1. Discernment of Core Competencies Pilot Project
MAS Meeting
March 9, 2004 – New Orleans
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“Each call gave me something to reflect on
personally and professionally. They were also
fun (when’s the last time you heard that
about a conference call!)” Goals for today -
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“I now view my “core competencies” not as
something I just possess, but something I
need to continue to work on over time.
my yearly performance evaluation has become
an opportunity rather than a task.” Goals for today -
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5. Background 2001 MAS Strategic Plan
- Goals 1a and 1b: Learning needs and professional development
June 02 Several approaches proposed to Goals 1a and 1b. MAS input solicited
Sept. 02 Three projects outlines, each needing a leader. Tom Arneson volunteered for DOCC lead
Dec. 03 MASX support and resources confirmed
Feb. 03 Solicitation for participants (at Technical Conference in Orlando and by MAS group email) Goals for today -
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6. Participants Sam Abbate Tom Arneson
Lynn Bryant Bev Collins
Mary Fermazin Gregg Laiben
Jane Pederson Tony Sun
Mark Boesen – AHQA staff for project Goals for today -
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7. Project Overview Interviews
Series of seven conference calls (May ’03 – Nov. ’03)
Kick-off/organizational call
Reports on interviews as springboard for discussion (4 calls)
Refinement and classification of competencies identified in discussions; conversation about how competencies list could be useful (2 calls) Goals for today -
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8. Interview Report Template Background, current roles and responsibilities
In what ways do they influence health care professionals in QI?
What has their career path been? How did they get to their present position?
Who have been their role models?
What are the main ways they use their time in their current position? Goals for today -
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9. Interview Report Template (cont’d.) Relationships with practicing physicians
Are they still engaged in clinical practice? Do they think it is important to remain in clinical practice? Are there things they had to give up in making the transition to an administrative role?
Are there ways their current role alienates them from practicing physicians? How do they deal with that?
How do they help develop leadership in QI among practicing physicians? Goals for today -
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10. Interview Report Template (cont’d.) Competencies needed for their current position
What do they see as the core competencies they need?
What educational, training, or development experiences have they found especially helpful?
In what ways do they feel most successful? What are the key competencies for achieving these successes?
What competencies are they now intentionally developing? Goals for today -
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11. Persons Interviewed Position:
Medical Director/CMO – 7
President/CEO – 2
Hospital – 3
Health Plan – 3
IPA – 2
Medical Association - 1 Goals for today -
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12. Persons Interviewed (cont’d.) Yes No
Administrative Training? 7 2
Mentors in Career? 4 5
Active Clinical Practice? 5 4
QI Responsibilities? 8 1
UR Responsibilities? 6 3
Physician development 7 2
Financial Responsibilities? 7 2 Goals for today -
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13. Highlights from an interview Goals for today -
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14. Categorization of Core Competencies Knowledge
Communication and Relationship Skills
Administrative Skills Goals for today -
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15. Final List of Core Competencies Knowledge
Knowledge base (11 areas identified)
Effective strategies for keeping knowledge current
Communication and Relationship Skills
Networking and mentoring
Visibility Goals for today -
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16. Final List of Core Competencies (cont’d.) Characteristics
Refreshment Goals for today -
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17. Final List of Core Competencies (cont’d.) Administrative Skills
Organizing information
Setting priorities
Tech savvy Goals for today -
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18. Observations on Competencies List Not definitive
Further work could refine and improve it
Not all-inclusive
Example: Does not include competencies needed for managing staff
Not prescriptive
Mastery of all competencies not necessary for success
Specifics of position and organization will give different weights to different competencies
However, even as it now exists, it can be useful Goals for today -
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19. Uses for Core Competencies List Now MAS members can use for self-assessment and making or refining a development plan
MAS members could use within their organization to stimulate discussion of their roles and prioritization of competencies for those roles
MAS can use to guide development of education and growth opportunities it sponsors Goals for today -
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20. Ideas for Additional Efforts MAS Could Take in the Area of Core Competencies Get feedback on core competencies list from broader QIO audiences for refinement:
Full MAS membership
CEO Section membership?
Staff at QIOs?
Sponsor additional projects with format similar to DOCC (individual interviews as springboard for group discussion)
Compile list of existing educational programs and resources for growth in areas of core competencies Goals for today -
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21. Ideas for Additional Efforts MAS Could Take in the Area of Core Competencies (cont’d.) Dialog with other organizations to:
Continue refinement of core competencies list,
Develop catalog of existing educational programs and resources, and
Promote creation of relevant educational programs and resources within those organizations
Promote or sponsor self-development groups for mutual mentorship and growth
Produce a list of existing assessment tools in selected areas of core competencies (example: inventory of leadership behavior).
Format and test an instrument for rating proficiency in core competencies. Such a tool could be used by MAS members for self-assessment or for getting input from colleagues. Goals for today -
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22. Observations on DOCC Pilot Project Valuable to participants
Efficient use of resources
Good start on discerning core competencies Goals for today -
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23. DOCC Wrap-Up Manuscript for publication
Final report to be submitted to MAS (will include interview reports and discussion notes from conference calls) Goals for today -
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24. Contact Information Tom Arneson, MD, MPH
Lead for DOCC Pilot Project
E-mail: tarneson@mnqio.sdps.org
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