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Access to Recovery (ATR). Access to Recovery (ATR). What is ATR? ATR is a federally funded initiative expanding access to substance abuse treatment and recovery support services to over 6000 people over a three-year period
Access to Recovery (ATR) What is ATR? • ATR is a federally funded initiative expanding access to substance abuse treatment and recovery support services to over 6000 people over a three-year period • This three-year grant has been awarded to The Colorado Office of the Governor, in conjunction with the Division of Behavioral Health (DBH), by the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment • ATR is a program that aims to expand existing treatment capacity, increase client choice of treatment provider, and enhance the participation of community and faith based organizations in providing support for individuals with substance abuse problems
Access to Recovery (ATR) Eligibility • In order to receive a voucher for substance abuse treatment and/or recovery support services, individuals must meet all of the following criteria: • (1) have a substance abuse or dependence problem requiring treatment • (2) Meet at least one of the following three criteria: • Aged 25 or younger • Have used methamphetamines and/or Ecstasy in the past 30 days or if institutionalized, in the 30 days prior to institutionalization
Access to Recovery (ATR) Eligibility • (3) Have no private or public health insurance covering substance abuse treatment or inadequate insurance coverage for the substance abuse services needed • (4) If court-ordered to treatment, the referring agency or court must allow the ATR assessment to dictate the level of care and allow the client to choose a provider • (5) Reside in the ATR service area • (6) Be referred for treatment rather than education or prevention services (not seeking services solely to satisfy Driving Under the Influence or Minor in Possession requirements) • (7) Participate in an independent assessment of treatment needs conducted by Mines and Associates
Access to Recovery (ATR) • Colorado ATR is a collaboration involving a number of partners • DBH is responsible for oversight of the project • Mines and Associates (Mines) conducts the telephone screening, face to face assessment, and referral to treatment • Connect Care oversees the provider enrollment and payment processes and issues vouchers for assessment, treatment, recovery support and follow-up services • OMNI Institute (OMNI) coordinates the administrative aspects of the project including data collection and reporting • Other partners include Advocates for Recovery, Peer Assistance Services, Colorado Screening Brief Intervention, Referral, and Treatment, and the Colorado Association of Alcohol and Drug Service Providers
Access to Recovery (ATR) Screening and Assessment • Mines completes an eligibility screening of individuals seeking services from Colorado ATR and schedules a face to face appointment with a Mines Affiliate • During the face to face appointment, a clinician administers the Addiction Severity Index, or Teen Addiction Severity Index • Determination of the appropriate level of treatment is completed using the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) placement criteria • Further assessment of the individual's need for supportive services such as transportation, childcare, peer support, and basic needs is also conducted at this time.
Access to Recovery (ATR) Choosing Service Providers • Upon completion of the assessment, the Mines Affiliate contacts Connect Care and based on the client's place of residence, treatment need, and other preferences, the client chooses a treatment provider • Vouchers are issued to pay for treatment services along with other recovery support service needs • Clients must be free to choose their treatment provider and therefore clients ordered by courts or other agencies to a specific treatment provider or modality of care are not eligible for ATR
Access to Recovery (ATR) Program Assessment • OMNI Institute is a social science research firm based in Denver, Colorado • Since 1976 OMNI has specialized in a variety of research areas including juvenile and criminal justice, substance abuse prevention and treatment, youth development and prevention, and community health • OMNI, under the ATR grant, will provide the data collection, data reporting, and administrative support
Access to Recovery (ATR) Provider Enrollment • Any Colorado licensed substance abuse treatment provider who completed an enrollment form and agrees to accept Colorado ATR rates and reporting requirements is eligible to provide services • Providers of recovery support services such as peer support, transportation, and child care are screened based on industry standards in their field and must agree to Colorado ATR rates and reporting requirements • The ATR Provider Handbook, application materials, application instructions, and rates are located on the ATR website: www.atrcolorado.org
Access to Recovery (ATR) ATR Service Areas • The initial service areas include the Metropolitan Denver area and El Paso and Teller Counties • Phase II implementation, which began in the Summer of 2008, includes the I-70 corridor from Summit County to Grand Junction and North to Ft. Collins in addition to the initial service areas
Access to Recovery (ATR) Questions?? If you have questions about ATR, please contact Jennifer Hooks at (303) 839-9422 x172 or atrta@omni.org Additional information is available at www.atrcolorado.org