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EVOLUTION class 12- Presentation

EVOLUTION class 12- Presentation

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EVOLUTION class 12- Presentation

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  3. • The universe is vast, with stars appearing millions of years ago and galaxies containing stars and clouds of gas and dust.
• The Big Bang theory suggests a singular, massive explosion that expanded the universe, causing a drop in temperature and the formation of hydrogen and helium.

Earth Formation
• Earth was believed to have been formed about 4.5 billion years ago in the Milky Way galaxy.
• The formation of earth was influenced by water vapor, methane, carbon dioxide, and ammonia released from molten mass.
• Life appeared 500 million years after the formation of earth, almost four billion years ago.

  4. Theory of Spontaneous Generation
• Some scientists believe life came from outerspace, with early Greek thinkers suggesting spores were transferred to different planets, and 'Panspermia'.
• Louis Pasteur demonstrated that life comes only from pre-existing life, dismissing the spontaneous generation theory.

The First Life Form on Earth
• Operin of Russia and Haldane of England proposed that the first form of life could have come from pre-existing non-living organic molecules.
• The formation of life was preceded by chemical evolution, i.e., the formation of diverse organic molecules from inorganic constituents.

  5. The First Self-Replicating Metabolic Capsule of Life
• The first non-cellular forms of life could have originated 3 billion years ago, possibly being giant molecules.
• The first cellular form of life did not possibly originate till about 2000 million years ago, likely single-cells.
• The evolution of the first cellular forms of life into the complex biodiversity of today remains a fascinating story.


  7. • The theory of special creation suggests all living organisms were created.
• Darwin's observations during a voyage in the H.M.S. Beagle challenged these ideas.
• Darwin concluded that existing living forms share similarities with life forms that existed millions of years ago.
• Darwin proposed that life forms have evolved gradually, with some surviving better in natural conditions.
• He termed this fitness as reproductive fitness, with those who survive more outbreed others.
• Alfred Wallace, a naturalist in the Malay Archipelago, also agreed with Darwin's conclusions.

  8. • Darwin's theory suggests that all life forms share common ancestors, present at different periods in earth's history.
• The geological history of earth closely correlates with its biological history, suggesting that earth is billions of years old.


  10. • Fossils are remains of hard parts of life-forms found in rocks.
• Different-aged rock sediments contain fossils of different life-forms who died during the formation of the particular sediment.
• Some fossils appear similar to modern organisms, representing extinct organisms.

Paleontological Evidence
• Fossils in different sedimentary layers indicate the geological period in which they existed.
• Life-forms varied over time and certain life forms are restricted to certain geological time-spans.
• New forms of life have arisen at different times in the history of earth.

  11. Embryological Support for Evolution
• Ernst Heckel proposed embryological support for evolution based on the observation of certain features during embryonic stage common to all vertebrates that are absent in adult.
• This proposal was disapproved by Karl Ernst von Baer, who noted that embryos never pass through the adult stages of other animals.

Comparative Anatomy and Morphology
• Comparative anatomy and morphology show similarities and differences among organisms of today and those that existed years ago.

  12. • Similarities in the pattern of bones of forelimbs in whales, bats, Cheetah, and human (all mammals) can be interpreted to understand whether common ancestors were shared or not.
• Homology indicates common ancestry, while analogy refers to a situation exactly opposite.

Human-Induced Breeding
• Man has bred selected plants and animals for agriculture, horticulture, sport, or security, creating breeds that differ from other breeds but still belong to the same group.
• An observation from England supports evolution by natural selection, with more white-winged moths on trees than dark-winged or melanised moths in the same area after industrialization.

  13. • Excess use of herbicides, pesticides, etc. has resulted in the selection of resistant varieties in a much lesser time scale.


  15. • Darwin observed a diverse range of creatures, including Darwin's Finches.
• He believed that all finches evolved on the island itself, from seed-eating features to insectivorous and vegetarian forms.
• This process, known as adaptive radiation, extends to other areas of geography.
• Darwin's finches are a prime example of this phenomenon.
• Australian marsupials also exhibit adaptive radiation, with different species evolving from an ancestral stock within the Australian island continent.
• Convergent evolution occurs when more than one adaptive radiation occurs in an isolated geographical area.

  16. • Placental mammals in Australia also exhibit adaptive radiation, evolving into corresponding marsupial-like varieties.


  18. • Darwinian theory of evolution posits that cellular forms of life with differences in metabolic capability originated on Earth.
• The rate of new forms' appearance is linked to the life cycle or life span.
• Fast-diving microbes can multiply and become millions of individuals within hours.
• A change in the medium composition would bring out only a part of the population that can survive under new conditions.
• This population outgrows others and appears as new species.
• Fitness is based on inherited characteristics, suggesting a genetic basis for selection and evolution.
• Adaptive ability is inherited and has a genetic basis.

  19. • Darwin's theory of evolution and natural selection are key concepts.
• Lamarck's conjecture that evolution occurred driven by the use and disuse of organisms is no longer believed.
• The distinction between evolution as a process or the result of a process remains unclear.
• Darwin's theory suggests that variations that are heritable and make resource utilization better for few enable only those to reproduce and leave more progeny.


  21. • Darwin ignored Mendel's concept of inheritable factors influencing phenotype.
• Hugo deVries introduced the idea of mutations in the early 20th century, arguing mutation causes evolution.
• DeVries viewed mutations as random, directionless, while Darwinian variations were small, directional.
• DeVries termed speciation as saltation, a single step large mutation.

  22. • Hardy-Weinberg principle states that allele frequencies in a population remain stable and constant from generation to generation.
• This principle is referred to as genetic equilibrium.
• The sum total of all allelic frequencies is represented by p, q, etc.
• When frequency measured differs from expected values, it indicates the extent of evolutionary change.
• Five factors affect Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium: gene migration, genetic drift, mutation, genetic recombination, and natural selection.
• Gene migration involves adding new genes/alleles to the new population, while genetic drift occurs when the same change occurs by chance.

  23. • Mutations or recombination during gametogenesis can result in the same change in allele frequency in future generations. • 
• Natural selection, a process enabling better survival, can lead to stabilization, directional change, or disruption.


  25. • The first cellular forms of life appeared around 2000 million years ago.
• The mechanism of how non-cellular aggregates of giant macromolecules evolved into cells with membranous envelop is unknown.
• Some cells could release O2, similar to the light reaction in photosynthesis.
• Slowly, single-celled organisms evolved into multi-cellular life forms.
• By 500 mya, invertebrates were formed and active.
• Jawless fish evolved around 350 mya.
• Sea weeds and few plants existed around 320 mya.
• The first organisms that invaded land were plants.
• Fish with stout and strong fins evolved into the first amphibians that lived on both land and water.

  26. • The amphibians evolved into reptiles, laying thick-shelled eggs that do not dry up in sun unlike amphibians.
• Reptiles of different shapes and sizes dominated on earth for 200 million years.
• The first mammals were like shrews, with small-sized fossils.
• Mammals were viviparous and intelligent in sensing and avoiding danger.
• Some mammals lived wholly in water, such as whales, dolphins, seals, and sea cows.
• The most successful story is the evolution of man with language skills and self-consciousness.


  28. • Dryopithecus and Ramapithecus, primates around 15 mya, were hairy and walked like gorillas and chimpanzees.
• Ramapithecus was more man-like, while Dryopithecus was more ape-like.
• Fossils from Ethiopia and Tanzania reveal hominid features, suggesting 3-4 mya man-like primates lived in eastern Africa.
• Australopithecines, two mya, lived in East African grasslands, hunted with stone weapons, and ate fruit.
• Homo habilis, the first human-like hominid, had a brain capacity between 650-800cc and likely ate meat.
• Homo erectus, discovered in Java in 1891, had a large brain around 900cc and likely ate meat.

  29. • Neanderthal man with a brain size of 1400cc lived in near east and central Asia between 1,00,000-40,000 years ago.
• Homo sapiens arose in Africa and moved across continents, developing into distinct races.
• Pre-historic cave art developed about 18,000 years ago, and agriculture emerged around 10,000 years ago.


  31. • Origin of life on earth is based on the universe's origin, particularly Earth.
 • • Most scientists believe chemical evolution preceded the first cellular forms of life. • 
• Darwinian ideas of organic evolution by natural selection are used to explain the subsequent events.
 • • Life form diversity on earth has been changing over millions of years.
 • • Variations in population result in variable fitness, leading to new species and evolution.
 • • Homology is accounted for by branching descent. • 
• Comparative anatomy, fossils, and biochemistry provide evidence for evolution.
 • • Modern man's evolution parallels human brain and language evolution.

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