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This report highlights the scientific activities at ECT* in 2011, including workshops, doctoral training programs, and visitor statistics. It also discusses the HPC system Aurora and the budget and funding status of ECT*.
www.ect.it NuPECC Meeting October 07 - 08, 2011 Budapest Director’s Report Achim Richter, ECT* and TUD
Scientific activities at ECT* 2011 • 19 Workshops and 1 Collaboration Meeting covering the field of NP from lowest to the highest energies + related areas (Astrophysics / Cosmology) • 15 Workshops are run so far in 2011 with a total # of participants of 720 • 1 Doctoral Training Program on “Neutrinos in Nuclear-, Particle – on Astrophysics” with 15 students attending it • Until now: 12 short -, 6 medium – and 3 long term visitors (outside workshops) • Total # of Scientists visiting ECT* in 2011 is expected to be over 850 (an all time record high!)
New Postdocs at ECT* • V. Mathieu (J Postdoc, replacing C. Fernandez Ramirez, from Oct 01) • P. Stransky (J Postdoc, replacing L. Fortunato, from Nov 01) • A. Diaz-Torres (S Research Associate, from, Aug 15)
HPC system Aurora • Technical problems in the water cooling system limit the computing power presently to about 5 TFlops but a solution is in sight. • Report on the 1st phase of Aurora that has ended July 31, 2011 as well as the proposal of the AuroraScience collaboration for the 2nd phase of the project have been evaluated favorably by two independent committees of the PAT and of the FBK/INFN, respectively. The latter committee has, however, recommended to pay close attention on a particular network issue and on the use of algorithms and special computational strategies. The AuroraScience collaboration is presently addressing these questions in an intermediate phase 2a which hopefully will lead by the end of 2011 into phase 2b in which the project should be completed.
Budget and status of funding • In 2011 ECT* received from the FBK/PAT about 600 kЄ and from third party (outside) sources (European funding agencies and various institutions and EU projects) also about 600 kЄ total ECT* budget of about 1.2 MioЄ. • Because of the Italian financial crisis we were told by the FBK management on September 28, 2011 in a preparatory meeting for the 2012 budget that the PAT has to provide to the Italian Government an amount of 3 BioЄ within the next 3 years. Consequently the whole FBK budget will be cut and ECT* (like other research institutions within FBK and PAT) has been asked to reduce its present FBK/PAT contribution of 600 kЄ by 5% in 2012. • Administrative assistant Serena degli Avancini and I are presently working hard on a solution of this problem (cutting the # of Workshops, the length of the DTP, only one Postdoc position within HP3, …) and I will report on this at the next NuPECC meeting in March 2012 in Milano.
FP7/HP2 and ENSAR • FP7/HP2: Will attend the last HadronPhysics 2 Collaboration Committee meeting at LNF Frascati on December 02 and 03, 2011 to present the highlights of ECT*’s activity as a TNA facility within HP2 during the period 2009 – 2011. • ENSAR: 1st Collaboration meeting of JRA07 THEXO is scheduled and being prepared for October 24 – 26 at ECT*.
Finally some news from the last meeting of ECT*’s Scientific Board • New Board members: Piet Mulders / Amsterdam will replace Mauro Anselmino / Torino Angela Bracco / Milano will replace Günther Rosner / Darmstadt • DTP in 2012: “The 3-dimensional nucleon structure” – Coordinator Mauro Anselmino / Torino • Workshops in 2012: 18 proposals discussed: 13 approved 2 conditionally approved 2 encouraged 1 rejected • I have signed an extension of my contract and will serve one more year, i.e. from November 01, 2011 to October 31, 2012, as ECT* Director.