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Corporate Health and Wellness | How to Raise Your Workplace Standards?

Struggling with high employee turnover rates? Are health issues the primary culprit? Know how to maintain corporate health and wellness at your workplace<br><br>

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Corporate Health and Wellness | How to Raise Your Workplace Standards?

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  1. Corporate Health and Wellness | How to Raise Your Workplace Standards?

  2. Employee Health Google is the dream company of many. Employees want to work at Google. But why? Have you heard about the workplace strategies of Google? According to Investopedia, Google wants to make its employees’ lives more comfortable. And it’s always searching for methods of improving the health, wellbeing, and morale of its Googlers. In modern terminology, this is called “Employee Health.” Corporate health and wellness are the talks of the town named the corporate world.

  3. What Exactly is Employee or Corporate Health and Wellness? Evident by the term itself, employee health is the health of your employees. Now fitness is not just the absence of illness but the presence of physical, mental, and social wellness. Thus, employee health is the disease management for your employees and promoting wellness and preventive measures for them. These efforts aim to have healthy, engaged, and foremost, happy employees at the workplace. The concept of employee health covers everything which affects any of these factors. These may include promoting regular exercise and nutritional habits or maintaining a smoke-free, hygienic, and clean workspace or providing medical assistance to co-workers.

  4. Your business is lagging from poor employee health The direct measure of profit or loss for a business is money, which is second to employee productivity. Unhealthy employees mean loss of productivity and hence loss of money. The UK lost €92 billion in 2019 alone due to poor employee health. There are two types of productivity losses a business suffer due to employee health Visit gethealthybits.com for more health-related articles

  5. Absenteeism and Presenteeism Absenteeism is the absence of employees, i.e., they are on leave. These may be sick leaves, carer’s leaves, or compensation leaves. It’s easy to notice and access. Next to it is presenteeism, which is the productivity loss when the employee is present but not working up to the mark because of being unwell. And the productivity loss due to presenteeism can be four times the same due to absenteeism.

  6. Which Benefits? Why is Corporate Health and Wellness Important? There are many like reduced absenteeism, employee turnover, and an increase in staff morale and productivity. Let’s discuss employee turnover. Imagine you hire an employee and train him for six months of the work. Later, that trained employee leaves, and you are again looking for another one. This is what we call employee turnover. And as a business, it is a matter to worry about. Turnover leads to a halt in the workflow of at least an entire department, adds costs of hiring new people, and delays delivering work to clients. When an average employee leaves, it costs 33% of their annual salary.

  7. Best Practices for Employee Health Programs The complete health scheme created for the ultimate motive of a healthy employee is what we call an employee health program or an employee health plan. And a plan has many things that one can do for corporate health and wellness. But these are the ones best suited for your business. Let’s get into them. Visit gethealthybits.com for more health-related articles

  8. Cleanliness In the current situation of coronavirus and re-opening of workplaces, the importance of cleanliness reaches a new high. Regular disinfection of touch-prone surfaces is a need of the hour. Here are some variations that you can make: Daily collection and disposal of garbage. Also, make sure that the trash is segregated correctly. Installation of touch-free hand sanitization systems

  9. Advocacy of Regular Physical Activity You can cost-effectively promote exercise in employees through regular physical activity. With today’s workplace culture, the physical aspect of corporate health and wellness is avoided naturally. We sit in front of a screen the entire day. This sedentary lifestyle is one of the primary reasons for health problems nowadays. Inducing these physical activities in the work style of the company, you are moving on the path of better employee health.

  10. Healthy Nutrition Nutrition is as important as exercise. And it is often overlooked in our race of productivity, but it is not the actual case. Lack of proper nutrition directly affects the productivity of an individual. Adequate nutrition provides us with the energy we need to run our body and brain in coordination for the best outcomes. Healthy nutrition is a must. These also include promoting healthy habits such as no-screen lunch. You have your lunch with your eyes away from computers and minds at ease. Hence the assimilation of nutrition provided by the food is maximum. More nutrition = More energy = Unmatched productivity

  11. Smoke-free Workplace You can maintain a smoke-free environment at your workplace with the following steps: Forbid smoking at the workplace and in company vehicles Organize seminars by collaborating with local doctors for awareness of the dangers of smoking Promote quit smoking programs on campus Remember that smoking reduces more than ten years from a person’s life, which is indirectly a loss of the power force. Visit gethealthybits.com for more health-related articles

  12. Incentives and Medical Assistance These are the efforts requiring a direct investment of chunks of money. The most common incentive is life insurance. For big businesses, it is legally required for an employer to provide life insurance to the staff. But even small companies can step in this territory, and they definitely should. Other than that, you can provide regular checkups at your place. These may be complete health checkups or specific checks such as eyesight problems or throat problems. You can also provide medical assistance in other ways as well. An example can be having a partnership with a local hospital for a hassle-free experience for your employees. One unique technique is to provide fitness bands to make them aware of their habits.

  13. Mental Health of Your Employee As we are getting more and more educated on mental health, we are becoming increasingly aware of the detrimental effects the stress from office has on an employee. This stress can cause physical ailments, which we have read above. But it can also put someone in depression or make someone a regular recipient of anxiety attacks. And a depressed mind is not able to engage entirely in work costing the company human resources. Before other actions, the stigma around mental health issues has to be broken in the office. Encourage lively discussions around the topic and, in general, about other things in the company. Train your HRs about mental health strategies and work towards getting constant work from your employees. But be careful not to overwork them at the same time.

  14. Visit get healthy bits to read more health related inormation

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