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PERSONAL WELLNESS: TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF Presented by: Deidre Sheena Ginger Alicia Vanessa Nedra HOW CAN YOU MAINTAIN A HEALTHY BODY? Eat a variety of foods. Maintain a healthy weight Choose a diet low in fat and cholesterol.

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  1. PERSONAL WELLNESS:TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF Presented by: Deidre Sheena Ginger Alicia Vanessa Nedra


  3. Eat a variety of foods. Maintain a healthy weight Choose a diet low in fat and cholesterol. Choose a diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits, and grain products. Use sugars in moderation. Use salt and sodium only in moderation If you drink ALCOHOLIC beverages, do so in moderation. EATING RIGHT DON’T EAT MORE THAN YOUR BODY CAN USE!

  4. Limit Potential Health Hazards • Sugars give you quick energy but lets you down fast. • Fats pile on extra lbs. that overburden your system. • Too much salt = HIGH blood pressure • Caffeine can irritate your stomach and overstimulate your heart and nervous system.

  5. WITHDRAWAL • The discontinuance of the use of a drug, including attendant side effects

  6. EXERCISING • An efficient body system has more energy and more ability to direct that energy towards problem solving and the fulfillment of goals. • A fit body also helps handle stress. • Walking, for example, is one of the most beneficial and available forms of excerise.

  7. TYPES OF EXERCISE • Cardiovascular Training • Strength Training • Flexibility Training • Cross Training

  8. Make Exercise A Priority • Walk to class and meetings on campus • Choose stairs rather than elevator • Work out with a friend • Play recreational sports

  9. Tips for Quality Sleep • Reduce alcohol and caffeine intake. • Exercise regularly. • Complete tasks an hour or more before you sleep. • Establish a comfortable sleeping environment.

  10. Barriers to Good Sleep • What is out of your control? • Outside noise can hinder you from appropriate sleep • What is within your control? • Late nights, what you eat/drink, and study schedule

  11. REMEMBER. . . . . . . You can protect yourself from the cost of medical care with health insurance, and you can protect yourself from diseases through immunization.

  12. Adult Immunizations • Make sure always updated! • Not only for kids but adults as well. • Help prevent flu, hepatitis B, tetanus, diphtheria, measles, mumps, rubella • And most important, MENINGITIS; which is very common to college students!

  13. MONONUCLEOSIS a.k.a MONO • NOT protected by immunization • Caused by a virus passed through spit • Very common on college campus • Get it from kissing or sharing a glass • Symptoms • Sore throat, swollen lymph glands, and fatigue • Last few days or few months • Only cure is rest, fluids, and a balanced diet

  14. STRESS. . . . . • Tension, Hardship, Problems, Anger • Effect of life • Refers not to change itself but how you react • Not all bad

  15. POSITIVE Moderate levels of stress increase performance and efficiency. Encourages you to push boundaries of your abilities. NEGATIVE Energy becomes unproductive anxiety rather than problem solving. Have dangerous emotional and physical effects. SOME EFFECTS OF STRESS

  16. MANAGE STRESS • Address issues specifically • Turn big jobs to small ones • Set realistic goals • Avoid procrastination • Be thorough • Set boundaries • Learn to say NO!!

  17. DEPRESSION • Whole-body illness • Symptoms • Always sad, worried, or anxious • Sleep/Eat too much/too little • Low motivation w/ excessive crying • Physical aches and pains • Difficulty with decisions or concentration • Suicidal

  18. Suicide Warnings • Statements about hopelessness or worthlessness. • Loss of interest in people, things, or activites. • Preoccupation with suicide or death. • Making arrangements with family/friends to say good-bye and giving things away. • Sudden sense of happiness or calm.

  19. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder • “Shell Shock” “Post-Rape Syndrome” • Affect people who have had a traumatic experience • PTSD can make school, work, and family issues difficult to deal with

  20. EATING DISORDERS • Anorexia Nervosa • Self-starvation • Bulimia • Binge on excessive amts of food and vomit • Binge Eating • Uncontrollable to eat all the time without stopping.

  21. ALCOHOL • 88% of college students have used alcohol • Greater alcohol use is connected to sexual aggression • Drinking with a group or self-serving may increase consumption • BINGE DRINKING: Have 5+ drinks at one time • Contributes to over 100,000 people’s death a year

  22. TOBACCO • 38.8% of college students report smoking before survey • 24.5% smoked once within previous month • 60 million people are habitual smokers • Second-hand smoke is just as bad; causes about 3,000 deaths per year in non-smokers • Lung cancer kills as much as any other cancer

  23. DRUGS • Stimulants • Depressants • Opiates • Cannabinols • Hallucinogens • Inhalants

  24. Why have addicts lost control? • Chemical imbalances in the brain • Hereditary tendencies • Stressful life circunmstances

  25. REMEMBER. . . . . . • For every obvious alcohol or drug user, there is someone who abuses substances quietly. • YOU are the only one who can truly take the initiative to change!!!! • Addiction is hard to face and overcome. • Because substances often cause physical and chemical changes, quitting often requires guiding your body through a painful withdrawal.

  26. HELP IS AVAILABLE!!!1 • Counseling and medical care • Detoxification (detox) centers • Support groups

  27. CODEPENDENCY • Defined as “people whose lives have become unmanageable as a result of living in a committed relationship with an alcoholic. • Codependent spouses, parents, or children of an addict • Become crazy about the happiness of the addict • Feel alone and drained because of intensive care for addict • Forget about their own life because of involvement with addict • Tend to think they are the cause of the addict’s addiction

  28. Sex and Critical Thinking • Your self-respect depends on making choices that maintain your own health and safety. • Ask yourself questions, when deciding like • Do I feel ready? • Is this the right person, moment, situation? • Does this person truly care for me? • Is this what I want?


  30. STDs: Serious Stuff • To Name a Few • Chlamydia • Gonorrhea • GenitalHerpes • Syphilis • Genital Wart • Hepatitis B

  31. AIDS & HIV • AIDS • No cure, end is death • Fastest growing among heterosexuals • HIV • Transmitted through semen and blood • Not get it from kissing, hugging, toilets, or sharing glasses

  32. REMEMBER. . . . . ALWAYS!!!!! Use a latex condom whether you like it or not. Even if you do not like using condoms, it’s a small price to pay for preserving you life.

  33. What is Sexual Harrassment? • Sexual abuse occurs when someone violates that privacy or tries to interfere with or take away your choices. It can range from an offensive sexual comment or display to spousal abuse and rape.

  34. The Facts. . . . . • Covers a wide range of behavior • Quid pro quo harassment • Hostile Environment Harassment • Both men and women can be victims of sexual harassment • Most common victims are women

  35. DATE RAPE • Sexual assault perpetrated by the victim’s escort during an arranged social encounter • Basically, anything that happens on a date that is against your own free will • Remember it is never your fault • NO MEANS NO!!!!!

  36. Domestic Abuse • Both men and women experience abuse • Usually in close relationship of sexual dimension • Almost 4 million women abused last year • 2/3 of attacks on women are done by someone the victim knows

  37. STAYING SAFE • Avoid situations that present clear dangers. • Avoid use of drugs or getting drunk. • Watch your belongings. • Avoid people who freak you out. • Communicate!!!!

  38. REMEMBER: Take care of yourself and each other.

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