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Robotics. Introductions to course & subject Homework: Sign up for moodle for this course. . Introductions. Jeanine Meyer, Full professor, Math/Computer Science & New Media Pace University IBM (research, including robotics manufacturing staff, education, grants);

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  1. Robotics Introductions to course & subject Homework: Sign up for moodle for this course.

  2. Introductions • Jeanine Meyer, • Full professor, Math/Computer Science & New Media • Pace UniversityIBM (research, including roboticsmanufacturing staff, education, grants); • 6 books: Multimedia in the Classroom, Programming games using Visual Basic, Creating Database Web Applications with PHP and ASP, Beginning Scripting Through Game Creation, Essential Guide to HTML5, HTML5 and JavaScript Projects • Also teaching: Programming Games • Son: teacher Illinois Institute of Technology, daughter: works for County Legislator Harckham, involved with other politics and stage manager for theater group (web sites) • Hobbies/interests: politics, cooking and eating, reading novels, knit & crochet, travel, origami, gardening • Learning Assistants: Kyle Foley, Glenn Reisher • You?

  3. More Background • Worked at IBM Research in Automation Research • General research • Tools (hardware and software) for IBM’s own manufacturing • [Potential] products • Box frame robot: 7 degrees of freedom • Software for outsourced robot: “2 and ½ dof + gripper • used internally & on Apple’s MAC line • Manufacturing Systems • Logistics, planning, design

  4. What is a robot?

  5. Robot • Term from Karol Capek’s play RUR (Rossum's Universal Robots), from Czech/Slavic term robota, forced laborer • Isaac Asimov, I, Robot series • Star Wars: R2D2 and CP30 • Philip K. Dick, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (Bladerunner)

  6. Definitions • programmable machine that does human-like work in the physical world • actuators (including motors) • sensors • Robot also applies (now) to programs that search the web (‘bots, spiders)

  7. Academic home • Computer science • Artificial Intelligence (Note: mixed blessing) • Image recognition • Computability • Engineering (electrical, mechanical, other) • Art, New Media: physical computing, installations

  8. Course • Lecture and discussion topics • Robots in manufacturing, space, health care, surgery, military, ??? • Use of sensors & actuators (e.g. motors) in art • Lab • Use Lego Mindstorms NXT to build [small] autonomous robots

  9. Course components • Listen & participate in lecture & discussion • Propose, get approval and do library research & make presentation on robot topic • Pay attention to news and make postings & reply to others on robot topics • Build the assigned Mindstorm projects: teams • Plan and complete original Mindstorm project: teams • Midterm and Final

  10. Robot programming • Teleo-operator mode • Bomb detection, nuclear plants, large-scale construction • Humans ‘in the feedback loop’ • Teach/playback (Tape-recorder) mode • Painting, soldering • Programming with procedural (or iconic) programs, making use of sensors

  11. Shoe tying • (Example used in Programming Games class to introduce the notion of programming)

  12. Anthropomorphic Fallacy • The best way for a robot/machine to do a job may not be the way a person or people do a job! • Think about sorting, chess, other….

  13. Shoe tying • The best way for a robot to tie shoes may be…. • Don’t use laces. Re-structure the problem to allow for a different type of fastener. • ??? • This is common occurrence.

  14. Example • Consider how people once washed clothes • River • Stones • Crude soaps • So,… think about building a robot to do this task…

  15. Painting cars • Programming done by teach/playback • Effective because of fumes generated by painting and (new[er]) standards for what people can do.

  16. Physical world • Programming must deal with • Variability • Continuous phenomena as opposed to discrete • Dangers • Interactions • Time

  17. And… • “We are all grand masters at …putting things on top of other things,….assembly, recognizing many patterns, etc.” • This makes the programming more difficult, not less.

  18. Lego Mindstorms NXT • NXT is ‘the brick’ the contains the computer that operates the robot. • A program is constructed and downloaded to the brick • USB or BlueTooth • Iconic Language • Alternatives exist and/or being created.

  19. Example: light reading

  20. MyBlock~macro call

  21. MyBlock definition

  22. Back to course • Will follow usual practice of uploading/modifying lectures • Working with kits restricted to the Natural Sciences building • Will try to arrange extra time • Course/Class is not just Mindstorms. • See the grade allocation • Want to have on-line discussion of robot and related issues.

  23. Course • investigate computing in the physical world • problem solving • your own in the Lego Mindstorm projects • what others have done in the library research project

  24. Sources http://www.legoeducation.com http://mindstorms.lego.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lego_Mindstorms Much, much more You may make postings on sources!

  25. Questions and comments? Signup for course in moodle key is Purchase2012 Introduce yourself using the Introductions… forum. Start looking for any news involving robots and make posting. You should make at least 1 posting/week. May be a reply on same article/topic.

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