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Current status of technology. The methods of the explosives detection are following:Trace (biosensor, fluorescent, electro-chemical, mass spectrometry, ion mobility),X-ray (transmission, backscatter, computer tomography, dual energy)Neutron (thermal neutron analysis, fast neutron analysis, neutron backscatter and etc.)Other nuclear (gamma backscatter, transmission)Electromagnetic (nuclear magnetic resonance
1. Highly sensitive NQR/NMR technique for explosive detection NPD: Prof. Dr. Bekir Aktas
Gebze Institute of Technology, Gebze- Kocaeli, Turkey
PPD : Dr. Georgy Mozzhukhin
Kazan State Power Engineering Univ.,Kazan, Russian Fed.
Co-Director : Prof. Dr. Kev Salikhov
Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Kazan, Russian Fed.
2. Current status of technology The methods of the explosives detection are following:
Trace (biosensor, fluorescent, electro-chemical, mass spectrometry, ion mobility),
X-ray (transmission, backscatter, computer tomography, dual energy)
Neutron (thermal neutron analysis, fast neutron analysis, neutron backscatter and etc.)
Other nuclear (gamma backscatter, transmission)
Electromagnetic (nuclear magnetic resonance – NMR, nuclear quadrupole resonance – NQR)
3. Current status of technology - 2 The advantages of NQR:
The NQR frequency is a unique (very high reliability)
RF radiation is not dangerous or destructive
detection of hermetically-packed explosives
Simple sensor (RF coil) The problems and disadvantages of NQR:
Low sensitivity, especially to low frequency explosives (<1MHz)
NQR method permits to detect only crystalline samples
RF interference problems
the electrical (metal) shielding does not permit to detect the explosives
4. Current status of technology - 3
5. Current status of technology - 4
6. Current status of technology - 5 The methods to improve SNR in the NQR detection:
advanced techniques of the coherent accumulation of the signals in multipulse sequences
the double/triple frequency and double resonance (NQR-NMR or NQR-NQR) methods,
the application of novel sensors: atomic and SQUIDs magnetometers, GMR sensors and High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) resonators.
7. The objectives of the project Higher SNR of NQR signal by application of the original multi-pulse and multi-frequency sequences to obtain steady-state precession states in pure NQR
Testing of various modifications of double resonance methods to increase SNR of direct NQR detection by change of relaxation parameters of the NQR system.
Testing of High-Tc superconductor elements with use of pick-up coil probes and mixed sensors to increase sensitivity of NQR detection.
Research and technical design of low-field NMR technique to detect liquid illegal substances or their precursor components. The models of the detection devices will be created as well
8. The novelty of project Two-frequency irradiation of the sample combined with multi-pulse technique (to increase the sensitivity of NQR detection)
The coherent steady states excited by one (two) frequency multiple pulse period after application of two or three frequency excitation.
Application of multi-pulse multi-frequency sequences during direct contact between proton and quadrupole subsystem
Development of the theory of cross-relaxation processes for the system under multifrequency irradiation
Testing of novel technical solutions, such as high-Tc supercon-ductors and GMR sensors GMR sensors
9. Deliverables
10. Milestones
11. The quantified criteria of success
12. The institutes involved in project Gebze Institute of Technology (GIT) will execute the following tasks:
NQR measurements to study various two- and three- frequency multi-pulse sequences as well double resonance techniques for the explosives detection;
Design and testing of Giant Magnetoresistance/mixed sensors for NQR (based on a strong background of this group in nanomagnetism)
study of relaxation processes and parameters of the NQR systems under the multi-frequency excitations;
investigation of the influence of different factors (temperature, interference signals and etc.) on the results of the detection
Studies of new signal processing techniques to increase reliability of the NQR detection
Experiments for detection of liquid explosives using the low field NMR analyzer developed at GIT
Reviewing of possible application of the studied methods and preparation of a general report reviewing the project results.
13. The institutes involved in project - 2 Zavoisky Physical -Technical Institute (ZPhTI) will execute the following tasks:
theoretical studies of two- or three frequency multi-pulse NQR to obtain steady states
experimental testing of the multi-frequency and multi-pulse NQR on 14N nuclei
exploration of the NMR scanning possibilities for the detection of illegal substances, contraband, and liquid explosives using the low field commercial MRI device developed in ZphTI
design of the NMR/NQR equipment to detect of the different nitrogen compounds
design and development of High-Tc elements to be implemented in the research techniques as well as in the commercial NQR-detection devices
14. The institutes involved in project - 3 Kazan State Power Engineering University will execute the following tasks:
investigation of the double NQR-NMR effects during two frequency excitation of 14N nuclei
NQR measurements in the magnetic field and studies influence of the hetero-nuclear interaction on the two-frequency signal of 14N nuclei
studies of the double NMR/NQR system applying a weak magnetic field and proton frequency excitation to increase parameter T2 of NQR signal
studies of the cross-relaxation effects of the double NMR-NQR in the contact between the proton and NQR subsystems of the sample
theoretical studies of the interacting NQR - NMR systems, e.g. relaxation processes and parameters of a NQR system in the contact with proton system under the multi-frequency and multi-pulse excitations
15. The institutes involved in project - 3
16. The institutes involved in project End user: “EMC Elektronik” will be responsible for the implementation of the project results, such as:
development of the model NQR device for the explosive detection
construction of the next generation of NMR/NQR devices to detect different nitrogen compounds in the luggage/post
17. ZPhTI - low-field MRI device
18. Ongoing scientific activities of the institutes involved in project G.V. Mozzhukhin, B.Z. Rameev, N. Dogan, B. Aktas. Secondary signals in two-frequency nuclear quadrupole resonance on 14N nuclei with I = 1, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Volume 193, Issue 1, Pages 49-53, 2008.
G.V. Mozzhukhin, B.Z. Rameev, B. Aktasc et al. The two-frequency multipulse sequence in nuclear quadrupole resonance of N-14 nuclei. In book of abstracts:EUROMAR 2008, St.Petersburg, Jule 2008, p. 48
G.S.Kupriyanova, G.V. Mozzhukhin, B.Z. Rameev. The cross relaxation in nuclear quadrupole resonance of N-14 nuclei in low field double resonance. In book of abstracts: EUROMAR 2008, St.Petersburg, Jule 2008, p.52.
N.Dogan, G.V.Mozzhukhin, B.Z.Rameev et al. Two frequency studies on 14N nuclei. In : book of abstracts “International conference on superconductivity and magnetism. ICSM-2008, August 25-29, Antalya, Turkey.
G.V. Mozzhukhin, B.Z. Rameev, N. Dogan, B. Aktas, The two-frequency multipulse sequence in nuclear quadrupole resonance of N-14 nuclei, In: ed. Jacques Fraissard and Olga Lapina, Explosives Detection using Magnetic and Nuclear Resonance Techniques, Series: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - B: Physics and Biophysics, in press.
B.Z. Romeev & G.V. Mozzhukhin, Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance, In: ed. A.S. Turk, A.K. Hocaoglu, A.A. Vertiy, Subsurface sensing, Wiley-Interscience, to be published.
19. Project Management
20. Criteria for Success
21. The contribution of the results of the project in stability, security and peace would be following: The cooperation in this project helps to strength the thrust and mutual respect the scientists of the NATO countries and Russia. The participation of young scientists permits to create the spirit of friendship and peace between new generation of scientists
The development of the technology of the explosives and illegal substances detection on transport, in the luggage of the passengers and post, the improvement in the security of passengers
The development of the technology of the landmine detection for humanitarian purposes after local conflicts
22. Some references J.B.Miller, G.A.Barrall. American scientist,Vol. 93 (1), 2005, 50
R. Blinc, T. Apih, J. Seliger. Appl. Magn. Reson. 25, 523-534 (2004).
D.Ya. Osokin. Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 109 (1), K7-K10 (1982).
G.V.Mozzhukhin. Applied Magnetic Resonance, 18, 4, 2000, p.527-535
D.J.Pusiol. Patent Application Publication.G01N 24/00, US 2005/0202570 A1, Sep.15, 2005
Kent R. Thurber, Karen L. Sauer, Michael L. Buess, Christopher A. Klug. J.Magn Reson 177, 118–128 (2005).
S.K.Lee, K.L.Sauer, S.J.Seltzer, O.Alem, M.V.Romalis, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89,214108 (2006)
The SQUID Handbook. Vol. II: Applications of SQUIDs and SQUID Systems. John Clarke and Alex I. Braginski (Eds.) 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim .
J.D.King, A.De Los Santos. Development and evaluation of magnetic resonance technologies, particular NMR, for detection of explosives. Appl.Magn.Reson. 25, (2004) 535-565.
M. Pannetier, C. Fermon,G. Le Goff, J. Simola, E. Kerr. Science 304 (2004) 1648