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10/9/2011. 2. Today's Agenda. Enlisted Employee Reviews (EER's) Servicewide Exam (SWE) Processes Supplemental Advancement Processes Advancement Lists Other Projects. 10/9/2011. 3. Enlisted Employee Reviews (EER's). 10/9/2011. 4. EER STATS. PSC (Adv) processes over 50,000 EERs a year.Over 90% process with no manual intervention at PSC. Approximately 40% are submitted lateFor the May 2007 SWE Cycle, 3,200 personnel were missing current required EER..
1. 10/9/2011 1 WELCOME to the PSC-Advancements & Evaluations Branch Presentation
2. 10/9/2011 2 Today’s Agenda Enlisted Employee Reviews (EER’s)
Servicewide Exam (SWE) Processes
Supplemental Advancement Processes
Advancement Lists
Other Projects
3. 10/9/2011 3 Enlisted Employee Reviews(EER’s)
4. 10/9/2011 4 EER STATS PSC (Adv) processes over 50,000 EERs a year.
Over 90% process with no manual intervention at PSC.
Approximately 40% are submitted late
For the May 2007 SWE Cycle, 3,200 personnel were missing current required EER.
5. 10/9/2011 5 Typical EER Problems Changing the effective date deletes EER data
EERs not marked approved under the Reviewers Tab in the Evaluation Type.
Ghost Copies of EERs to Endorser Work list.
EERs submitted that conflict with the submission schedule. Example: E-2 and E-3 EERs submitted using the old submission schedule or a Discipline EER submitted with an effective date that differs from date of incident.
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EER’s and how they affect the advancement process
9. 10/9/2011 9 EER’s have two main purposesin the advancement process:
Establish a member’s eligibility-
Commanding Officer’s recommendation
Meet minimum requirement of dimension average of 3 or higher per PERSMAN 5.C.6.A.
Record the Good Conduct Mark
Compute the performance factor for SWE points
Spreadsheet calculator with formula is available at:http://cgweb.psc/adv/.htm under “General ADV Documentation
10. 10/9/2011 10
11. 10/9/2011 11 Commanding Officer’s Recommendation Current CO recommendation. PERSMAN 5.C.4.e.4 states: “The commanding officers recommendation for advancement…by participation in the SWE is valid only for a specific competition and must be renewed for each succeeding competition”.
12. 10/9/2011 12 CO’s REC (Cont’d) A member must maintain a CO REC from the SWE eligibility date to date of advancement.
The CO REC belongs to the Officer that gave it and cannot be changed except by that CO.
The CO REC cannot be appealed except by complaint under Article 138, UCMJ.
Send an EER change request via memo from the awarding CO to PSC (ADV) to change a current CO REC. Or a MEMO (CORC) EER may be completed.
Change of CO REC (CORC) EER from “Not Recommended” to “Recommended” must be completed prior to the SWE eligibility date to qualify for the next SWE.
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16. 10/9/2011 16 SWE PROCESS
17. 10/9/2011 17 SWE Deadline Dates Eligibility Date – Date member must meet all eligibility requirements. 1FEB-MAY SWE, 1JUL-OCT RSWE, 1AUG-NOV SWE.
Terminal Eligibility Date (TED) – Day SWE eligibility list goes into effect. MAY SWE-1JAN, OCT RSWE-1JAN, NOV SWE-1JUL. Used to compute TIS, TIR, Conduct.
PDE Correction Date – Last day data (not eligibility) corrections may be made in Direct Access to impact SWE. Announced in SWE MSG.
Published in:
ALCGEN – Active Duty (released 3 months before exam)
ALCGPERSCOM – Reserves (released 3 months before exam)
PSC (ADV) Newsletters (released every 3-6 months)
18. 10/9/2011 18 Personal Data Extract (PDE) Online in Direct Access self service
Paper copy mailed to units
Units can print PDEs
“Member’s responsibility”
Verify PDE information is correct
Follow-up to ensure corrections are completed on the online PDE
Failure to provide admin support no excuse
19. 10/9/2011 19 PDE Issues TIR – Members with broken service often not receiving correct credit for prior TIG/TIR due to rehire documents not computing constructed dates. Ref: PERSMAN, 5.C.14.b.
Sea Duty Points come from data dump from segments 07 and 69 in JUMPS. Automatically includes TDY if properly documented in JUMPS. No segment, no points.
Sea Time for Eligibility – PERSMAN 5.C.15. Direct-Access looks only at PCS time served aboard sea pay eligible vessels (65 ft and larger). TDY and other service sea time will not be automatically added.
Prior Service sea time on Navy Ships may be credited for eligibility on a case-by-case basis by PSC (ADV).
20. 10/9/2011 20 Is this member qualified to take the SWE?
Discuss the PDE.Is this member qualified to take the SWE?
Discuss the PDE.
21. 10/9/2011 21 Is this member qualified to take the SWE?
Discuss the PDEIs this member qualified to take the SWE?
Discuss the PDE
22. 10/9/2011 22 Sea Time for Points 1 Feb 94 - Two points per year for all CG sea time since from this date up to the eligibility date.
Deadline to update segments is the PDE correction deadline date.
23. 10/9/2011 23 Waivers and Substitute SWE’S PSC (ADV) is the sole POC on all SWE issues.
Waivers – To maintain fairness to all members, waivers are approved only when emergency, operational or connectivity issues exist.
Send waiver requests via message to PSC (ADV), or E-mail from CO/XO.
Substitute SWEs. Documented family emergency, medical or operational commitment. Administer within 30 days of SWE date.
Template substitute SWE message in PSCINST M1418.1C found on PSC(ADV) web page.
24. 10/9/2011 24 SWE TEST ISSUES Answer sheets scanned as received
Raw score posts in Direct Access the day they are scanned.
Bad answer sheets delay scores.
Test ID data not completed
Ovals colored too lightly
Erasures leaving dark smudges
Torn answer sheets
25. 10/9/2011 25 May 07 SWE
7574 SWEs mailed out
6316 SWEs taken and graded
1258 SWEs RNA
265 Upload Errors - SWE answer sheets that required hand corrections to the members exam I.D. data (SSN, Exam Code, Series...), in order to scan due to incorrect data entered by member or ESO
26. 10/9/2011 26 OCT 06 SWE
1105 SWEs mailed out
755 SWEs taken and graded
350 SWEs RNA
40 Upload Errors - SWE answer sheets that required hand corrections to the members exam I.D. data (SSN, Exam Code, Series...), in order to scan due to incorrect data entered by member or ESO
27. 10/9/2011 27 Striker/Supplemental Advancement Process
28. 10/9/2011 28 Striker/Supplemental Advancement Process Striker Program:
CG Personnel Manual, Chapter 5.E.
PSC will add designators for eligible member added to the Striker Eligibility list.
Common Message Errors:
Missing NACLC information for Classified Ratings
Current EER is not finalized in Direct Access
YN3 EOCT results are not reflected in Direct Access
29. 10/9/2011 29 Advancement Lists & Promotions
30. 10/9/2011 30 Advancement Lists Working closely with CGPC (epm-1) and (rpm-2), PSC (Adv) manages the Active Duty and Reserve SWE Eligibility lists. Removing, Withholding, and sometimes adding personnel to lists.
Draft the monthly EPAA and ERAA for CGPC (epm-1) & (rpm-2).
Prepare and mail Advancement Certificates for E-7 and above.
31. 10/9/2011 31 Advancement and EER Information Resources Personnel Manual (Chapters 5 and 10)
Official Messages (ALCOAST, ALCGENL…)
PSC Website – http://cgweb.psc.uscg.mil/ has: ADV Newsletters, stats, advancement lists, messages, manuals, other helpful info
32. 10/9/2011 32 Communication with PSC You may contact PSC (ADV) directly by:
Email to: “PSC-DG-ADV”
General Line (785-339-3400)
Bill Patterson Branch Chief (ext. 3401)
Doug Rose Asst. Br. Chief (ext. 3411)
YNCM Terrilee Brown SWE; waivers (ext. 3407)
YNC Rony Harden Advancements (ext. 3410)
Pam Flewelling HR Data Correction (ext. 3405)
Denise Cunningham Supplemental ADV (ext. 3403)
YN1 Dave Lynch EER; DA corrections (ext. 3406)
Carolyne Folger SWE (ext. 3404)
Vacant SWE (ext. 3409)
Message from command to: COGARD PSC TOPEKA KS//ADV//
If you have connectivity or comms problems, use “Best Means Available” and we will work with you
33. 10/9/2011 33 THANK YOUTHE END