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Status of SPIRAL 2 NuPECC meeting Bordeaux October 28th 2006 Marek Lewitowicz GANIL Introduction to SPIRAL 2 Design goals of the baseline project Status of the construction Letters of Intent for SPIRAL 2 Neutrons for science Neutrons for science Atomic & solid state physics
Status of SPIRAL 2 NuPECC meetingBordeaux October 28th 2006Marek LewitowiczGANIL Introduction to SPIRAL 2 Design goals of the baseline project Status of the construction Letters of Intent for SPIRAL 2
Neutrons for science Neutrons for science Atomic & solid state physics Radiobiology & Isotope production The scientific case of SPIRAL 2 ISOSPIN DEGREES OF FREEDOM IN NUCLEAR FORCES Heavy and Super Heavy Elements Position of drip-lines Equation of State Role of Isospin N=Z rp-process r-process path r-process path r-process path Shell structure far from stability Spins&Shapes Spins & Shapes Spins & Shapes Haloes & Structures in the Continuum SPIRAL 2 White Book: www.ganil.fr M. Lewitowicz
Existing GANIL Accelerators CIME Cyclotron Acceleration of RI Beams E < 25 AMeV, 1 - 8 AMeV for FF Direct beam line CIME-G1/G2 caves Existing GANIL Exp. Area • Production Caves:: RNB • C converter+UCx target 1014 fissions/s • p- & n-rich RNB (transfer, fusion-evaporation, DIC) Low energy RNB DESIR p,d source RFQ LINAG Exp. Hall • Superconducting LINAC: Stable-Ion beams • E ≤ 14.5 AMeV HI A/q=3, 1mA • E ≤ 20 A MeV p,d, 4He (A/q=2 ions), 5mA • Possible extension to A/q=6 ions Heavy-Ion ECR M. Lewitowicz
SPIRAL 2 Layout DESIR facility Low energy RIB LINAG Exp. Area High Intensity stable beams GANIL LINAG Building RIB Production Building M. Lewitowicz
Regions of the Chart of Nuclei Accessible with SPIRAL 2 Beams • light beams • heavy ions • RIB induced reactions Production of radioactive beams/targets: (n,), (p,n) etc. SHE N=Z Isol+In-flight Transfermiums In-flight Fusion reaction with n-rich beams Fission products (with converter) Fission products (without converter) Deep Inelastic Reactions with RIB High Intensity Light RIB M. Lewitowicz
SPIRAL 2 yields of fission fragment after acceleration compared to other RNB facilities (best numbers for all) Today Today M. Lewitowicz
SPIRAL 2 Budget in M€as stated in the financial agreement signed on Sept. 4th 2006 (additional cost) (manpower) (Total cost) Detectors are not included in the investment budget of SPIRAL 2 but France (CEA,CNRS, Region BN) contributes to all equipments constructed at GANIL typically at the level of 30 to 50%. M. Lewitowicz
Reference Planning SPIRAL 2 Schedule 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Reference Project Def. Safety authorizations Building construction Under discussion Construction of LINAG Stable ion beams from LINAG RIB M. Lewitowicz
CEA /DSM CNRS/IN2P3 STEERING COMMITTEE Technical Advisory Committee Scientific Advisory Committee National & international Partners Project direction Scientific Community GANIL Project management Accelerator RIB production Infrastructure Int. Labs & Partners Project Organisation Sections: Labs: M. Lewitowicz
International Agreements Physics & technique • ISOLDE - Letter of agreement signed in 2005 • Romania - MoU signed on 28/02/06 • Dubna - MoU signed 14/03/06 • SARAF (Israël) MoU signed in May 2006 • Grant request from the UK community • Direct beam line CIME-G1/G2 • BARC – TIFR (Bombay) MoU in preparation (draft) • RF system, software • LEA* with LNL Legnaro (Italy) in preparation (second draft) • MoU (mainly on d->n converter) to be signed in the coming months • LIA* with RIKEN in preparation (draft) • Poland - LEA in preparation • Triumf - MoU in preparation (first draft) • Argonne MoU in preparation (first draft) • Oak Ridge MoU under discussion • Technical meetings SPIRAL 2 - FAIR *LEA = Lab. Europ. Associé SPIRAL 2 on the ESFRI list *LIA = Lab. Int. Associé
Status of SPIRAL 2 NuPECC meetingBordeaux October 28th 2006Marek LewitowiczGANIL Introduction to SPIRAL 2 Design goals of the baseline project Status of the construction Letters of Intent for SPIRAL 2
Choice of the baseline project LINAG Exp. Area DESIR Choice of the HI source and injector GANIL Road • Number of fissions/s • Number and type of production caves • 1+ Ion Sources • Parallel-beams operation CIME-G1/G2 direct beam line M. Lewitowicz
LINAG Accelerator & Exp. Area • Priorities • Construction of the injector A/q=3 • Second injector A/q=6 (extension) should be designed as soon as possible M. Lewitowicz
LINAGExperimental Area n-tof Priority Construction of 3 halls and at least S3 hall fully equipped S3 Interdisciplinary Research LINAG beam M. Lewitowicz
RIB productionBuilding Two RIB production caves 1 “red zone” + 1 “yellow zone” Preserve the possibility to deliver in the future two simultaneous RIB for (DESIR & CIME) Reserve space for an RFQ cooler and HRS (High Resolution Mass Separator) • 1+ Ion Sources • Priorities: • Selective ion sources • Surface ionisation • Laser (collaborations!) • ECR M. Lewitowicz
Base-line projectSummary of priorities • Choice of the HI source and injector for LINAG • Phoenix V2 source - for the beginning of operation + development of metallic beams • Second injector q/A=1/6 should be designed as soon as possible • LINAG Experimental Area • Construction of 3 experimental halls. S3 hall fully equipped • Design goal for number offiss./second • As close as possible to 1014 fiss./s (safety and building cost limitations) • RIB Production Building • Priority for Selective 1+ Ion Sources (IS, laser,ECR) • RIB production caves: 1 “red zone” & 1 “yellow zone” • Preserve a possibility to deliver in the future two simultaneous RIB for (DESIR & CIME) • Reserve space for the RFQ cooler and HRS (High Resolution Mass Separator) • DESIR • DESIR building included in the SPIRAL 2 buildings construction phase • CIME-GI/G2 Direct beam line • To be constructed before the SPIRAL 2 buildings Discussed by SC, SAC & TAC M. Lewitowicz
Status of SPIRAL 2 NuPECC meetingBordeaux October 28th 2006Marek LewitowiczGANIL Introduction to SPIRAL 2 Design goals of the baseline project Status of the construction Letters of Intent for SPIRAL 2
CEA / DAPNIA Saclay RFQ prototype Vane tip displacements at 20 and 38 kW displacements are < 60µm, (max. allowed ± 100µm) 20 kW 38 kW
SC Cavities CEA/DSM/DAPNIA: Prototype cavity (beta 0.07) CNRS - IPN Orsay: Prototype cavity (beta 0.12)
Target & ion source Production Modules (d->n converter + UCx target + ion source systems) Recent solution proposed by Thales Ganil design Recent design (under study) Ganil design
Status of SPIRAL 2 NuPECC meetingBordeaux October 28th 2006Marek LewitowiczGANIL Introduction to SPIRAL 2 Design goals of the baseline project Status of the construction Letters of Intent for SPIRAL 2
SPIRAL 2 - Letters of intent (LoI)Towards new detectors for SPIRAL 2 Procedure and schedule: • Call for LoI - May 26th 2006 (just after the SP2 SAC meeting on May 17, 2006) • Dead-line for LoI: October 2nd, 2006 • Evaluation of LoI by SAC - October 19&20th 2006 • Results of the evaluation will be communicated to the proponents by the beginning of November 2006. • Call for proposals launched in 2007 • Signature of MoU by collaborations proposing the construction of new equipment in2007-2008 M. Lewitowicz
SPIRAL 2 - Letters of intent (LoI)Resume SPIRAL 2 Letters of Intent in numbers: • 19 LoIs submitted • 25 oral presentations of the LoIs at the Open session of SAC on October 19th 2006 • LoIs signed by 595 physicists (without double counting) (190 from France, 492 from NuPECC member countries) from 34 countries • Spokespersons: 50% France, 50% foreigners • Written documents of in total 341 pages M. Lewitowicz
List of LoI for SPIRAL 2 Main Collaborations: DESIR S3 AGATA & EXOGAM 2 -ray Calorimeter GASPARD n-tof FAZIA 1. The DESIR facility (Decay, Excitation and Storage of Radioactive Ions) (B. Blank) 2. Decay properties of neutron-rich nuclei (Yu. Penionzhkevich, F. Ibrahim) 3. S3: The Super Separator Spectrometer for LINAG Beams (A. Villari, A. Drouart, J. Nolen) 4. From actinides to super-heavy elements with SPIRAL 2: reaction dynamics and structure (Paul Greenlees) 5. Fusion reactions: A probe of multidimensional tunnelling (A. Navin, R. Raabe, A. Shrivastava) 6. Nucleon correlations probed via multiple particle transfer and their influence on sub-barrier fusion (L. Corradi) 7. High-resolution Gamma-ray Spectroscopy at SPIRAL2 (AGATA-EXOGAM II) (W.Korten, B. Wadsworth) ・ Proton drip-line studies and N=Z nuclei (D. Rudolph) ・ Neutron-rich nuclei (A. Gadea) ・ Nuclear shapes and high-spin spectroscopy (A. Görgen) ・ Collective modes in the continuum (S. Leoni) ・ Nuclear electromagnetic moments (G. Georgiev) ・ Spectroscopy of the heaviest elements (P. Greenlees) 8. High-energy -rays as a probe of hot nuclei and reaction mechanisms (J.A. Scarpaci, A. Maj, D. Jenkins) 9. Studying the r process nucleosynthesis with direct reactions (O. Sorlin, K. L. Kratz) 10. α-capture reactions in inverse kinematics relevant to stellar nucleosynthesis (S. Harissopulos F. De Oliveira) 11. Production of radioactive samples for astrophysical interest by (n,p), (n,3He), (n, a) reactions (F. Hammache, M. Heil) 12. Production targets of light radioisotopes for nuclear astrophysics and basic nuclear science studies (M. Hass, D. Berkovits, T.Y. Hirsh) 13. Improving effective forces, mean field based methods, and predictions: dedicated measurements (M. Bender, K. Bennaceur, S. Péru) 14. Direct Reaction Studies of Exotic Nuclear Structure (GASPARD) (D. Beaumel, R. Lemmon, I. Martel ) 15. Direct and Resonant Reactions with an Active Target (M. Chartier, D. Cortina, P. Roussel-Chomaz ) 16. Unbound states of neutron-rich isotopes via direct reactions (V. Lapoux) 17. Neutrons For Science (X. Ledoux) 18. Dynamics & Thermodynamics of exotic nuclear systems (F. Gulminelli, G. Poggi, G. Verde) 19. Isospin non-conservation in nuclear states and its implication for the physics beyond the Standard Model (N. Smirnova) M. Lewitowicz
SPIRAL 2 Scientific CommunityOrganisation SPIRAL 2 Scientific Advisory Committee Steering Committee Project management - Project Leader - Scientific Coordinator .. • Int. Collaborations SP2 • DESIR • S3 • -GASPARD • -… Coordination Committee SPIRAL 2 France Phys. SPIRAL 2 Scientific Coordinators in the IN2P3 & CEA Labs • Existing International • Collaborations • NUSTAR • AGATA • - EXOGAM • - EURONS • - EURISOL • FAZIA • … • SP2-NUSTAR WG • Electr. & DAQ • Calorimeter • Tracking detectors • Neutron detectors ? • … M. Lewitowicz
SPIRAL 2 on the ESFRI list • Brussels, 19 October 2006 • European Research Infrastructures – 35 projects identified • The ESFRI roadmap (see IP/06/1431) identifies 35 large-scale infrastructure projects at various stages of development. This Memo gives brief details of the projects concerned. The full text of the roadmap, which contains longer descriptions of the projects can be found at: http://cordis.europa.eu/esfri/home.html • …Isotope beams with SPIRAL 2 The project aims at delivering rare (radioactive) isotope beams with intensities not yet available with present machines. SPIRAL 2 will reinforce European leadership in the field of nuclear physics based on exotic nuclei. M. Lewitowicz
Status of SPIRAL 2 NuPECC meetingBordeaux October 28th 2006Marek LewitowiczGANIL Introduction to SPIRAL 2 Design goals of the baseline project Status of the construction Letters of Intent for SPIRAL 2
LoI SPIRAL 2 - Participants M. Lewitowicz
Choice of the HI source and injector Priorities Phoenix V2 source - for the beginning of operation + development of metallic beams In 2-3 years a choice of the best next-generation HI source (extension) M. Lewitowicz
Spectroscopy of trapped beams Laser Spectroscopy Decay studies Other purposes Fundamental Interactions Cooling/Bunching 1500 m2 DESIR, RFQ Cooler & HRS DESIR Facility for experiments with low energy RIBs Priorities: DESIR building included in the SPIRAL 2 building design phase DESIR building and equipment as well as RFQ et HRS to be financed by international collaborations (not included in the current construction budget) M. Lewitowicz
Production Modules d->n Converter -> vertical wheel Bearings under study, to reduce friction Several solutions to be tested Oven -> measurements with a Tantalum oven and a Carbon target at 1500°C Next measurements at 2000°C before the end of this year UCx target: calculation to reduce the size and weight of UCx Solutions for the waste management under study IPNOrsay-Ganil