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Prayer Listening To Our Children. It is so easy, Oh Lord, to tell our children what they ought to be or what they ought to do.We often forget that they are real people, with real feelings and fears, desires and ambitions.Rather than seek to understand them, insisting that they conform to our image, trying to mould them into replicas of ourselves.They are at times so lovely, at times so cantankerous, but they are your children Lord, filled with your Spirit..
1. Year 7 Information Night
February 2010
Rebecca Durey,
Matthew Graham and Bev Forster
3. Prayer continued... We want so much for them to develop and mature in accordance with your will and plan for their lives.
Teach us to treat them as persons, even while we lovingly discipline them.
Teach us to listen to them - their childish explosions of anger and frustrations, their doubts, fears, joys and pains - even to share with them our joys and frustrations, so they may know we are all your fallible children.
Help us to truly love them and grant that they may feel assured of that love.
4. Overview of the Year Each term there will be a different main concept and units of work will be centred around these concepts. Each unit will be integrated to include many different key learning areas.
5. Overview continued... Term 1
Integrated Unit - Leading the Way
Introduction to and selection of Ministries.
In groups students make a poster on the roles and responsibilities of each ministry so that the classes can make informed decisions about which ministry they would like to join.
Famous Leader
Individually, students identify and analyse the skills and qualities of famous leaders and show how we can apply theses traits in our lives.
Students discuss how leaders have influenced social norms and policies to make the world a better place.
This will be assessed in the forms of a written biography and oral presentation with PowerPoint.
Science Unit
Students explore the life and living strand of science by analysing the structure of plants and the relationship between animals and environments.
Religion Unit
Through the study of scripture, we can recognise the leadership qualities of Jesus.
Closer to Easter the students will analyse the story of the crucifixion and consider various characters’ perspectives.
6. Overview continued... Term 2
Integrated Unit - Who’s Running Our Country SOSE/English/Technology/Arts
Students will study leadership styles, Australian Democracy and its three levels, how laws are made and the role of the media. Main task involves students taking on a variety of roles as participants in the class parliamentary process. Roles will include being ministers, parliamentary officers, media reporters and electoral officers.
Students will also make a parliamentary board game reflecting their new political knowledge
Integrated Unit – War! What is it good for?
Students will choose either the Boer War, World War I, Vietnam War, Korean War World War II and complete a study including
Time line
Leaders involved
Countries involved
Type of government
Why it occurred
Media propaganda
This is presented as a written assignment
Science Unit
Students explore natural and processed materials through the study of various packaging.
Religion Unit
Students study various local charities and promote their social justice actions to the school community.
7. Overview continued... Term 3
Integrated Unit - Riding the Force Science/Technology/Maths/English
Concepts related to force and motion eg. friction, magnetism.
Main task is to create a ride to demonstrate their understanding of a forces and motion concept. Use the Claymation program to show how this works.
8. Overview continued... Term 4
Integrated Unit – Graduation
Celebrating Through Prayer & Ritual
Reflecting on different types of Prayer and Ritual, understanding the Liturgical season of Advent and preparing for Graduation.
Smaller units studied to complete all outcomes.
9. Planning & Assessment Planning - QLD Syllabus Documents.
Assessment - using outcomes as stated in the syllabus documents.
The students are made aware that to meet a level 4 outcome they will need to…
Reports will issued at the end of Term 2 and the end of Term 4 (outcomes based format).
Parent/teacher interview at the end of Term 1 and an optional interview at the end of Term 3.
10. At the end of semester 1…. The expected level is…
Level 3 working towards level 4
11. At the end of semester 2 The expected level is…
Level 4 Completed
12. Literacy 2 hour Literacy Blocks.
Focused literacy time 4 times per week.
During these blocks spelling, reading and writing will be our main focus areas.
Whole class, small group and individual activities.
Each child will participate in a guided reading session once a week where the students are matched to texts that are at their reading and comprehension levels.
13. Maths Focus mathematics time is timetabled for 5 hours per week.
Content - number, patterns & algebra, measurement, chance & data and space.
Content will be covered in a variety of ways. Hands-on activities and games will compliment the written components of our mathematics program.
Aims - Prepare numerate individuals who are confident about using mathematics!
Text Book -Go Maths
14. Rotations Scheduled for Friday middle sessions.
Purpose is to give all of the Year 7 students the opportunity to get to know the other teachers.
Rebecca - Dance
Matt - Drama
Bev - Visual Arts
All components of the Arts Syllabus.
15. Specialist Classed Music
Currently on Tuesdays.
Sports uniforms should be worn on
Tuesdays and Fridays.
17. Expectations Arriving at School – Please be punctual!
Morning is an extremely important time for us!
Not only are important messages relayed, but testing is also conducted at this time.
If the students are more than a couple of minutes late they will be required to sign in at the front office.
18. Uniform Children are now Year 7 leaders and they need to set an example.
Take pride in their themselves and their presentation.
Shirts need to be tucked in except for lunch times.
Ankle socks are not permitted with either formal or sports uniform. Socks must cover the ankle!
Sports uniforms on Tuesdays and Fridays only.
Black enclosed shoes with laces or Velcro to be worn with formal and sports uniforms.
Jewellery - as stated in the parent handbook. For girls, one set of plain silver or gold studs. No bracelets or anklets of any kind. No rings.
Hats must be worn before and after school.
Hair - no colours, foils, highlights or tracks. Boys hair must be off the collar and girls are required to wear only school coloured hair accessories to tie their hair back.
Failure to comply with the uniform policy will result in a phone call home by the principal and follow up meetings.
19. Homework Student’s homework is at the discretion of each teacher. It will be connected to the unit we are studying and will assist in ensuring students are competent with numeracy and literacy fundamentals.
20. Canberra/Local Trip There will be meetings and regular updates later in the term.
Any queries or questions please see
Mrs Diana Rose.