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Futures Task Force Report. The Redesign of the Florida Nurses Association. Mary Tittle, Chair Dan O’Neal Andrea Gregg, ex officio Mavra Kear Marsha Martin Mary Lou Brunell. Theresa Stanton Jill Tahmooressi Denise McNulty Annmarie Farro Maria Seidel. Task Force Members.
Futures Task Force Report The Redesign of the Florida Nurses Association Florida Nurses Assocation
Mary Tittle, Chair Dan O’Neal Andrea Gregg, ex officio Mavra Kear Marsha Martin Mary Lou Brunell Theresa Stanton Jill Tahmooressi Denise McNulty Annmarie Farro Maria Seidel Task Force Members Florida Nurses Assocation
2007House of Delegates Action • Motion 1-It was moved by Mike Nilsson and seconded by Debbie Hogan that the Florida Nurses Association create a Futures Task Force. The task force should be comprised of representatives from the BOD, Districts, WFA, LERC and FNA staff. The purpose of the Task Force will be to review the organizational structure, election process and non dues revenue to ensure the fiscal and operational future of FNA. Motion Passed. Florida Nurses Assocation
Discussion • Based on Leader and Member Feedback • Districts inactive/ineffective • Difficult to impossible to find local leadership • Leaders “recycle” or stay in positions past the allowable limit in their bylaws • Low to no attendance at meetings • Meeting are often social gatherings only • Activities not supporting the mission • of FNA Florida Nurses Assocation
Discussion (continued) • Officers sometimes inactive members including treasurer • FNA holding dues in escrow for inactive districts • No local meetings held at all/no activity Florida Nurses Assocation
Major Focus • All groups within FNA should be involved in activities related to the core functions of the association. The following areas emerged: • Sustaining the Profession • Quality and Safety Florida Nurses Assocation
Common Threads • Under the topics in the previous slide there were some common threads. The task force categorized them in the following way • Sustaining the profession • Practice and Education Redesign • Scope of Practice • Workforce Research • Quality and Safety • Linkages with Consumer Groups • Disaster Response Sust Florida Nurses Assocation
Tools for our work • The task force wanted to be clear that legislative advocacy and research were tools that were integral to the work of FNA. Florida Nurses Assocation
Other factors • Attendance at conferences significantly decreased including convention. • Trend of House of Delegates- from 1997 to 2007 - Delegate attendance progressively decreased from 239 to147 • Decreased attendance means decreased revenue for convention and decreased or no profit. • We have deleted 5-6 conferences over the past 11 years due to low attendance/financial issues. Florida Nurses Assocation
Recommendations for Action • Transform the House of Delegates • Redesign • Transform structure from a district to a regional model • Task force Recommends redesign from a district structure to a regional structure • Identify possible special interest groups • Consider future relationships with CAN and UAN Florida Nurses Assocation
House of Delegates • The Task Force recommends that we move from a Biennial Convention with a House of Delegates to an Annual Member Meeting. All members in good standing will be allowed to vote at this meeting. Florida Nurses Assocation
Proposed Redesign of District Structure(1st version) Florida Nurses Assocation
FCN Regional Map Florida Nurses Assocation
Process • Board of Directors will work with members of the original task force to form a State Transition Team and Regional Transition Teams • It is proposed that regions follow the model of the Florida Workforce Regions Florida Nurses Assocation
Formation of Exploration Team • After discussion at the Leadership meeting it was determined that if would be beneficial to form an “Exploration Team” to look at the options and prepare a plan to begin work post convention. • The group met twice and formulated recommendations based on their findings. Florida Nurses Assocation
Members of the Exploration Team • Members consist of District Presidents from across the state or their designees. They are: • Barbara Russell, District 5, Chair • Janice Hoff, District 1 • Judith Brustad, District 9 • Judy Crager, District 30 • Denise McNulty, District 29 • Brandy Lehman, District 4 • Mary Sapp, District 35 • Ellyn Dunlap, District 2 • Zilla Thompson, District 35 • Jessie Quick, District 9 • Andrea Gregg, FNA President, Ex officio Florida Nurses Assocation
Work of the Exploration Team • Members of the Exploration Team reviewed the report of the Task Force and the Summary of the 2009 Leadership Meeting which several had attended. • Some of the major points of discussion were: • The size of the regions based on the FCN model • Other possible models-Legislative Districts • The current district model • The disposition of district funds after restructuring • The structure and activities of the regions • The number of nurses in each region • The number of FNA members in each region • Members of the task force decided to speak with several states who had restructured similarly regarding their experience, Those states being, Georgia, Indiana, South Carolina and Alabama. Florida Nurses Assocation
Results of Informal Survey of States • States had moved to Regional or Chapter Structure • Some states had moved to an overall state structure with no geographic designations, but had chapters based on function, clinical area or a specific activity • Chapters could be geographic, or state-wide. • A fund for formed for chapter use. Chapters applied for the funds as needed. Projects must be congruent with the mission and vision of FNA. A committee would be formed to review grants. • They no longer held a House of Delegates, but held an annual membership meeting or membership assembly. Members voted on issues such as bylaws changes, dues increases, etc. All members in good standing who were in attendance are allowed to vote. • In some states, officers are elected to coincide with regions, in other states they kept their previous board structure. • The number of nurses in each area was not pertinent if the chapters are not primarily geographic in nature. • States were having success with the new structure and did not see a decrease in membership. Some had a slight increase. Florida Nurses Assocation
Recommendation of Exploration Team • Adopt a regional model using the Legislative Regional Model(may be revised based on member input) • Develop a process for forming chapters • Develop a grants process for funding chapter activities • Transition to an annual member meeting (bylaws leave an option to skip years if need be) with member present and voting. (Quorum established in bylaws) • Districts will develop a transition plan and account for expenditure of the funds via report to FNA board. • Timeline for transition will be determined. Florida Nurses Assocation
Regions based on Legislative Districts Florida Nurses Assocation
Implication for Bylaws • Bylaws have been crafted to carry out the work of the Futures Task Force with input from the Leadership, The Board of Directors and other structural units such as LERC and WFA, these bylaws will be presented for discussion, amendment and voting at the 2009 House of Delegates at the Centennial Convention • September 23-24 in St. Petersburg. • They were noticed in the June Issue of • The Florida Nurse and posted on the • FNA website for review. Florida Nurses Assocation
Financial Implications • Each district currently receives $10 per member • The Task Force proposes that this money goes into a fund that regions or special interest groups (Chapters) can apply for to develop or initiate projects that are related to the core mission of FNA. A grant process would be created for this purpose. Florida Nurses Assocation
Finance Committee • Finance Committee will look at the financial implications and make recommendations to the BOD regarding the new structure. Florida Nurses Assocation
Current Funds in District Treasuries • Current districts would have several options for the current funds: • Utilize the funds for final district activities • Donate the funds to a non-profit such as the Florida Nurses Foundation • Return the funds to the FNA to be designated for future regional activities • Return the funds to the FNA operating account. • A final accounting will be requested by FNA Florida Nurses Assocation
Work of the State Transition Team • Oversee/Coordinate work of the Regional Transition Teams • Collect and collate work from the Regional Teams • Compile a report of recommendations from each region Florida Nurses Assocation
Work of the Regional Transition Teams • Evaluate proposed regions and make recommendations for revision if needed • Create a regional leadership/governance structure • Create a menu of possible regional activities/projects/Special Interest Groups • Discuss/propose options for conducting business, (eg. Meetings, conference calls, online methods such as net-meeting) Florida Nurses Assocation
Other Actions • Develop a membership menu to include: • State-only membership* • Continue our existing membership options *ANA-only membership-there is a reciprocal agreement with the state to provide ANA only membership. FNA receives $45 for each ANA only member, ANA receives $45 for every FNA only member. Florida Nurses Assocation
Administrative Implications(if this passes at the HOD) • Set up of new categories (region vs district) in membership computer program • Set up of new membership categories in membership software • Set up of new line items in financial software • Development of new membership materials for the new categories of membership • Promotion of the changes in TFN, Members Only and via the web Florida Nurses Assocation
Questions? Concerns? Florida Nurses Assocation