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Year 7 Parents’ Information Evening. September 2014. Settling In. Most Year 7 students should now be feeling more confident about finding their way around the school site and about following expectations.
Year 7 Parents’ Information Evening September 2014
Settling In Most Year 7 students should now be feeling more confident about finding their way around the school site and about following expectations. However, different children take different lengths of time to settle in. If your child needs extra support, please speak to a member of staff after the presentations.
Key Dates and Events October: Talk from children’s author Kate Maryon to the whole of year 7 December 11th: Christmas Carol Service, at Holy Trinity Church, 7:30pm December 17th: Christmas Celebration Concert, 7-9pm July 2015: Trip to Spain. Letters coming out this week.
Reporting on Progress Tracking Points: 1 – Term 2 (Nov) 2 – Term 3 (Jan) 3 – Term 4 (March) 4 – Term 5 (May) 5 – Term 6 (June) Subject Evening: 20 May Full Report: 6 July 2015 Additional appointments can be made whenever you are concerned or want an extra update.
Our Expectations: Uniform • Polo shirts must be tucked in while students are in lessons. • No make-up is allowed in years 7-9. • Simple stud earrings (one per ear), one watch and one simple ring may be worn. No other jewellery is permitted. • Hair colour should be natural and the style should not be a fashion ‘extreme’. • Coats should be plain black. • Hats must be removed when inside school buildings.
Homework • Homework will be given regularly by all subject teachers. • The expectation is that students complete homework as soon as possible after it is given to avoid last-minute worries and to allow time to seek help from the teacher if needed. • Students should take responsibility for collecting homework that they have missed. • If homework is not handed in by the deadline, a detention will be set. For after school detentions, you will be informed at least 24 hours in advance.
Extra-curricular The school extra-curricular brochure will be available next week, and will list the many clubs and activities available to year 7 students. Please encourage your child to share this information with you and to discuss what activities they would like to try.
Art Club Time: Tuesdays, 3:10 – 4:15 Place: C10 Photography Club Time: Mondays, 3:00 – 4:00 Place: C5 Creative Writing Club Time: Wednesdays, 3:00 – 4:00 Place: L2
Expressive Arts Faculty – 2014/2015 Extra-Curricular Activities Aspire, Create, Express
Expressive Arts Faculty – 2014/2015 Extra-Curricular Activities Aspire, Create, Express
Support for Learning • Currently, all year 7s are being tested for reading, spelling and numeracy skills. • Towards the end of Term 1, students who need extra support will be identified and parents will be invited to an Individual Learning Department Information evening. • We have 25 teaching assistants who support the progress of all students in lessons.
Pastoral Support • For everyday issues, please contact your child’s tutor. • Tutors can refer students to Mrs Taylor, the Transition TA, for more specialised support. • Heads of House will be available to deal with more serious issues. • Mrs Baker can pass messages onto Heads of House if they are teaching when you call.
Support from Parents/Carers Support from home makes a huge difference. You can help by: • Checking and signing your child’s planner weekly • Checking in good time that your child understands their homework • Helping with memorisation tasks like learning keywords and facts • Encouraging your child to read as often as possible • Informing us of any change in circumstances that could be impacting on your child’s learning
Year 7 Term 1- War Stories Writing milestone based on evacuation or another war time experience (Talking to others speaking and listening task) Term 2- 20th Century Novel Reading milestone using point, evidence and explain skills. Novel options include: Skellig, Coralineand Abomination (Talking with others speaking and listening task) Term 3- Non Literary Texts Writing milestone based on writing a newspaper report for an event in the Indiana Jones films (Talking about talk speaking and listening task) Term 4- Poetry Reading milestone based on exploring and analysing poetic techniques used by poets and the affects they have on the reader Term 5- Oliver Twist Writing milestone which describes an account of a walk around London in 1850. Term 6- Play Speaking and listening milestone based on Drama and role play skills. Play options include: Johnny and the Dead, The Demon Headmaster and The Amazing Maurice.
Year 7 - Science At the end of each term there will be a written assessment. Homework will be set at 2/3 week intervals Books will be regularly marked with feedback on how to improve KS3 Homework club –Thursdays after school in L27
Nurture Group • Subjects • English • Maths • Computing • R.E. • PSHE/Citizenship • Study Skills • Additional Skills • Phonics • Intensive Reading Support • Handwriting • Number Patterns and relationships • Time, money and measures