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Decision Making

. Knowing" what is right is not hardDoing" what's right is. Values. Our values play a role in the decisions we makeValues areIdeas or beliefs that we hold special and meaningfulBeliefs that guide our actions and attitudesEveryone has their own set of beliefs WHY???Can you give exampl

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Decision Making

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Decision Making Miss Bragan

    2. Knowing what is right is not hard Doing whats right is

    3. Values Our values play a role in the decisions we make Values are Ideas or beliefs that we hold special and meaningful Beliefs that guide our actions and attitudes Everyone has their own set of beliefs WHY??? Can you give examples of your values?

    4. What is a Wrong Decision? A wrong decision is a choice that leads to actions that: Harm health Are unsafe Are illegal Show disrespect for self and others Disregard the guidelines of parents and other responsible adults Lack good character

    5. Making Decisions How do we evaluate the decisions we make?

    6. Decisions styles 3 possible Decision Making Styles: An inactive decision making style A reactive decision making style A proactive decision making style

    7. An Inactive Decision Making Style A habit in which a person fails to make choices, and this failure determines outcomes Procrastination Little control over direction No self confidence (gaining) *Procrastinate: to postpone something until a future time

    8. A Reactive Decision Making Syle A habit in which a person allows others to make his/her decisions Easily influenced Lack of self confidence Giving control of direction of lives to others

    9. A Proactive Decision Making Style A habit in which a person describes the situation that requires a decision, and makes a decision and takes responsibility for the consequences Are not driven by circumstances Not easily influenced Have principles, such as integrity, honesty, and dignity that guide their decisions and behaviors; become empowered Empowered: is to be energized because a person has some control over his/her decisions

    10. What Style are you?

    11. Decision Balnce Weighing the positive and negative consequences of change to yourself and others. Example: Stopping Smoking

    12. Reinforcement A reward or punishment for a behavior that will increase or decrease ones likelihood of repeating a behavior. EXAMPLES???

    13. Affirmation A single positive sentence used as a tool for behavior change I AM NOT A SMOKER I AM GOOD AT MY JOB I AM AWESOME I WILL SCORE A GOAL TODAY Write. Say. Think.

    14. Making a Healthy Change in Your Life Awareness recognizing a problem Knowledge learn the facts Decision making what to do? Applying skills create a new habit

    15. So What Do We Do if We Make a Wrong Decision?? WE FIND A WAY TO FIX IT??? BUT HOW?

    16. 4 Easy Steps Take responsibility and admit you made a mistake Do not continue actions based on wrong decisions Discuss the wrong decision with a friend, guardian, or someone you trust Make restitution for harm done to others Restitution: making good for any loss or damage. Making up for harm you could have caused. Apologizing is not always enough

    17. Responsible Decision Making Model What is it? A series of steps to follow to assure that the decisions a person makes results in actions that: Promote Health Promote Safety Follow Laws Show respect for self and others Follow guidelines of parents and adults Demonstrate good character

    18. Step 1 Define the problem; describe the situation

    19. Step 2 Explore Options!

    20. Step 3 Consider the consequences! What are the pros and cons of each option?

    21. Step 4 Dont Forget your values Examples of values: Honesty, integrity, loyalty, respect for people, responsibility, kindness and caring, fairness, pursue excellence, citizenship.

    22. Step 5 DECIDE!!!!

    23. Step 6 Evaluate the outcome. Use the word help: H. Healthy? E.Ethical? L.Legal? P.Parent-approved

    24. Changing a Behavior is Hard Internal influences ex. Safety, legality, health, self-respect and values External influences ex. Friends, family, society and media Which will cause the greatest permanent change?

    25. Strategies For Change Is your goal SMART? S-Specific. M-Measurable. A-Attainable. R-Realistic. T-Targeted.

    26. Remember Good decision making is a practiced skillyou can get better at it Good decisions always reflect your values. A decision in conflict with your values will always be a regrettable one. Learn from your mistakes!

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