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FALLACIES. Common errors in reasoning that undermine the logic of your argument. Common Fallacies:. Ad Populum – “to the people” Appeals to the false authority of a person or group of people Snob Appeal – SpongeBob says X, and SpongeBob is an elite; therefore, X is right.
FALLACIES Common errors in reasoning that undermine the logic of your argument.
Common Fallacies: • Ad Populum– “to the people” • Appeals to the false authority of a person or group of people • Snob Appeal – SpongeBob says X, and SpongeBob is an elite; therefore, X is right. • Bandwagon Appeal – X is popular; therefore, X is right. • Example: You should like Bradley Cooper’s movies because everyone else does.
Common Fallacies: • Ad Hominem – “against the man” • Attacking a person, not his or her argument • Example: Ernest Hemingway’s writings are worthless because he was a drunk who committed suicide. • Ad Misericordium • Misericordia = mercy • Falsely appealing to sympathy • Example: Mrs. Kottra’s right hand has an unattractive scar, so arguing a test question with her is just plain cruel.
Common Fallacies: • Hasty Generalization • Assuming a general rule based on limited or insufficient evidence • Example: Both times I ate Brussels sprouts as a child I became sick; therefore, Brussels sprouts must be bad for you. • TuQuoque– “getting even” • Avoiding an accusation by turning it back on the accuser • Example: People defend capital punishment on the grounds that the state kills people who have killed.
Common Fallacies: • Circular Reasoning - “begging the question” • “Proving” your premise and pretending you made a point • “X is true because X is true.” • Example: Women should not be permitted to join men’s clubs because the clubs are for men only.