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2010 Bremerton Yacht Club Youth Sailing Program Open to the Public
2010 Bremerton Yacht Club Youth Sailing Program Open to the Public Learn to sail day classes teach children and young adults the basics of sailing in weekly camps. Each student is assigned their own boat, in each weekly program. The course combines classroom learning with lots of hands-on sailing experience. In addition to sailing, students learn boating safety, basic seamanship and knot tying. The focus is on sailing and having fun. Youth Sailing Day Camps 9:00 AM- 3:30 PM Beginners and Intermediatesages 10 to 15 July 12-16 July 19-23 July 26-30 August 2-6 Cost per student is $195 per week. ($185 if registered 20 days prior to session)) Ask about family plans and scholarships. For more information go to: BremertonYachtClub.org http://www.kitsapsailing.com/ or call Sam Throm at (360) 930-1080 or email samthrom.sailing@comcast.net
Bremerton Yacht Club Youth Sailing Program • Sailing classes are offered this summer at the Bremerton Yacht Club. Program emphasis is on how to have fun and stay safe on the water. Classes are designed to teach young people how to sail while building self-confidence and promoting good character. Classes are taught in our classroom and on the water in Phinney Bay. Each class lasts five days, Monday – Friday, from 9:00am until 3:30pm. Parents are invited to attend graduation on Friday at 3:00pm. Cost for the class is $195.00* per student. A $10 discount is available for students registered 20 days prior to session. Classes are open to boys and girls ages ten to fifteen by start of session. We accommodate participants with special needs as much as possible. Each sailor will be assigned one of our DeWitt dinghies or Laser-2 sailboats to use for the week. • Scholarships for those in need and family discounts are available • Scheduled Class Beginner and Intermediate: • July 12-16 July 19-23 July 26-30 August 2-6 • Qualification:Beginner classes are designed for those with little or no sailing experience and for sailors who lack confidence in their ability or need to refresh their skills. Intermediate classes are limited to those showing both skill and confidence as a Beginner. • Equipment: For the most part, beginners will use Dewitt Dinghies while Intermediate students will use Laser-2 sailboats. • Staff and course: Our Head instructor is U.S.Sailing certified and will be assisted with experienced dinghy sailors. The course will cover safety on the water, sailboat nomenclature, wind awareness, rigging, sailing basics, leaving and returning to the dock, rules of the road, etiquette and sailor’s knot. Their priorities are safety, then fun and learning. Sufficient staff will be on hand to ensure each participant receives personal attention. • Safety: Competence in swimming is a prerequisite. Participants must also bring a properly fitting Coast Guard-approved life jacket (a few are available on request). We require that participants and staff wear their life jackets at all times when on the water. Instructors in motorized safety boats will accompany and protect participants who are sailing. Instructors will teach sun protection, proper clothing, maintaining body temperature, capsize recovery and rules of the road. • Registration: Forms are available at the Bremerton Yacht Club clubhouse and on-line at our website http://bremertonyachtclub.org/ or http://kitsapsailing.com. • Registration will be accepted up until the date classes begin provided that space is available, but each class is limited so early registration is encouraged to ensure admission and facilitate scheduling. • Additional Information: If you have questions or need assistance with registration please contact Youth Sailing Chairman Sam Throm at (360) 930-1080. Bremerton Yacht Club is a Washington not-for-profit corporation. Tuition covers only direct expenses. The club provides boats, facilities and hundreds of hours of volunteer labor to this program.