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… edited by Pina Fico , Palma Caiazza primary school teachers , and prof. Paolo Manzelli Director of the Educational Research Laboratory of the University of Florence (Italy) Coord. Prog. Qualità dott..Angela Orabona Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Campania
…edited byPina Fico,Palma Caiazzaprimary school teachers,andprof. Paolo Manzelli Director of the Educational Research Laboratory of the University of Florence (Italy) Coord. Prog. Qualità dott..Angela Orabona Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Campania PRIMARY SCHOOL in GRUMO NEVANO (a little Town near NEAPLES, ITALY) HEADMASTER Mr. ERNESTO SALERNO
http://www.circolodidattico-grumonevano.it BRAINLANDING aims to underline the cognitive strategies to learn in a creative way, filtering stimuli and method of rote-learning, that influence the brain plasticity.
PROJECT “BRAINLANDING”: OBJECTIVES” BRAINLANDING is a Project of a Primary school in Grumo Nevano (Neaples). It works for improving creativeness in the primary school system, favouring interest in living sciences and trying to retain a spirit of discovery. It aims to open the pupil’s minds to a divergent thinking beyond the limited mechanical principles of science understanding and the habitual persectives of traditional science instruction on problem solving. Pupils learn how to use at the best their convergent skills (Left Brain) and also about the “Mirror Neurons” interactivity, in order to put such brain abilities into concrete solutions. Creativeness is indeed focused on understanding: before the “problem solving” you have to recognize the “problem posing” so that the utilization of all brain functions can help the growth of the pupils’ intelligence, and also the adults’ one since they learn about the Life Sciences, including Neurology advanced knowledge, through a childlike curiosity.
COGNITIVE RELEVANCE of the “BRAINLANDING” Project Free will can be an illusion, because human freedom need a very high level of consciousness. If a man/woman will have more freedom in his/her mind, he/she will be responsible for proper actions. The real freedom of the proper thought can be easily achieved through the knowledge of the brain functioning. At this point it will be useful to remember that the scientist Gordon Shaw (http://www.mindinstitute.net/MIND3/research/research.php ) from the fNMR Brain Imagin techniques demonstrated that the Left Brain Hemisphere (LBS) is more functional to rhythm’s time analysis, while the Right Brain Hemisphere (RBS) is more perceptive to the harmonic space integration.On the light of such brain discoveries it is possible to see how the school traditional teaching process places an overwhelming
emphasis on the convergent analytical brain functioning through a method of problem solving, while the brain creativeness needs to see at the same time how to overcome the problems and how to solve them. Therefore pupils need to exercise with a proper balance both the brain functioning, i.e. of the Convergent (LBH) and Divergent (RBH) functional types. The traditional school attention at the problem solving can indeed generate an inhibition of the complemented functioning of the brain right hemisphere. Today the continuous society changes need a better understanding of brain’s complemented functioning, so that unconventional teaching methods need to be open to a conscious knowledge of brain potentiality. That’s the essence of BRAINLANDING, a project realized in an integrated e-learning cooperation between the LRE/EGOCREANET of the University of Florence and the Primary School of Grumo Nevano (Neaples) in Italy.
COME IN, BRAIN! The BRAIN really works through LEARNING. The entire process cannot be shown, but the routes are well structured to make the claim to memories easier, and if they are repetitive they cause a conditioning in everyone’s mind. The cultural identity of a person is a generator of comparisons and sharing.
This project has already developed: 1-The Big Brains track 2-The Big Brains’ Map 3-Brain and Music 4-The fantastic world of Brainlanding 5-Photographilandia in the world of Brainlanding 6-The Brain’s time 7-Information and Brain 8-Mother Brain and her two little Brains 9-The yearbook of 5^B (teachers: Vergara-Maisto) 10-Brainlandingrap (ins.Mg.Cristiano) Prof. PAOLO MANZELLI from his scientific-technological laboratory held over our children with his enthusiasm. He always says to us : TIME IS AN INFORMATION GOING TOWARDS THE FUTURE
A tour of experience in the world of BRAINLANDING Ins.Pina Fico Prof. PAOLO MANZELLI LRE ego-CreaNET University of Florence (Italy)
The little tourists are visiting the centre Of Neuro-biotic ATTENTION In the house of BIG BRAIN lives the ATTENTION, that causes a great curiosity. Children … follow then the right track and above all try to understand straightaway!
It’s the Brain to manipulate everything… even the attention process.It works indeed on its system of REACTION-ACTION Let’s find out how… It’s really necessary to know this world in detail !
Management of the Big Brain Information start the ATTENTION but they are immediately caught by the brain. Let’s see how… In the house of ATTENTION
On a trip to…Down-Top Information data go on a path called Down-Top. The Basal Ganglia, made of grey matter, deal with physical information . They convey everything to the ATTENTION through a bundle of nerves .
From the outside… The ATTENTION has got its supplemented centre in the area where the eyes meet with the nose. From the inside of the skull… The ATTENTION is between the upper cerebral hemispheres, where reasoning and emotions work.
From the world of INFORMATION • Data, after reaching the centre of the ATTENTION, are under the sensory and emotional control of the THALAMUS. • Now there are two tracks : • The track to INFORMATION going towards the upper cerebral hemispheres • The track to ATTENTION that restrains itself .
In this case, the stalked pontine core of the Tegmanto, put as a roof on the basal Ganglia, turns off the stimulus and there is the all clear signal. When information does not need any more reflection there is no creativeness.
If the circuit of ATTENTION is used in an inappropriate way you get a short circuit: all our thinking system is blocked REASONING runs out In the area of the upper cerebral hemispheres creativeness does not develop
At school • if the attention is blocked and restrained, • if you get on only with rote-learning • the reflection system collapses Habit phenomenon the school has to support creativeness In a class working with an open circuit of the ATTENTION SYSTEM, REASONING will not crash, on the contrary, Big Brain will be empowered. There is so a change in our reality …it’s the EUROPEAN SOCIETY of ECONOMY of the KNOWDLEDGE
The trip is over and the INFORMATION you received are sweet SOUVENIRS from the ATTENTION WORKSHOP GOODBYE!!! We are the Band of BIG BRAINS
The Big Brains track From the project BRAINLANDING
The Big Brains track For Primary School Classes 1^2^3^ Circolo didattico Pascoli Grumo Nevano (NA) Ins..PINA FICO School is a very special place …if It goes round the world of BRAINLANDING We live happily In a tiny school Come with us to discover its marvels!
Here it is a loving PROJECTfrom a school aiming to be perfect Among classrooms, yards and flowerbeds there is a great laboratory: It is the control room, It is the big brains room… On tiptoes we get in, On tiptoes we sit down. This is the world we are loking for, it’s the kingdom of the little computers, The dream of every children.
EHI YOU do you want to become a BIG BRAIN?!? FOLLOW THE NEW TRACK… ? BRAIN is mysterious but… it can organize your life Because it adapts itself to the world changes You are different from a long time ago child and do you know why?????? Prof. Manzelli from the University of Florence says that the brain structure has changed , it’s always running behind its own time . When it cannot answer to all your questions It makes you look for the MECHANICAL LITTLE BRAIN.
The history of MECHANICAL LITTLE BRAIN Once upon a time, in a special kingdom called <<NEW TECHNOLOGIES>>, there was a pile of irons. In the laboratory there were many operators, technicians, scientists… One looked, one thought, another one touched One spoke, one wrote, another one formulated… They put all the pieces together Assembled everything perfectly until a click of joy!!!!!! shook all the experts It was born! LITTLE BRAIN was born In the nursery of the baby-computers! CLIC CERVELLINO
This is the history of PERFECT BRAIN and of MECHANICALLITTLE BRAIN They meet in a particular moment in the multimedia hall. HELLO!-BRAIN says CLICK!!!-LITTLE BRAIN answers Only a second and…here it is! It is nice to communicate, So many information to get and give, spending some time together … To click, to print, to play… They never get tired to be together! LET’S GO TOWARDS TECHNOLOGICAL FUTURE
They hold hands, a tender FRIENDSHIP was born. One is necessary to the other one. Nobody can keep them apart . Days go by, months fly away, the year slides quickly… and the magic box of the PERFECT BRAIN fills up more and more. By the end of June it is filled with the letters of the alphabet, whimsical words, coloured thoughts, numbers full of value, delicious lectures, astonishing images… yet Only one has got a HEART…
In the school of BRAINLANDING they tell a story to make us realize that life is beautiful! The brain can cry and sleep , It can laugh and be happy, can think and act.
OUR BRAIN at the beginning is a tiny little thing , it’s empty, it’s not ready yet but. . . as a big box it fills up more and more everyday .Then it begins to explore… until nothing else can stop it. Its memory is a store-room filling with many wonders. There is a bit of everything!. You can even find the first memory: A place, a perfume, a noise, An image, a flower.
OUR BRAIN is a very specialengine it has got your eyes to look at, your ears to listen to, your little nose to smell, your tongue to taste, Your hands to touch… But OUR BRAIN Wants only and always to think!
OPEN THE MEMORIES’ BOX AND YOU’LL FIND OUT… oh wat a wonder! IT’S MY LIFE! This box is precious! ! A LONG TIME AGO • They are all here!!! • FARAWAY MEMORIES • RECENT MEMORIES • MEMORIES OF LITTLE EVENTS A SHORT TIME AGO PARTICULAR MOMENTS This is the memory that helps the brain to remember. Magic formulas click… you can live those moments again, you can jump in the TIME…
In the BIG BRAIN’S house special lights turn on to activate the world of INFORMATION in order to get news SENSES switch on The PAST IMAGES can be seen again EMOTIONS can be lived again, JOYS and FEARS… CLOSE YOUR EYES so you can see it ALL again! It looks like a MAGIC… but it’s only the work of a PERFECT MACHINE! In the world of BRAINLANDING there is a workshop of PHOTOGRAPHILANDIA . In every moment of the day you can take PICTURES.
BRAIN is always very hungry : it eats INFORMATIONcoming from the outside world It’s often full up, it has got a swollen belly, and … at school sometimes does not win. What a pity !!! The poor thing is bombarded with so many news and nobody understands it! TOO MANY INFORMATION= LITTLE KNOWLEDGE
School must do something! It has to give order to all the news in our minds!
The child going to school before you had a book, a dictionary, an encyclopedia not always up to date. His brain WENT on his own, with nobody’s help… always touring the world. Nowadays you are a special pupil: the world gets to you with a click! And …here it is! Uuhhhh …how many information, how many news and what nonsense! Oh! What a confusion! Someone has to do something ,your head can explode.red light goes off on the trackstop! It’s time to go to school!
School puts everything in its own place. Teachers say to everyone : -stop with the bore! Stop with the yawnings! It’s time to discover the children’s world! The new QUESTIONS, the new THEORIES , the new CERTAINTIES come from prof. PAOLO MANZELLI, that from his laboratory EGOCREANET started our curiosity and pulled out of our bodily box an extraordinary THINKING BRAIN!
THE MAIN CHARACTERS OF A NEVER ENDING STORY How do you do? I’m Mummy Brain that is the Intelligence of the Nature Ci presentiamo siamo i due Cervellini e viviamo nel grembo della mamma... Manzelli’s thought: It is well known that man, the speaking being above all others, developed a prominence of the left brain hemisphere. Nevertheless his two brain HEMISPHERES have to work together, in order to express also the intuitive capacities of the right hemisphere. The closed and limited logic is over. And here it comes Brain-landing.
In my womb live the twins Blue little Brain and Pink Little Brain looking for a new knowledge. Here they are my Little Brains! They are the same for genetics but very different indeed and their brain activities are different too.
Kids learn very quickly, the young have more creative capacities, the adults experience, instead, a fall in their capacities. On the grounds of science, the potential of the children’s brain is definitely superior than that of the adults’, and a superficial factual knowledge learning causes a passive taking on and a conditioning of the cognitive development.
Teachers, through the learning, recognize the young intellectual capacities and set them off, because they know that a conscious learning helps the forming of their character. All the connections with the world have to deepen to better understand the meaning of existence and of becoming a MAN in the UNIVERSE.
Our SCHOOL NEWS allow our pupils to manage the outside world in a creative way. Mass media can greatly condition our minds, we can loose our critical ability; the school task is to improve the dialogue, the comparison and the sharing of interactive knowledge. YOUNG REPORTERS on a special mission SPECIAL EDITION <<BRAINLANDING in the world...>> On the schedule there are interviews to prof.MANZELLI and all pedagogistionline
NOBEL IN COOPERATION WITH UNIVERSITY OF FLORENCE PRIMARY SCHOOL GRUMO NEVANO D.S. prof. ERNESTO SALERNO Award for merit PRIZE Coord.Prog.Qualità dott.Angela Orabona Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Campania Project BRAINLANDING School Year In collaboration with Paolo Manzelli PROF 2004-05 . / Pupil’s name CLASS …………………………………………………………………....