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Welcome. Dr. Jesse ZapataDr. Lawrence WilliamsDr. Amir KarimiMr. Daniel AyalaMs. Barbara Smith. Academic Highlights. Honors College. Welcome to the Honors College. University of Texas at San AntonioSummer 2010. 10/8/2011. "One Student, One Advisor, One Plan for Success". 5. Honors College Membership.
1. UTSA Articulated Colleges Transfer Workshop July 22, 2010
2. Welcome Dr. Jesse Zapata
Dr. Lawrence Williams
Dr. Amir Karimi
Mr. Daniel Ayala
Ms. Barbara Smith
3. Academic Highlights Each CollegeEach College
4. Honors College Dr. Ann EisenbergDr. Ann Eisenberg
5. Welcome to the Honors College University of Texas at San Antonio
Summer 2010 10/8/2011 "One Student, One Advisor, One Plan for Success" 5
6. Honors College Membership 3.30 Transfer GPA
Completed at least 12 hours of college coursework.
Maintain a minimum overall grade point average of 3.25
Complete a minimum of one Honors course per semester. 10/8/2011 "One Student, One Advisor, One Plan for Success" 6
7. How Does it Work? Students are members of 2 Colleges
The Honors College
The College of their field of study
AND . . .
The Honors College, which serves as the primary Advising Center! 10/8/2011 "One Student, One Advisor, One Plan for Success" 7
8. Some of the Advantages Small Class size
Priority registration
One-on-one advising
Opportunities for study
10/8/2011 "One Student, One Advisor, One Plan for Success" 8
9. Honors College Majors & Minors BA in Honors Studies
Allows creativity and flexibility
Works well in combination with graduate and professional programs
Minor in Legal Studies
Community College courses:
ENGL 2311
Possible substitutions from criminal justice and
legal studies
*SLSPA – Summer Law School Preparation Academy
10/8/2011 "One Student, One Advisor, One Plan for Success" 9
10. Honors Distinctions Highest Honors (research track)
Leadership Honors
Leadership Challenge or
Archer Fellows Program
Business Honors
General Honors
(Honors Program transfers only 10/8/2011 "One Student, One Advisor, One Plan for Success" 10
11. International Distinction Study Abroad for a full semester
(fall or spring)
Master a foreign language up through the sophomore level (2023) 10/8/2011 "One Student, One Advisor, One Plan for Success" 11
12. Honors Advisors Ricardo Blanco – advises students whose majors
are in COS, COA, CS or EGR.
Sherry Whitmore – advises students whose majors
are in COEHD or COLFA and COPP, and LS minors.
Diana Howard – advises students whose majors are in COB or COLFA
Dr. Ann Eisenberg – advises all Honors thesis students and Terry Scholars.
Ann.eisenberg@utsa.edu 10/8/2011 "One Student, One Advisor, One Plan for Success" 12
13. The Honors Collegeat UTSA . . . Is it in your future?
Set up an appointment with an advisor to evaluate your transcripts and discuss how one of our programs can fit your academic plans!
www.utsa.edu/honors 10/8/2011 "One Student, One Advisor, One Plan for Success" 13
14. College of Architecture
15. College of Business April LawverApril Lawver
17. B.B.A. - Accounting
B.B.A. - Actuarial Science
B.B.A. - Economics
B.A. - Economics
B.B.A. - Finance
B.B.A. - General Business
B.B.A. - Human Resources
18. B.B.A. - Infrastructure Assurance
B.B.A. - Information Systems
B.B.A. - Management
B.B.A. - Management w/concentration
International Business
Small Business Entrepreneurship
B.B.A. - Management Science
19. B.B.A. - Marketing
B.B.A. - Marketing w/concentration
B.B.A. - Real Estate Finance and Development
With or Without Minors in:
Construction Management, Facility MGT, or Finance
B.S. - Statistics
20. Direct Admission
GPA Requirement:
30 or more hours + 2.50 Transfer GPA
Required Courses:
COM 1053 Business & Professional Speech
IS 1403* Business Information Systems
MAT 1033* Algebra w/Calculus for Business
* Must earn a “C” or better
21. Indirect Admission-2010/2012 catalog
GPA Requirement:
2.20 College of Business
Required Courses:
COM 1053 Business & Professional Speech
MAT 1033* Algebra w/Calculus for Business
IS 1403* Business Information Systems
MS 1023* Business Statistics/Computer Applications
ACC 2013 Principles of Accounting I
ECO 2013 Introductory Macroeconomics or ECO 2023 Microeconomics
22. Changes in Grade Requirements
*Must earn a grade of “C” or better in:
MAT 1033* - Algebra w/Calculus for Business
IS 1403* - Business Information Systems
MS 1023* - Business Statistics/Computer Applications
Accounting and Finance Majors must Earn a “C” or better in:
ACC 2013* - Principles of Accounting I
ACC 2023* - Principles of Accounting II
23. Changes for Information Systems and Infrastructure Assurance support work:
*Must transfer in a “C” or better in programming classes.
IS 2033* - Introduction to Computer Concepts for Information Systems requires IS 2031* - Lab
IS 2043* – Data Structures and File Processing requires IS 2041* – Lab
Important to recommend the series listed on the transfer plan be completed before transferring to UTSA in order to receive appropriate credit for IS 2033/2031 & IS 2043/2041.
24. Questions?
(210) 458-4562
College of Business Undergraduate Advising Center
April Lawver, Director
25. College of Education and Human Development Sylvia Mansour and Carole PrestonSylvia Mansour and Carole Preston
26. Welcome to the COEHD
27. COEHD Undergraduate Majors B.A.A.S. in Infancy and Childhood Studies
B.A. in Mexican American Studies (MAS)
B.S. in Health (HTH)
B.S. in Kinesiology (KIN)
B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS)
28. COEHD Minors
29. Coaching Certificate Meets the standards for National Association of Sport & Physical Education.
Experience in fundamental skills & drills for selected sports.
Strategies for successful team development
31. Degree: B.A.A.S Major: Infancy and Childhood Studies
32. Study of Mexican American culture and multiculturalism in the United States.
Gain a better understanding of the Mexican American people and their history, culture, language and families/communities.
33. Option 1: Community Health
Option 2: School Health Teacher Certification
Major courses are required to be completed with a ‘C’ or better .
34. Option 1: Exercise Science and Wellness
Option 2: Athletic Medicine
Option 3: Physical Education with Teacher Certification
Major courses are required to be completed with a grade of ‘C’ or better.
35. Option 1: Degree Only
Option 2: Teacher Certification in the following:
Early Childhood through 6th grade
4th-8th grade
Early Childhood through 12th grade – Special Education
36. Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)Major: Interdisciplinary Studies
EC-6th Grade Certificates
Bilingual Generalist
English as a Second Language
4th-8th Grade Certificates
Bilingual Generalist
English as a Second Language
Language Arts, Reading & Social Studies
Early Childhood through 12th grade
Special Education
37. Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT) is fully transferrable BIOL 1408
CHEM 1305
GEOL 1301
PHYS 1305
Or the equivalents of the introductory courses in these fields
Complete a Bachelors Degree
Complete a Teacher Certification Program
Pass the State Certification Exams (TExES) If you want to become a certified teacher in Texas, you must do three things:
(CLICK MOUSE) Complete a Bachelors Degree
(CLICK MOUSE) Complete a Teacher Certification Program
(CLICK MOUSE) Pass the State Certification Exams
If you want to become a certified teacher in Texas, you must do three things:
(CLICK MOUSE) Complete a Bachelors Degree
(CLICK MOUSE) Complete a Teacher Certification Program
(CLICK MOUSE) Pass the State Certification Exams
39. Teacher Certification Program: Admission Requirements Complete a Teacher Certification Application
Completion of Core Requirements
Cumulative GPA of 2.5
Earn a C or better in WRC 1013 &1023
Junior standing with at least 9 hours completed at UTSA
Passing scores on TASP,THEA, Accuplacer, ASSET or Compass or meet exemption requirements
Bilingual Students will need to have completed the ALPS test
41. UTSA College of Liberal and Fine Arts High school-level (8th through 12th grades)
Social Studies
All levels ( pre-kindergarten to12th grade)
42. UTSA College of Science High school-level (8th through 12th grades)
Life Sciences
43. COEHDAdvising and Certification Center
44. College of Engineering Lona GeorgeLona George
45. College of Liberal & Fine Arts Katherine CalucciKatherine Calucci
46. College of Liberal & Fine Arts Personnel/Program Changes
The Art & Art History Department has a new Chairperson – Dr. Gregory Elliott;
BA-COM with Concentration in Social Interaction is now the Concentration in Communication Studies;
The Communication Department has a new Chairperson – Dr. Paul LeBlanc;
The History Department has a new Chairperson – Dr. Greg Michel;
47. College of Liberal & Fine Arts Personnel/ Program Changes, cont.,
Department of Music has a new Chairperson – Dr. David Frego;
Department of Philosophy & Classics are now their own academic department, which includes Humanities, and their Chairperson is Dr. Michael Almeida;
Women’s Studies is directed by Dr. Sonia Saldivar-Hull.
48. College of Liberal & Fine Arts New Programs/Certificate
Department of English now has a B.A. in English with an English Language Arts and Reading Concentration;
Department of Modern Languages & Literatures now has a B.A. in Modern Language Studies;
Department of Music now has a Certificate in Jazz Studies;
Department of Philosophy & Classics now has a Minor in Religious Studies;
49. College of Liberal & Fine Arts New Programs/Certificate, cont.,
COLFA has a B.A. and Minor in Women’s Studies;
COLFA has a Minor in Film Studies.
50. College of Public Policy Dr. Francine RomeroDr. Francine Romero
51. College of Sciences Patricia Gonzalez and Kimberly RolfPatricia Gonzalez and Kimberly Rolf
53. Biology Transfer admissions requirements to declare Biology; otherwise, enter as pre-biology (PBI)
MAT 1214 for MAT 1193 Calculus for Biosciences.
CHE 3643 Organic II upper-divison and required. To request substitution, need to submit the course syllabus Students must still meet the transfer admissions requirements in order to declare Biology; otherwise, they will enter as pre-biology (PBI).
MAT 1214 will be transferred in and counted as Calculus I for Biology majors, even though the degree plan lists MAT 1193 Calculus for Biosciences.
The Biology degree now requires CHE 3643 Organic II. Since Organic II is now an upper-division course, it won’t transfer in from a community college. If a student wants to request substitution, s/he will need to submit the course syllabus and there is no guarantee it will count.Students must still meet the transfer admissions requirements in order to declare Biology; otherwise, they will enter as pre-biology (PBI).
MAT 1214 will be transferred in and counted as Calculus I for Biology majors, even though the degree plan lists MAT 1193 Calculus for Biosciences.
The Biology degree now requires CHE 3643 Organic II. Since Organic II is now an upper-division course, it won’t transfer in from a community college. If a student wants to request substitution, s/he will need to submit the course syllabus and there is no guarantee it will count.
54. Computer Science ITSE or ITSC courses are less likely to be approved than COSC courses
Only 2 hours free electives
Two concentration options:
Computer and Information Society
Software Engineering. If students take ITSE or ITSC courses are less likely to be approved as substitutions so CS students take COSC courses if they plan to deviate from the transfer plans.
The CS degree plan only has 2 hours free electives because MAT 1224 Calculus II is now a 4 hour course.
CS now has two concentration options: (1) Computer and Information Society and (2) Software Engineering.If students take ITSE or ITSC courses are less likely to be approved as substitutions so CS students take COSC courses if they plan to deviate from the transfer plans.
The CS degree plan only has 2 hours free electives because MAT 1224 Calculus II is now a 4 hour course.
CS now has two concentration options: (1) Computer and Information Society and (2) Software Engineering.
55. Mathematics Three concentrations:
Math- Math
Math- GMS with certification
Math- GMS without certification We still offer three different concentrations: (1) Math, (2) General Mathematics Studies (GMS) with certification, (3) GMS without certification.We still offer three different concentrations: (1) Math, (2) General Mathematics Studies (GMS) with certification, (3) GMS without certification.
56. Chemistry BA/CHE students can take PHY 1603/1623 Algebra-based Physics I and II
Students interested in Pharmacy may want to declare a BA/Chemistry Main difference between BS and BA in Chemistry is that BA students can take PHY 1603/1623 Algebra-based Physics I and II. So students interested in Pharmacy may want to declare a BA/Chemistry. Main difference between BS and BA in Chemistry is that BA students can take PHY 1603/1623 Algebra-based Physics I and II. So students interested in Pharmacy may want to declare a BA/Chemistry.
57. Environmental Science Only need BIO 1404 Biosciences I instead of
Biosciences I and II ES majors only need BIO 1404 Biosciences I now instead of Biosciences I and II.ES majors only need BIO 1404 Biosciences I now instead of Biosciences I and II.
58. Geology GIS course should be Raster-based if at all possible.
GEO 2003 Mineralogy
CHE 1103 and MAT 1093 prerequisites
only offered in the fall
If a student doesn’t take it their first fall, s/he will have to wait an entire year For the GEO degree, the GIS course should be Raster-based if at all possible. GEO 2003 Mineralogy, the gateway course (a prerequisite to everything else), has CHE 1103 and MAT 1093 as prerequisites and is only offered in the fall. If a student transfers in without these prerequisites or doesn’t take it their first fall semester, s/he will have to wait an entire year before being able to progress in the major.For the GEO degree, the GIS course should be Raster-based if at all possible. GEO 2003 Mineralogy, the gateway course (a prerequisite to everything else), has CHE 1103 and MAT 1093 as prerequisites and is only offered in the fall. If a student transfers in without these prerequisites or doesn’t take it their first fall semester, s/he will have to wait an entire year before being able to progress in the major.
59. Multidisciplinary Science With Teacher Certification
Specific composite science courses
Cannot choose which courses wish to take
Without Certification
Must take 48 hours of approved electives in geology, biology, chemistry, physics, environmental science and/or math
Cannot use engineering courses MDS majors now have specific composite science courses required for certification. Students no longer have the flexibility to choose which courses they wish to take.
Students who are not seeking teacher certification must take 48 hours of approved electives in geology, biology, chemistry, physics, environmental science and/or math. They cannot use engineering courses.MDS majors now have specific composite science courses required for certification. Students no longer have the flexibility to choose which courses they wish to take.
Students who are not seeking teacher certification must take 48 hours of approved electives in geology, biology, chemistry, physics, environmental science and/or math. They cannot use engineering courses.
60. Physics May want to declare a Math minor
No Astronomy major
Not many Astronomy courses offered PHY majors may want to declare a Math minor since they will already have a lot of the required courses.
There is no Astronomy major at UTSA and not many Astronomy courses are offered.PHY majors may want to declare a Math minor since they will already have a lot of the required courses.
There is no Astronomy major at UTSA and not many Astronomy courses are offered.
61. All COS Majors Should not take all of their core curriculum courses, especially Computer Science majors
The support work for some majors can use a D. However, a D in CHE 1103 will not work as a prerequisite to take CHE 1113. Student will have to retake the course.
The same is true for any math that is a prerequisite for the next math level (e.g. MAT 1073 must be a C or better to take MAT 1093). Reminder: Science majors should not take all of their core curriculum courses, this is especially important for Computer Science majors.
The support work for some majors (e.g. Geology, Environmental Science, or Physics) can use a D. However, if a student transfers in a D for CHE 1103 General Chemistry I, it will not work as a prerequisite to take CHE 1113 General Chemistry II. The student will have to retake the course. The same is true for any math that is a prerequisite for the next math level (e.g. MAT 1073 must be a C or better to take MAT 1093, etc.).Reminder: Science majors should not take all of their core curriculum courses, this is especially important for Computer Science majors.
The support work for some majors (e.g. Geology, Environmental Science, or Physics) can use a D. However, if a student transfers in a D for CHE 1103 General Chemistry I, it will not work as a prerequisite to take CHE 1113 General Chemistry II. The student will have to retake the course. The same is true for any math that is a prerequisite for the next math level (e.g. MAT 1073 must be a C or better to take MAT 1093, etc.).
62. UTSA Transfer Plan Mechanics and Web Review
63. 2010-2012 Transfer Plans Based on the UTSA core of 42 hours
Aims to outline 60-66 hours that transfer in each program
Each transfer plan has been approved by each academic department/college at UTSA
Lists the optimal option in each core category for that major but allows for ANY option from that coded component, e.g., 080
64. 2010-2012 Transfer Plans
The UTSA course number equivalent has been added to the plan so the student, advisor/counselor will know exactly how the course will transfer to UTSA
There is a transfer plan for each major indicating additional course that can be taken for the various concentration or specialization
Majors were either a BA or BS can be earned both appear on the same plan
Shows core component codes, such as 030, 080…to match college’s unique courses
ONLY Listed state TCCN core courses that are taught at your respective college (www.tccns.org)
2010-2012 Transfer Plans MarianMarian
66. Catalog The Office of Admissions uses the current catalog in admitting students. A change of catalog is done at the student’s request with his/her major advisor once admitted to UTSA. If transferring from a Texas community college, the student retains their original catalog from when they began transferable coursework for up to 7 years (“locked in”).
67. Thank you!
If we can be of further assistance please feel free to contact us.
The Office of Undergraduate Studies Support & Technology Services
(210) 458-4302
New Student Admissions
(210) 458-2000
68. Articulation Colleges Transfer Workshop The UTSA Office of Undergraduate AdmissionsDowntown Transfer Center Thursday, July 22, 2010Presenter: Monica Ruiz, Transfer Specialist
69. UTSA Facts Enrolled nearly 29,000 for fall 2009
Offers 64 bachelors, 48 masters, and 21 doctoral degrees
Ranks third overall in undergraduate degrees awarded to Hispanics in the U.S.
Ranks third in degrees awarded to Hispanics in STEM fields.
Sponsors more than 200 student organizations that help foster campus leadership, service and social life.
70. Transfer Center Objectives Community College Outreach and Recruitment
Transfer Fairs & Community college visits
SDEV Course presentations
Scholarship Presentations (Phi Theta Kappa & Rising Star)
Annual Homecoming Experience
UTSA Campus Visits
Provide general information & unofficial degree evaluations
Educate transfer students & community college counselors
71. Jump starting @ a Community College JUMP (Joint Undergraduate Matriculation Program): for first-time freshmen offered deferred admission to UTSA
Lower cost of attendance
Smaller classes at lower levels
Several locations
Articulation agreements 100% transferrable
72. Top 10 Feeder Institutions
73. Articulation Agreements Transfer plans with 100% transferability toward a bachelor’s degree at UTSA
Agreements with 13 community colleges
Pending Agreements:
Houston and Dallas Community College Districts
74. 12 Articulation Agreements
75. Associate of Arts in Teaching
76. Important Tip #1: Core Complete at Community College
If the transfer student satisfies the community college core curriculum
Then the transfer student is core complete
77. Core Codes
78. Important Tip #2: Degree Completion
If the transfer students is awarded an A.A., A.S., or A.A.T. degree
Then the transfer student is core complete
*A.A.S can only be used toward a B.A.A.S degree at UTSA
79. Important Tip #3: Not Core Complete
If the transfer student is Not Core Complete at
Texas Public Community College
Then the student is required to satisfy remaining UTSA core requirements
80. UTSA Admission Requirements Freshman (graduated HS after 2005 with <30 college hours):
Official high school transcript or GED certificate
SAT/ACT scores
Official transcript from college or university (include dual credit)
HS Curriculum of Recommended or above
2.0 GPA on all college coursework
Freshman Transfer (graduated HS before 2005):
Official high school transcript or GED certificate
Some college if not on recommended or distinguished HS diploma
Official transcript from college or university (include dual credit)
2.0 GPA on all college coursework
Transfer (>30 college hours)
Official college transcripts from each college attended
2.0 GPA on all college coursework
81. Contact Us Associate Director of Admissions
Daniel Ayala
Assistant Director of Admissions
Marisol Mandujano
Transfer Specialists
Tricia McElligott
Monica Ruiz
Edward Ortega
Administrative Associate
Anna Leos
82. Thank you for visitingthe home of the Roadrunners!
83. Questions?