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Components of a Career Plan

Components of a Career Plan A Career Plan is the roadmap to achieving you personal Career Dreams Vision or the “Big Picture” Self Assessment Gap Analysis & S.W.O.T Analysis Objectives & Goals Short-term & Long-Term - Specific, measurable & achievable

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Components of a Career Plan

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  1. Components of a Career Plan A Career Plan is the roadmap to achieving you personal Career Dreams • Vision or the “Big Picture” • Self Assessment • Gap Analysis & S.W.O.T Analysis • Objectives & Goals • Short-term & Long-Term - Specific, measurable & achievable • Action Plan/Strategies - Specific, measurable & achievable A dream without a plan is a nightmare!

  2. Vision • Vision for career • One year, three years, five years • Desired attributes of work life • A “day in my work life” scenario • Desired achievements for self

  3. Self-Assessment Who, where, what, why, and how? • What education has been attained? • What skills have been developed? • What experiences have taken place? • What is the current state of your career? • What is your S.W.O.T. Analysis • What do you enjoy doing? • What are the key values?

  4. Who am I? What’s Next for Me? How Do I Get There? • Consider: • The nature of the work you want to do • The size & type of work environment or culture that best suits you • Your values, goals & objectives • Your work interests & abilities & your personality type • Schedule flexibility & time off • Recognition Needs • Job Security & it’s importance for you • Income (Salary & Benefits) • Personal & Family Life • Opportunities for growth & responsibility. Training opportunities. • Your strengths, weaknesses, skills & abilities • Where do you want to work – locally or a long-distance job search will be involved

  5. Your Personal S.W.O.T. Analysis Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, & Threats

  6. Gap Analysis Assessing today against the vision “Begin with the end in mind” - Steven Covey “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”

  7. A plan is the difference between buckshot & a bull's-eye • Identify the Dream • Focus – targeted efforts • Prepare – get experience • Network – get involved & be connected • Targeted/Stand Out Materials • Articulate & demonstrate the value you add

  8. Setting Your Career Direction Your Profile: Major Skills Interests Values Preferences Translate into CareersLearn from OthersReality Career CounselorNetwork Job Shadow Online Resources Info Interviews Intern/Volunteer Part-time work Potential Careers Job Goals Goal A Goal B Goal C Long Term Goal : Short Term Goals: Range of Prioritized Goals, Target Employers, Timeframe, & How to fill the Gaps

  9. Know Your Value in the Marketplace What Differentiates You? • Work, Volunteer, Internship Experience • Student/Professional Organization participation&leadership • Cross-functional skills – problem solving ability, team player, communication, leadership, customer service skills, etc... • Record of Accomplishment - Technical skills, certifications, foreign languages, etc... • Are you managing partner/CEO/management material? Could they put you in front of their clients? • The recruiter/HR manager’s job is to lower the risk & cost of hiring. Average college new-hire costs $5-6k.

  10. Manage Your Career & Job Search • Work at it every day! • Finding a job really is a job! • Start early, have a plan & a schedule, • Be systematic, follow-up, focusyour energy & time • Be proactive • Do your research & don’t overlook great opportunities. • Your materials must be flawless!!! • Your Top 25 Employers? • Thankfolks along the way!!! • Put yourself into the position of the most possibilities • Don’twaste time on the Internet

  11. Turn Every Stone Learn how to job search effectively now for the rest of your career

  12. How Employers Fill Jobs:2/3 of jobs filled through networking!80% filled before ever advertised! • Look internally to fill openings • Ask network contacts – Do you know someone who...? Then, as a Last Resort: • Post if not filled otherwise – results in high volume of applicants who are unknown REACH OUT CONTINUALLY TO BUILD YOUR NETWORK Everyone you meet can impact your career

  13. Know How to Introduce Yourself! How to Develop a Personal Pitch Within the first three seconds of a new encounter, you are evaluated… even if it is just a glance. People appraise your visual and behavioral appearance from head to toe. They observe your demeanor, mannerisms, and body language and even assess your grooming and accessories. Within only three seconds, you make an indelible impression. This first impression process occurs in every new situation. Within the first few seconds, people pass judgment on you – looking for common surface clues. Once the first impression is made, it is virtually irreversible. It is human nature to constantly make these appraisals, in business and social environments. From friendships to business relationships, first impressions can have a huge personal, emotional, and financial impact on one's life. Why develop a “personal pitch”? Your personal pitch is an important part of the first impression you make when someone meets you for the first time. It is an opportunity to introduce yourself at a job fair or networking event, in cover letters, interviews, and informal or formal gatherings; anytime you meet someone new. By preparing your personal pitch you convey confidence and articulately deliver your qualities and attributes to potential employers and future business contacts. Personal Pitch Development: To create your personal pitch you must prepare your introduction (who you are, your purpose, and position desired). Your pitch can include your major, qualifications, strengths, and accomplishments relevant to the field or position you desire. Remember your personal pitch takes place in a two-way conversation, so discuss your qualifications in a natural manner. Continued on next page

  14. You can start with something like this: • Greeting: Hello, my name is _________________ • Acknowledge Employer: It’s nice to meet you Mr. or Mrs. ________________. • Thank you for participating in this event. • I was pleased to see that ___________ (name of their company) would be here. • I came to this event to learn more about _________________. • How to know WHEN to end the conversation • Your personal pitch is hopefully just the beginning of a new networking relationship. • How do you know if the conversation has reached its natural end? • Other students are waiting to speak with the employer. • You have made a solid connection and are ready for the next steps. • Here are some tips for concluding your conversation in a professional manner: • Express interest: “I’d like to be considered for _______.” • Ask about follow-up and hiring process: • -“What would you suggest as the next step?” • - How do you prefer to be contacted and what is a good time frame?” • Obtain a business card and offer your resume, if at a job fair or employment networking event. • If not hiring persons with your background at this time, ask about the best way to learn about positions in the future. • Close: “Thank you for answering my question, and I will follow up as you suggested.” • Adapted from information provided by: • The Office of Academic and Career Services; The School of Management at George Mason University • http://som.gmu.edu/pace/web.asp?ElevatorSpeeches & MindTools.com articles

  15. Personal Pitch continued… • Step 1: Write a short personal introduction that includes: Who you are & how you help people • Step 2: Get a timer & practice your introduction of yourself in front of a mirror – restrict yourself to 30 seconds & then create a 15-second version. Try to memorize as much of it as you can - but try to make it sound spontaneous & fresh. • Step 3: Get feedback from others. • Remember to: • Pronounce your name clearly • Be upbeat! Smile! • Leave the industry jargon out • Be brief, then be quiet • Listen to others’ introductions. You’re there to listen & build relationships!

  16. Career Development Programs Fall Semester: • CS Student Employment Job Fair • CS Health Professions Career Fair • SoBA Employer & Student Networking Event • BAP Accounting Opportunity Night Spring Semester: • MISA Technology Opportunity Night • SoBA Employer & Student Networking Event • CS Big Sky Career Fair • BAP Finance Opportunity Night • Missoula Job Service Career Fair • SOBA Exit Strategy Workshop Each Semester: • SoBA Workshops - Outstanding Resumes, Dressing for Success, Networking, Interviewing, Dining Etiquette, & Negotiation • Employer Resume Critiques & Mock Interviews for Acctg 202 students • Employer Info Booths - in GBB 1st Floor Lobby

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