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Developing Professionalism Through DRESS-dialogues Randi.Moxnes.Karlsen@plu.ntnu.no. A comparison of ’professional reflection’ between teacher students at a university (24-26 years old) and VG1 students at an upper secondary school (16). Presentation . DRESS-dialogues as a concept
Developing Professionalism Through DRESS-dialoguesRandi.Moxnes.Karlsen@plu.ntnu.no A comparison of ’professional reflection’ between teacher students at a university (24-26 years old) and VG1 students at an upper secondary school (16)
Presentation • DRESS-dialogues as a concept • Main theoretical approach • Results from NTNU-students in DRESS-dialogues • VG1-students in DRESS-dialogues, half way into the project. Preliminary achievements. • Comparison and preliminary conclusions, possible research design? Randi.Moxnes.Karlsen@plu.ntnu.no
DRESS-dialogues Randi.Moxnes.Karlsen@plu.ntnu.no Programme for Teacher Education/ PLU D evelopment R eflection E valuation S upport S elf-awareness - dialogues How do you dress, - to be a professional teacher for the future? - to be a professional student in secondary school? Would DRESS-dialogues contribute to appropriate answers? Randi.Moxnes.Karlsen@plu.ntnu.no
Theoretic Approach I Fred A. J. Korthagen (2001) The Pedagogy of Realistic Teacher Education. His ideas form a concept summed up in 5 points that is similar to the ideas of the teacher education at NTNU: • Realistic teacher education starts from concrete practical problems and the concerns experienced by (student) teachers in real contexts. • It aims at the promotion of systematic reflection of (student) teachers on their own and their student’s wanting, feeling, thinking and acting, on the role of the context, and on the relationships between those aspects. • It builds on the personal interaction between the teacher educator and the (student) teacher and on the interaction among the (student) teachers. • It takes the three levels of professional learning (gestalt, schema and theory level) into account, as well as the consequences of the three-level model for the kind of theory that is offered (episteme vs phronesis). • It has a strongly integrated character. Two types of integration are involved: integration of theory and practise and integration of several disciplines. (p. 273) Randi.Moxnes.Karlsen@plu.ntnu.no
Theoretic Approach II Kirsten Limstrand (2002, 2004 and 2006) has done most of her research on ”Elevsamtaler” Development Through Dialogues (my translation). In Norwegian: Hun sier at barn har skrytealbum fra de er født, de får registrert vitale fakta gjennom sine helsekort på helsestasjonen: der de blir ”veid og målt” og når de starter sin skolegang slutter denne systematiske oppfølgingen. Hun ønsker at vi lærere skal fortsette her og hun formulerer det slik: ”Jeg kunne ønske at en av skolens oppgaver var å hjelpe elevene til å lage ei bok, eller kanskje det er riktigere å kalle det ei historie eller fortsettelsesfortelling om eleven selv: en slags mappe eller et kunstalbum som gir et bilde av elevens liv og utvikling også etter at de begynner på skolen. Et album av denne typen vil kunne være et slags skrytealbum som blir identitetsskapende, og som i stor grad vil kunne inneholde de gode fortellingene, gjennom tekst og andre ulike kunstneriske uttrykk” (Limstrand 2006:129) Randi.Moxnes.Karlsen@plu.ntnu.no
The DRESS-dialogue situation Where are the dialogues performed? the room and the surroundings How is the dialogue performed? sit side by side, do not write Demands on the teacher? remember that silence gives time for thought Randi.Moxnes.Karlsen@plu.ntnu.no
DRESS-dialogue An illustration of a DRESS-dialogue as a student at Stabbursmoen school has experienced this dialogue: Randi.Moxnes.Karlsen@plu.ntnu.no
Promoting Reflection in the Teacher Education? Teacher Profile 1) Why do I want to become a teacher? 2) What kind of teacher do I want to develop into? -> focussed here 3) Which strengths and weaknesses do I think I have in connection with my wish to become a teacher? 4) What expectations do I have for PLU, for the PPU-course and for the practice schools? DRESS-dialogues (two in the fall, one in the spring term) Micro teaching Practise periods with mentors and visits from the university Development essay (first as a draft and then in a final version) Randi.Moxnes.Karlsen@plu.ntnu.no
Results from an Evaluation of 4 Students Student 1 and 2 TP, student 1, question 2: “I want to become a teacher that the students can trust in and that helps them to forward the best parts of themselves. I do not want to be the pal-teacher, as my experiences shows that this is not the best way in the long run. At the same time I do not want to run a military discipline, because I believe that fear of the teacher will not create the best learning situation. I hope I will find a teaching method that functions the utmost both for me and for my students. I hope to become the teacher that the students are looking forward to meeting in a subject and a teacher that builds up interest in his students in stead of breaking it down. (S.A., female.) (my translation) TP, student 2, question 2: “I do wish to be a good teacher, but just how to become one and how to behave as a teacher I really do not know quite yet. I want to become a teacher with good contact with my pupils in the class room, one who sees what the students do not understand. And then have the ability to adapt myself to these situations and the teaching methods.” (P.R.B., male.) (my translation) Randi.Moxnes.Karlsen@plu.ntnu.no
Student 3 and 4 TP, student 3, question 2: “I wish to be a teacher who plays on the same team as my students, but at the same time achieves respect. I hope to achieve this through listening to their wishes, and to develop plans for the teaching that the students will enjoy and find useful. It is the didactics I ‘m eager about, and I am very much looking forward to trying different methods to teach and share knowledge in the classroom.” (L.M.N., female) (my translation) TP, student 4, question 2: “I most of all want to become a fair teacher who engage my students and really know the subjects that I am about to teach. I do not want to be too authoritative, but still be a respected and clear leader. I want to develop into a teacher who also respect the students and treat every one of them equal. Whatever teacher I will be, I will do my best….” (S.A.W., female) (my translation) Randi.Moxnes.Karlsen@plu.ntnu.no
Student Evaluation The dialogue lasted for about 50 minutes. I was responsible for the themes and problem issues that we discussed. I started with my classroom experiences, what my development goals had been and my view on the teacher role and problems, challenges attached to this role. A reflective teacher is a teacher who thinks through what he is going to teach and who is able to explain why. The reflective teacher catches the student’s needs and is able to adapt, he doesn’t just ”turn his manuscript”. The reflective teacher doesn’t just perform his performance at his counter, but he is able to understand and communicate with students. This teacher will realise that ”this lesson was a really bad one” and then he tries to understand what went wrong, why it went wrong ant therefore is able for focus on how to perform better the next lesson. (Geir Ola, 2003) Randi.Moxnes.Karlsen@plu.ntnu.no
Summary – Teacher Students As we can see from the above quotations they all have strong hopes for their careers. They want to become the teachers they would have liked to have had themselves when they were in school. They mention leadership and good contact with students and to be a friendly well-liked teacher. To become a good leader, they seem to put this in opposition to being authorative or having military discipline. This might be a difficult balance. On the one hand they want to become clear leaders, but on the other hand they do not want to gain this competence through using force or by performing any kind of military discipline. They want to become clear leaders through respect and through knowing their subjects. Randi.Moxnes.Karlsen@plu.ntnu.no
Self-Evaluation in Upper Secondary School”The Fairytale Method of Developing Ambitions” All 23 students in the class prepared for their 30 minutes DRESS-dialogues through answering 5 questions and writing a fairytale on their own lives. Here are the 5 questions: • My aims for this coming spring (grades)? • How am I going to achieve these goals? • Examples of extra work that I will do? • What is the teacher going to help me with? • What are my strongest sides, what am I good at? Randi.Moxnes.Karlsen@plu.ntnu.no
Answers 1, 2 and 3: Student 1: 1) aims at strong 4, maybe a 5 2) will speak more English, listen to English, read newspapers, go to the library, watch films without subtitles and speak to persons on the Internet or in the family 3) maybe listen 3 times per week, speak on the Internet, write comments on films once a week and read a book every 14 days Student 2: 1) aims at a 4 2) try to write and speak as much English as possible 3) Read English books and will be going to England this spring Student 3: 1) 4 or maybe 5 2) read more books, listen to podcast, write 3) write down words I like, write a text to the teacher once a week Student 4: 1) 4 or rather 5 2) work, write assignments from the textbook, read more, Book? 3) work tasks, small texts Randi.Moxnes.Karlsen@plu.ntnu.no
Examples from Fairytales Student 1: Once upon the time it was a little girl. She was five years old, and she was going to begin at school. She knows someone, but not everybody. So she was very excited. All the little people are going to learn a lot of subjects. She started in class 1b. It took not a long time before she began to started to make friends. This was only the start to become something. Student 2, ex 1: The girls parents were upset, but she was good to make excuses. Faster than the wind, the secondary school came around. The secondary school was the worse years of her life. The teachers, the school, the puberty and the pressure from both parents, family, friends and the teachers. She gave her preference to her friends and hobbies, instead of the school. Randi.Moxnes.Karlsen@plu.ntnu.no
Examples, Continued Student 2, ex 2: The three years on college passed by, just like the ten other years on school. Now she wanted to make her dream come true. She wanted to study law, she wanted to be a lawyer! She had dreamt about that since the age of ten! She moved to Bergen in an age of 19, and started study law. The first year was really hard, and she had to focus on study and reading, but she looked forward to study law in many years ahead. Now she was 20 years, she was actually going to be a woman. It was weard to think that 15 years ago, she stood there on the big schoolyard, going to start a life, something to live for, and have fun with. Randi.Moxnes.Karlsen@plu.ntnu.no
Examples, Continued Student 3: A new epoke in his life, he was starting on high school. He still does not know what he is going to study after highschool, but one thing is for sure he is going to study something in scienc or technologi. Student 4 (describing his exam situation): He walked through the first door, and saw other students, sitting thight to their books, for their final reading. Kasper sat down eager to begin. One of the teachers called up his name, and Kasper went inside the cave, where the English teacher a random man sat. Kaspers subject was religion. An oral presentation. Kasper felt his stomach turn around as he began. It took a while, but he eventually got done. The upcoming minuts was quite strange. Many thoughts went around his head. The teachers teld us them to come. He got dragged in, ant two teachers stood in front of him. One of them eventually opened their mouth, and came slowly “fiiiive”. Kasper jumped out of the room in happiness, and lived happily ever after. Randi.Moxnes.Karlsen@plu.ntnu.no
Girl 1: I am satisfied with my English reading, because I think I have been better at writing English sentences. I will do exercises and reading from next chapter and do some extra work at home. Girl 2: I am satisfied with my work, I can see that I’ve learnt after you became our teacher, and have never got that good feedback on my work, and I have never ever been thinking about a 5 at an English test! To improve my work I will try to read a few books, I just forgot that this first month, and I will work even better with the work program. Those last lessons we have been talking a little too much about the exchange to England … oops.. Boy 1: I am satisfied with my work in English because I feel that I really have learnt somethingafter I started at this school. I feel that the oral is much easier and the writing goes faster than last year. I will try to do my homework more properly, and use more time on everything. I also think I should some more reading and writing of questions. Boy 2: I really like you much better than our last teacher. Your ways to teach are much better. I can’t say more. Evaluation of Own Work Randi.Moxnes.Karlsen@plu.ntnu.no
Analysing Student Fairytales Not all students understood my instructions: the fairytales should start at approximately 5 years old and end at their turning 20. Not all students understood that the genre “fairytale” implied fiction, but was supposed to be mainly true on the part up to the age of 16 (where they are now). I see major differences in the student’s fairytales as to what extent they contribute to their personal development. The 4 I have started analysing by now, partly fulfil the criteria and therefore might contribute to their professional development. I’m still to decide which research programme to design, but have a few ideas: Randi.Moxnes.Karlsen@plu.ntnu.no
Ideas for a Research Design Randi.Moxnes.Karlsen@plu.ntnu.no
References Bjørgen, Ivar A. (1991) Ansvar for egen læring. Tapir forlag. Eidsvåg, Inge (2003) Læreren – såmann, gartner og perlefisker. Kronikk i Under utdanning nr. 2/03. Halland, Geir (2005) Læring gjennom stimulerende samspill. Veiledning, vurdering og ledelse. Fagbokforlaget. Oslo. Haugaløkken, Ove Kr. og Ramberg, Per (2005) NTNUs partnerskapsmodell. Et samarbeid mellom skole og lærerutdanningsinstitusjon. PPU-serien, PLU NTNU. Hoel, Torlaug Løkensgard og Gudmundsdottír, Sigrún (1999) Studenter, refleksjon og veiledning via e-post. Skriftserien Klasseromsforskning. Tapir forlag. Trondheim. Karlsen, Randi M. (2006) DRESS-dialogues publisert av PLU i et samlehefte under tittelen ”Lærerutdanning i praksis” Karlsen, Randi M., Limstrand, Kirsten og Toldnes, Per Egil (1997) Elevsamtalen. Rapport fra et evalueringsseminar i Bodø. PS-skrift nr 5/97 PLU NTNU Karlsen, Randi Moxnes og Waag, Knut (1997) ”Faglige forbedringer” prosjekt i åttende klasse: Karriereutvikling ved hjelp av elevsamtaler.Forum for klasseromsforskning. PLU NTNU. Korthagen, Fred A. J. (2001) Linking Practise and Theory. The Pedagogy of Realistic Teacher Education. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, NJ USA. Limstrand, Kirsten (2002) På jakt etter entusiasmen og talentene – om elevsamtaler og elevfortellinger i ungdomsskolen. HBO-rapport 14/02. Høgskolen i Bodø. Limstrand, Kirsten (2004) Elevsamtalen som plan- og utviklingsdialog.HBO-rapport 1/2004. Høgskolen i Bodø. Limstrand, Kirsten (2006) Elevsamtalen. En kilde til danning og vekst. Fagbokforlaget. Bergen. Vygotsky, Lev (1986) Thought and Language. The MIT Press, Cambridge England. Randi.Moxnes.Karlsen@plu.ntnu.no