1. Washington Village/Pigtown Neighborhood Planning Council Working Towards Environmental Justice with Collaboration, Communication, and Community
3. Project Partners at Onset Local Affected Communities:
Washington Village/ Pigtown Community
Community Partners:
Friends of Carroll Park
Tri-Churches Housing, Inc.
Paul’s Place
St. Jerome’s Head Start
Parks and People Foundation
Local and State Government Agencies:
Department of Parks and Recreation-Forestry Division
Maryland Department of the Environment
Academic Partners:
Peoples’ Community Health at Open Gates
University of Maryland School of Nursing
4. Collaborative Partners Participating or Added During the Project Citizens of Pigtown Community Association
Morrell Park Community Association
Barre Circle Homeowners Association
Roadhouse Sq. Homeowners Association
Ridgeley’s Delight Homeowners Association
Baltimore Community Foundation
Baltimore City Department of Public Waste
Baltimore City Department of Recycling
Baltimore City Department of Recreation- Bureau of Parks
George Washington Elementary school
Diggs/ Johnson Middle School
Charles Carroll Barrister Elementary School
Mayor’s Office of Neighborhoods
Green Building Task Force
MD. Commission of Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities
Washington Village / Pigtown Developers Association
5. Continued Collaborative Partners Baltimore City Division of Community Services
Baltimore City Department of Transportation- Division of Lighting
Civic Leadership Conference of Northwestern and Johns Hopkins Universities
Americorps (National Civilian Community Corps)
Bon Secours Foundation
University of Maryland School of Nursing
313th Movement Control Battalion, U.S. Army Reserves
Community Partnership Program of Baltimore City Housing Authority
Empower Baltimore Management Corporation
Civic Works of Baltimore
Coalition to End Lead Poisoning
Abitibi Paper Recyclers
6. WPNPC Project Strategy(Don’t Reinvent the Wheel!) Increase Stake-holders and number of collaborate partners
Enhance partnerships with university and educational research institutions, while continuing to educate via local schools
Check in with, and inform, community residents of projects, goals, and how they can participate
Use Synergy from one or two events/projects to fuel others.
Celebrate successes and document them: ‘Tell a Story’
‘Grab the kids’ attention’ to the issues and connect the dots so that they ‘get it’: i.e. “Clean It Like You Mean It” rap
Utilize resources available to augment your efforts (e.g., Interns(
Use all partnership and stakeholders to incase potential funding streams for your goals
Focus on sustainability through partnership to continue successful efforts
7. WPNPC Project Results The success of this project is attributable to excellent project management, coupled with
clear strategies for meeting each of the goals above. The excellent project management
of this project is reflected in the clarity and completeness of progress reports, which
consistently and meaningfully connect the reported activities and outputs to one of more
of the stated goals.
40 tons of trash removed from 11/05-04/06 but 120 tons of trash removed from 10/06-05/07 due to increase partnership and participation
Distribution 4000 ‘Talkin’ Trash’ pamphlets and 1500 ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ pamphlets has raised community awareness of health risks, and of the need to recycle
In 3 month period, June-September, 2006, there was a 150% increase in households recycling in the area
Partnership with University of Maryland School of Nursing led to curriculum and instruction of 4th grade students on ‘Clean It Like You Mean It,’ and trash hazards.
8. Results continued Coverage of the ‘Clean It Like You Mean It’ campaign reach tot the media and to the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhoods . . . .
. . . Which lead to the connection with the Americorps Volunteer, who have had over 350 of their members participate in cleanups in Washington Village/Pigtown in 2006 and 2007 for their ‘kick-off’ to their ‘year of service’
. . . Which led to recognition from the Maryland Department of the Environmental via designation of Washington Village/Pigtown a an ‘Environmental Benefits Districts’
. . . Which led to WPNPC participation on the State of Maryland Commission on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities
WPNPC efforts began to draw attention of ‘green develops,’ and WPNPC fostered formation and development of the Washington Village/Pigtown Developers Association
WPNPC ‘Community Safety Apprentices’ partner under our Community Partnership with Housing to cit housing/sanitation violations with a wrnaing letter to residents
9. Results continued WPNPC participates in the University of Maryland School of Medicine’s 200th anniversary by providing six sites for 130 students to do a ‘community service day’
Newly appointed city Department of Public Works official participate in WPNPC Celebration Event and Public Safety committee
“Tot Lot’ Walkathon at Carroll Park raises monies for Christmas 2007 Bazaar for needy children
WPNPC selected to participate as one of the three (out of 29) nationwide Collaborate Problem Solving sites under the Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Justice program to present ‘best practices’ and ‘successes’ to in-coming grantees.