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Moving to a new country can be both exciting and overwhelming, especially if you are unfamiliar with the immigration laws. That is why a lot of people in Bangalore choose to engage with an immigration expert to help them get through the difficult procedure. However, not all immigration consultants are the same, so its important to ask the right questions before choosing one. In this blog post, we will go through the ten questions you should ask an immigration consultant in Bangalore before choosing them.For more information - https://apexvisas.com/10-essential-questions-to-ask-your-immigration
Essential Questions to Ask Your Immigration ConsultantinBangalore https://apexvisas.com/10-essential-questions-to-ask-your-immigration-consultant-in-bangalore/
About A.V.Immigration&CareersConsultancyPvt.Ltd.isPunebasedcompanythathas endeavouredsinceitsinceptionin2010tobringaonestopsolutiontoallyour migrationrelatedqueries. We are well known in the immigration circle for our specialized services & are praisedbyourclientsforenrichingtheirexperienceinVisafacilitation.Wehavea global presence with a strategic network of own and associate offices in 18 locations across the world. We are planning to extend our services to over 40 officesbytheyearend.
Whatqualificationsdoyouhave? Itsessentialtochooseanimmigrationconsultantwhohas the appropriate education, training, and experience to providethebestadviceandguidance.
Areyoulicensed? In Canada, immigration consultants must be licensed by the Immigration Consultants of CanadaRegulatoryCouncil(ICCRC)toprovide immigrationservices.
Whattypesofimmigrationcasesdo youspecializein? Various types of immigration cases, such as family sponsorship, skilled worker programs, and refugee claims, exist. Therefore, its crucial to selectanimmigrationconsultantwhospecializesinthetypeofcaseyou need help with to ensure they have the necessary expertise and experiencetohandleyourcaseeffectively.
Whatareyourfees? Its important to understand the consultants fees and how they are structured before deciding to choose them. Most immigrationconsultantschargeaflatfeefortheirservices, but some may charge hourly rates or a percentage of the totalapplicationcost.Makesureyouunderstandwhatyou will be paying for and that the fees are reasonable and transparent.
Whatisyoursuccessrate? Asktheconsultantabouttheirsuccessratewithcases similartoyours.Ahighsuccessrateindicates thattheconsultanthasagoodtrackrecordandismore likelytohelpyouachieveapositiveoutcome.
Whatisyourapproachto communication? If you and your immigration counselor are not in the samecityorcountry,communicationisveryimportant. Asktheconsultanthowtheyprefertointeractwith clientsandhowfrequentlytheywillprovideyou updatesonthestatusofyourcase.
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