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CAREER EDUCATION CONSUMER REPORT. Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Intent: Allow adult and dislocated job seekers, who are eligible to receive WIA-funded training services, freedom of choice in selecting a training program from the State's Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL)
CAREER EDUCATION CONSUMER REPORT Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Intent: Allow adult and dislocated job seekers, who are eligible to receive WIA-funded training services, freedom of choice in selecting a training program from the State's Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) Michigan's Career Education Consumer Report (CECR): Provide a consumer-oriented, self-service web site (www.MyCareerEducation.org) designed to provide the general public with useful and accurate information about education and training programs available throughout the State and meet WIA ETPL requirements
CAREER EDUCATION CONSUMER REPORT Condition for Discretionary Funds: To ensure that a broad range of providers are included in the training provider database, training providers who wish to receive discretionary funds from the Michigan Department of Career Development (MDCD) are required to post their program(s) on the CECR, whether or not they serve WIA-ITA eligible participants. Training Provider Marketing: To be included in the CECR, training providers must supply data on each program of study, for each training site, they wish to market through the Web site. Local Workforce Development Board Approval: Training providers who want to have their programs listed on the CECR enter their program data electronically onto the CECR for approval.
CAREER EDUCATION CONSUMER REPORT • Required Data: • Training Provider Information • Institution/organization name, address, telephone number, Web address, E-mail address, and provider type (i.e., community college, career school, community-based organization, etc.) • Program Description • CIP Code, summary description (200 words or less), program duration, admission requirements, credentials earned, availability of financial aid, and waiting period for entry into the program • Program Performance Data • Initially, Completion or Graduation Rate data and Program Price data for each program • After the initial eligibility period, Placement Rate and Median Hourly Wages, for all students enrolled in the program
The Career Education Consumer Report Michigan's guide to better education and training Do you want to know more about how to use this Web site? Guided Tour Do you want help in making career decisions? Career Counselor Are you ready to search for training and education? Training Search Do you want to know what different jobs pay? WageFinder Would you like to see other Web sites that may help you? Related Sites Each school independently provides the information that is listed in the Career Education Consumer Report. All programs may be audited, and program information is corrected or removed from this Web site when errors are discovered. However, the Michigan Department of Career Development does not verify the accuracy of all information listed in this report. Send suggestions or comments regarding this web site to info@mycareereducation.org. If your question relates to career development, please send a message through the Career Counselor.
Guided Tour View Basket Welcome to a guided tour of the Career Education Consumer Report. You will find information below about what is in this Report as well as tips on how to use it. If you want to return to this page at any time for more help, simply click on the "Guided Tour" words at the top of each page. What is the Career Education Consumer Report? How does this Consumer Report help students, parents, and counselors? What links are there to other Web sites that can help with career decisions?
What is the Career Education Consumer Report? Michigan's Career Education Consumer Report is the most effective electronic service in America to help you find the career education programs that are available in your area and help you choose the best one. Decide if you would like to search for a program by occupation, location, or by the school or organization that provides the program. Narrow your search to find the exact training you want. Add the programs that interest you most to your basket so you can compare them later and make a choice
How does this Consumer Report help students, parents, and counselors? The Career Education Consumer Report provides a wealth of information about careers. Students can use the report to explore career options, set educational goals, and find the training they need to achieve their goals. Parents can use the report to help their children select appropriate education and training programs with a proven track record. Guidance Counselors can use the report to engage students in the career exploration and as an aid in the development of a meaningful written career plan.
Links to other Web sites that can help with career decisions To view other web sites that may be helpful as you explore work and educational possibilities, simply click on the words "related sites" at the top of each page at any time or click here to view them now.
Career Counselor View Basket Looking for a job? Looking for education or training? Want to explore career options? Need help?
Looking for a job? If you are looking for a job right now, try looking in Michigan's Talent Bank, the largest single collection of job openings in the state.
Looking for training? Search by Occupation to find a program that prepare you for the job you want. Search by Location to find the training available near your zip code, in your county, or in a group of counties. Search by School if you know where you want to apply. Search by All ITA Eligible Programs to find all program that accept Individual Training Accounts. Search by Keyword to find providers with programs that have titles or descriptions that match a word or words that you specify.
Want to explore career options? Try the Self-Assessment Career Survey to find a career suited to your interests, aptitudes, and experiences. Try the Structured Career Search to find a career that suits your temperament and education goals. Try visiting MOIS to learn more about what people actually do on the job. Try the WageFinder to learn how much people earn in different kinds of jobs.
Need help? If you would like to be contacted by a counselor who can help you plan your education and job search, simply fill in the information below and click on the "Send help request" button. A local counselor will contact you. First Name: Last Name: Telephone: County of Residence: Email Address: Message: I'd like a counselor to email me. I'd like a counselor to call me.
Wagefinder View Basket This is the WageFinder. Here you can find occupations based on wage and geography. Set your choices below and click the "Find Occupations" button. You will then see a list of occupations that match your criteria. Show the top ___ paying occupations IN __ Metropolitan Area: _______________________ __ All of Michigan Show me __ occupations at a time Find Occupations
Training Search View Basket This is the Training Search section. Here you can choose between different methods of finding the providers and programs that meet your specific needs. Please choose one of the options below: Keyword Search Search by Location Search by School Search by Occupation Search for all ITA Eligible Programs [Occupation Description, Find Jobs, and Wages & Jobs Outlook identified for each training program.]
The Career Education Consumer Report Michigan's guide to better education and training Do you want to know more about how to use this Web site? Guided Tour Do you want help in making career decisions? Career Counselor Are you ready to search for training and education? Training Search Do you want to know what different jobs pay? WageFinder Would you like to see other Web sites that may help you? Related Sites Each school independently provides the information that is listed in the Career Education Consumer Report. All programs may be audited, and program information is corrected or removed from this Web site when errors are discovered. However, the Michigan Department of Career Development does not verify the accuracy of all information listed in this report. Send suggestions or comments regarding this web site to info@mycareereducation.org. If your question relates to career development, please send a message through the Career Counselor.