My Village 2009/10 1.C ZA Martin Šarišský
I live in Ďačov. Itis a smallvillage, which has a population of 745inhabitants.Thereare two churches in ourvillage. ThefirstisGreekCatholic and thesecondis Roman Catholic. I am a GreekCatholic. We also have two shops.One shop isat the beginning of the village and anotherisat the end of the village. We have one pub and a community center.Both buildings are in the middle of the village. In the pub, we have table football. I like table football. We also have a football club.
Wehavetwo musical groupstoo. Oneiscalled Salaš andthesecondoneisEvans. • I play in groupEvans. I play theguitar. • I play footballtoo. I play football in a nearbyvillageDubovica. I play a leftdefender. • I live with my family in a big house.
This is our Greek Catholic Church . ItIsvery big and veryniceespeciallyfromtheinside.
This is a coatofarmsofourvillage Ďačov. There is a pile of gold as an uncle.
Ďačov isverynicebecauseitisverygreen and greencolouris my favouritecolour. There are many beautiful, large trees inĎačov.
In Ďačovthereisalso one place, where people go skiing and gliding. Itisverynice. I cansee it from my home. Our priest oftengoes to fly.
And here is our table football. Itis my love.. Everybody says, that I am the best in it. • But I alsolove the classicalfootball and my guitar.
But I most love my family and my village. Because they give me everything. Dačovisreally a verynicevillage, in which I havemy family and my friends. I would never leave it, to liveabroad. I love my village.