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Tom Peters Seminar2001 We Are in a Brawl with No Rules! London / 30NOV2001. “There will be more confusion in the business world in the next decade than in any decade in history. And the current pace of change will only accelerate.” Steve Case.
Tom Peters Seminar2001We Are in a Brawl with No Rules!London/30NOV2001
“There will be more confusion in the business world in the next decadethan in any decade in history. And the current pace of change will only accelerate.”Steve Case
BMcC: (1) Hierarchy vs. “Network organization.” (2) NWO = “Doctrine as center of gravity”/source of motivation; distributed support & decision-making;largely self-organizing; “outside the military sphere.”
From: Weapon v. WeaponTo:Org structure v. Org structure
“Our military structure today is essentially one developed and designed by Napoleon.”Admiral Bill Owens, former Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
<1000A.D.: paradigm shift: 1000s of years1000: 100 years for paradigm shift1800s: > prior 900 years1900s: 1st 20 years > 1800s2000: 10 years for paradigm shift21st century: 1000X tech change than 20th century (“the ‘Singularity,’ a merger between humans and computers that is so rapid and profound it represents a rupture in the fabric of human history”)Ray Kurzweil
1 day 2001 = Year’s trade in 1949, year’s FEX in 1979, year’s global calls in 1984. 1 day London FEX in 2001 = 30X year’s output in UK goods & services.Source: Charles Handy, The Elephant and the Flea
StructurePart I: Brand InsidePart II: Brand OutsidePart III: Brand Leadership
All Slides Available at …tompeters.comNote: Lavender text in this file is a link.
More at …tompeters.comSlides from this seminar;Master Presentation, for in-depth; annotated Special Presentations [Women Rule!, Design!, etc.].“Cool Friends” (referenced in seminar).Discussions re this stuff.Calendar of events.Etc.
7 Rules for Leading/THRIVING in a Recession+1. It’s ALREADY too late.2. Show up & tell the truth—CREDIBILITY rules.3. Kill with KINDNESS.4. Sharp pencils are imperative—but don’t forget that the CUSTOMER & our TALENT & RISKY INVESTMENTS are still our long-term Bread & Butter. 5. Everything’s different, everything’s the same—it’s the NEW ECONOMY, more than ever, stupid!6. “Use” the trauma to mount the bold initiatives you should have long before mounted: Flux =OPPORTUNITY.7. We’re in a War of Organizational Models—from retail to the Pentagon. IDEAS MATTER MOST.
Part I: Brand InsidePart II: Brand OutsidePart III: Brand Leadership
Forbes100 from 1917 to 1987: 39 members of the Class of ’17 were alive in ’87; 18 are in ’87 F100; the 18 F100 “survivors” underperformed the market by 20%; just 2 (2%), GE & Kodak, outperformed the market from 1917 to 1987.S&P 500 from 1957 to 1997: 74 members of the Class of ’57 were alive in ’97; 12 (2.4%) of 500 outperformed the market from 1957 to 1997.Source: Dick Foster & Sarah Kaplan, Creative Destruction: Why Companies That Are Built to Last Underperform the Market
“Good management was the most powerful reason [leading firms] failed to stay atop their industries.Precisely because these firms listened to their customers, invested aggressively in technologies that would provide their customers more and better products of the sort they wanted, and because they carefully studied market trends and systematically allocated investment capital to innovations that promised the best returns, they lost their positions of leadership.”Clayton Christensen, The Innovator’s Dilemma
The Gales of Creative Destruction+29M = -44M + 73M+4M = +4M - 0M
Brand InsideBrand Org:Lean, Linked, Internet-driven, Virtual
The Pincer 51. “Destructive” entrepreneurs/ Global Competition2. “White Collar Robots”3. THE INTERNET![E.g.: GM + Ford + DaimlerChrysler]4. Global Outsourcing[E.g.: India, Mexico]5.Speed!!
“Unless mankind redesigns itself by changing our DNA through altering our genetic makeup, computer-generated robots will take over the world.”– Stephen Hawking, in the German magazine Focus
The Pincer 51. “Destructive” entrepreneurs/ Global Competition2. “White Collar Robots”3. THE INTERNET![E.g.: GM + Ford + DaimlerChrysler]4. Global Outsourcing[E.g.: India, Mexico]5.Speed!!
Every job done in W.C.W. is also done “outside” …for profit!
Answer: PSF![Professional Service Firm]Department Headto …Managing Partner, HR [IS, etc.] Inc.
“P.S.F.”: SummaryH.V.A. Projects (100%)Pioneer ClientsWOW Work (see below)Hot “Talent” (see below)“Adventurous” “culture”Proprietary Point of View (Methodology)W.W.P.F. (100%)/Outside Clients (25%++)
eHR*/PCC***All HR on the Web**Productivity Consulting CenterSource: E-HR: A Walk through a 21st Century HR Department, John Sullivan, IHRIM
(1) Translate departmental affairs into discrete W.W.P.F. “Products.”(2)100% go on the Web.(3)Non-awesome are outsourced (75%??).(4)Remaining “Centers of Excellence” are retained & leveraged to the hilt!
Brand InsideThe Heart of the Value Creation Revolution: PSF Unbound!
09.11.2000: HP bids $18,000,000,000for PricewaterhouseCoopersconsulting business!
“These days, building the best server isn’t enough. That’s the price of entry.”Ann Livermore, Hewlett-Packard
HP … Sun … GE … IBM … UPS … UTC … General Mills … Springs … Anheuser-Busch … Carpet One … Delphi … Etc. … Etc.
“We want to be the air traffic controllers of electrons.”Bob Nardelli, GE Power Systems
“Customer Satisfaction” to “Customer Success”“We’re getting better at [Six Sigma] every day. But we really need to think about the customer’s profitability. Are customers’ bottom lines really benefiting from what we provide them?”Bob Nardelli, GE Power Systems
New Springs = TurnkeyCollections.Flexible sourcing.Packaging.Merchandising.Promotion.Systems & Site mgt.
Who was the number one employer of architecture school grads in the U.S. last year?
“The move toward outsourced manufacturing represents an obvious opportunity for contract manufacturers [such as Flextronics: $93M to $15B, ’93-’00], but it’s also a potential boon to product innovation. The future of gadget-making is not about making gadgets; it’s about imagining them. Someone else makes the imaginary real. ‘All that money that used to go to fund infrastructure is going into design and innovation,’ says Flex CEO Michael Marks.” --Wired/11.2001
“If there is nothing very special about your work, no matter how hard you apply yourself, you won’t get noticed, and that increasingly means you won’t get paid much either.”Michael Goldhaber, Wired
Minimum New Work SurvivalSkillsKit2001MasteryRolodex Obsession (vert. to horiz. “loyalty”)Entrepreneurial InstinctCEO/Leader/Businessperson/CloserMistress of ImprovSense of HumorIntense Appetite for TechnologyGroveling Before the YoungEmbracing “Marketing”Passion for Renewal
Minimum New Work SurvivalSkillsKit2001MasteryRolodex Obsession (vert. to horiz. “loyalty”)Entrepreneurial InstinctCEO/Leader/Businessperson/CloserMistress of ImprovSense of HumorIntense Appetite for TechnologyGroveling Before the YoungEmbracing “Marketing”Passion for Renewal
“You must realize that how you invest your human capital matters as much as how you invest your financial capital. Its rate of return determines your future options. Take a job for what it teaches you, not for what it pays. Instead of a potential employer asking, ‘Where do you see yourself in 5 years?’ you’ll ask, ‘If I invest my mental assets with you for 5 years, how much will they appreciate?How much will my portfolio of career options grow?’ ”Stan Davis & Christopher Meyer, futureWEALTH
[“My ancestors were printers in Amsterdam from 1510 or so until 1750 and during that entire time they didn’t have to learn anything new.”Peter Drucker, Business 2.0 (08.22.00)]