in a .jpg file format

  21. Poster Competition EACH TEAM is responsible for completing a poster. The poster should be created using a STANDARD poster board (22” x 28”). Use only one side of the poster. BOTTOM RIGHT HAND CORNER: Name of school, name of district (if applicable), grade level and names of team members INCLUDE: • The 2011 theme…try to incorporate an idea into your poster that uses this theme. Let the kids decide what this theme means to them and just go with it. • Name of school, name of district (if applicable), grade level(s) participating and names of team members • Be creative , neat, and concise • Posters should be brought to the registration table for check-in. Teams need to display their posters in the designated area prior to the General Assembly. • Prize(s) given for team(s) with poster(s) judged as “most creative”. PLEASE REMOVE POSTERS PRIOR TO THE AWARDS ASSEMBLY!!

  22. Mathematical Reasoning Team Test — 25 word problems Students must show as much work as possible. Diagrams, charts, etc. help with scoring points.

  23. Statistics, Data Analysis, & Probability Team Test — Each team will answer about 6 questions relating to statistics and probability, then conduct an experiment, predict results, gather data, and analyze the experiment based on their outcomes.

  24. Number Sense Consists of two tests: 1) Estimation (counts for 40% of score) and 2) Mental Math (counts for 60% of score).

  25. Estimation Team Test — Six stations are located around the perimeter of the room. Problems usually involve some sort of measurement: linear, area, volume, weight, liquid volume, metric or standard measurements.

  26. Mental Math Individual Test – Students will be shown 40 different mental math questions. They will have five seconds to study the problem, and five seconds to write the answer. No work is allowed…all answers must be done mentally. Individual scores are added together to form one team score.

  27. Sample Mental Math PowerPoint

  28. Measurement and Geometry Team Test – Each team will be asked to build an object using materials provided. Students must sketch their construction prior to building, then test it, with multiple trials. Object is judged using a rubric.

  29. Algebra and Functions Team Test – Each team will answer 9-10 Algebra and Functions questions…most problems are word problems or logic puzzles.

  30. Sample test questions are available at: http://www.ocmathcouncil.com/Coaches__Corner.html

  31. Rubik’s Cube Challenge For both North and South, up to 20 teams of 8 students per team per event will compete to determine the schools which can solve 11 Rubik’s Cubes the fastest. See Rubik’s Cube Challenge competition rules manual on Coaches’ Corner website.

  32. Awards Assembly in the Gym Olympic-style medals are awarded for top six places for each event. Each grade level is scored separately. A total of ninety team awards are given at each event. Each of the four team members on the top six teams for each event receives a medal. Prizes will also be given for Poster Contest and Rubik’s Cube Challenge.

  33. Theme for 2011 (20-11)??? 2001 – Math Odyssey 2002 – 2002, The Power of Two 2003 – Math and Me in 2003 2004 – Let’s Score in 2004 2005 – Math’s Alive in 2005

  34. Theme for 2011 (20-11)??? 2006 – Math Tricks in 2006! 2007 – Math Detectives in 2-00-7 2008 – Math is Gr8 in 2008 2009 – Make Math Shine in 2009 2010 – Math’s “In” in 2010

  35. Theme for 2011 (20-11)??? Words that “rhyme” with eleven…

  36. Theme Ideas for 2011 (20-11) • 2011 – Prime time for math • Calculate the Future • Math is Heaven in 2011 • Keep math revvin’ in 2011 • 0+1+1=2 2 = 0+1+1 2+0 = 1+1 You win either way • Math is Proven in 2011 • Math is Proven in 2+0=1+1 • Math is “Fun Driven” in 2011 • MFD 2011 – A day spent in math heaven • Math is language in heaven in 2011

  37. Theme for 2011 (20-11) Keep math revvin’ in 2011

  38. Job Assignments General: • Math Field Day Coordinator/South Emcee: Dave Chamberlain • North Emcee: Randi Leach • Math Field Day Registration/Website: Amber Baur • Test Creation: Carol Brouhle, Dave Chamberlain, Steve Graff, Barb Post, Mary Lou Miller, Connie Wadsley, Nita Walker

  39. For description of volunteer job assignments, go to: http://www.ocmathcouncil.com/Coaches__Corner.html

  40. Contact Info: Math Field Day Questions: mathfieldday@ocmathcouncil.com Rubik’s Cube Challenge Questions: sues@seventowns.com

  41. We hope the 2011 Math Field Day event will be a memorable experience for you and your students!

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