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We offer live conference to Holistic Nursing, Nurses, Alternative Medicine Professionals , and every day people. Contact hours will be awarded at the end of our conferences for nursing professional state licensure.<br>
All Inclusive Holistic Nursing Conference at Hotel Riu Guanacaste - Costa Rica By: Terrence and Annalee Shenfield Friday, May 19, 2017 at 11:00 AM - Wednesday, May 24, 2017 at 2:00 PM (CST) Visit for details: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/all-inclusive-holistic-nursing-conference-at-hotel-riu- guanacaste-costa-rica-tickets-28970659021 We are going on an all inclusive trip to Costa Rica at a 5 star hotel. The dates are 5/19/17 to 5/23/17. The price includes hotel (food, drinks, room), registration for our event (15 Contact hours for RN’s), non- stop airfare leaving from Newark airport (but you can leave from another airport and pay your own airfare), and transports to and from airport to Riu Guanacaste-Costa Rica. Registration deadline is February 25th, 2017. Please call us if any questions or concerns. We are having another conference which will off 15 contact hours for nurses. All of our conferences are pre-approved for nursing continuous education by the Pennsylvania State Nursing Association. The PSNA is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the PA State Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Topics and schedule: 7am-8am: Every Morning Yoga and Mindfulness classes on the beach (not mandatory) Day-1: Saturday, May 20th, 2017, Duration: 8am-1pm Topics Covered: 1.Nursing from Within™: Leadership from the Inside Out- By Elizabeth Scala (MSN/MBA, RN) 2.Fundamentals of Aromatherapy- By Terrence Shenfield (BS, RRT-RPFT, NPS, AE-C) 3.Functional Foods: Is This the Ticket to Good Health? By- Terrence Shenfield (BS, RRT-RPFT, NPS, AE-C) 4.Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, By- Damaris Grossman (RN, BSN, HNB-BC CYN) 5.Yoga ’s Effect on Pain and Functional Disability in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain, By Damaris Grossman (RN, BSN, HNB-BC CYN) Day-2: Sunday, May 21st, 2017, Duration: 8am-1pm Topics Covered: 1.Reiki Practice: An Rx for Self-Care & Empowerment, By Elizabeth Scala (MSN/MBA, RN) 2.Your Next Shift: How to Kick Your Nursing Career in High Gear, By- Elizabeth Scala (MSN/MBA, RN) 3.Achieving Optimal Health, By- Damaris Grossman (RN, BSN, HNB-BC CYN) 4.The Role of Psychoneuroimmunolgy In Health, By- Damaris Grossman (RN, BSN, HNB-BC CYN) 5.Hemp Oil: Nutritional Versus Medicinal, By- Terrence Shenfield (BS, RRT-RPFT, NPS, AE-C)
Day-3: Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017. Duration: 8am-1pm Topics Covered: Healthy Living: Methods to Improve Brain Health, By- Terrence Shenfield (BS, RRT-RPFT, NPS, AE-C) Clinical Aromatherapy: Improving Care to Our Patients, By- Terrence Shenfield (BS, RRT-RPFT, NPS, AE-C) Envisioning Your Ideal Nursing Practice, By- Elizabeth Scala (MSN/MBA, RN) Power Healing for Powerful Life, By- Damaris Grossman (RN, BSN, HNB-BC CYN) Burn Out No More: Build a Resilient Life! By- Elizabeth Scala (MSN/MBA, RN) Registration Packages: Package-1: ($500 USD) This is for conference fee only and will be applied to total monies due. The balance must be paid in full by February 25th, 2017. Package-2: ($950 USD) Single room , two occupants, this covers hotel, registration for conference, and you must pay your own airfare, and is $950.00 per person. Package-3: ($ 1230 USD) Single room, one occupant, This covers hotel, registration for conference but you must pay for your own airfare. and the price is $1230.00 per person. Refund policy: 1. 100% refund if you cancel by march 1st, 2017. 2. Refund all monies minus $200.00 if you cancel ( to be determined) 3. Refund all monies minus $400.00 if you cancel ( to be determined) 3. After May 6th, 2017 no refund 4. You can always transfer your registration if you cancel and not incur a penalty Questions/ Concerns? Contact Terrence and Annalee Shenfield 12 Sarah lane East Stroudsburg, PA 18302 atebcam@gmail.com 570-301-6861 ( Call 8am-9pm Eastern Time)