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Project Prep & Positioning. 3 of the 4 Cambridge Libraries branches are located in core area communities Core area schools are located within walking distance of their community library
3 of the 4 Cambridge Libraries branches are located in core area communities • Core area schools are located within walking distance of their community library • Cambridge Libraries Partners’ with local schools to offer academic support to our community Elementary students
Project Prep @ What do we offer? • Teachers can book a one time visit OR regular monthly visits throughout the school year • Library visit customized to current unit of study • Basic research skills on OPAC (Title, Author, Keyword & Subject Searches) • Introduction to Online Databases (Selection based on unit of study) • Feature relevant websites (Canadian Encyclopedia Online) • Library Memberships and free replacement cards for visiting students • Project support & leisure reading book selections
Support not Competition! We are NOT classroom teachers We are NOT Teacher-Librarians We are NOT replacing the school library • We ARE offering access to a wide range of curriculum support materials that the school library cannot afford to provide • We ARE displaying new leisure reading materials from comics to the latest chapter books • We ARE showcasing the ASKON databases for student’s research • We ARE training students to perform basic catalogue searches • We ARE giving students library cards & FREE replacement cards
Building Teacher/Library Relationships • September Publicity: Library Visit Planners are sent to every school principal in Cambridge to distribute to their teaching staff. Planners contain one sheet flyer that briefly highlights classroom visit opportunities and a flyer for the Young Readers…Young Riders program that offers a free transit ride to the library. • Build an Email List: Teachers that book a visit are automatically added to our teacher email list. This list is used to send out information about the library (New databases, Author Visits, Poetry Events, Let’s Read program etc…)
Building Teacher/Library Relationships • Preach to the Choir: Remind teachers that visit with their class that they can come again for a different unit of study. • Be Flexible: Teachers will need flexibility when booking regular library visits. Chose times that work well with both the library and the class schedules. Classes that walk to the library are at the mercy of the weather; snow, rain and extreme cold will affect their ability to attend.
Creating StudentLibrary Ownership Students who attend Project Prep visits on a regular basis develop a strong sense of library ownership. Proven Success: • Central School (Gr. 4,5 & 6) attend the Queen’s Square Library monthly for Project Prep class visits. • These students return to the library on a regular basis on their own to use the computers, attend library programs (PD Day Specials, Saturday Craftastic & Gr.4 & Up After-school) and borrow materials.
Library Visit Timelines Project Prep Library Visit = 60 Minutes • Tour of the Department =10 min • Unit of Study PowerPoint (Basic OPAC & Database Training) = 20 min • Research Activity (FUN Factor) =10 min • Library Cards & Membership Guidelines=10 min • Book Selection and Check-out =10 min
Project Prep Presentation Examples: *Olympic Biographies*Poetry SLAM 2010
Winter OlympicsVancouver 2010 Feb. 12 – the first day of the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games
Speed Skating • There is no faster sport in the world, powered solely by the human body, than speed skating. Skaters can reach speeds of more than 60 kilometers per hour! • Speed skating takes place on a 400-metre oval ice rink and is timed to one-hundredth of a second.
Cindy Klassen Sport: Speed Skating LT The 25-cent coin celebrates her incredible five medals won at the Torino 2006 Olympic Winter Games – one gold, two silverand two bronze. • Biography Information: • Born:December 8th, 1979 • Birth Place:Winnipeg, Manitoba • Residence:Calgary, Alberta
GOLD Medal Winner for Canadian INFO!
Figure Skating • Figure skating competition is comprised of singles, pairs and ice dance. • Each skating element (jump, lift, footwork, etc.) has a point value. • Judging on a scale of one to 10, the judges express the overall presentation of the whole program.
Bryce Davison & Jessica Dubé Sport: Figure Skating-Pairs • Biography Information: • Born:October 29,1987 • Birth Place:Drummondville, Québec • Residence:St-Cyrille-de-Wendover, Québec • Born:January 29,1986 • Birth Place:Walnut Creek, California, USA • Residence:Huntsville, Ontario
http://paint-town-red.olympic.ca/ Great Olympic Website
Alpine Skiing • Alpine skiing, an adaptation of cross-country skiing to downhill, has been practiced in the European Alps for at least 150 years. • Ski racing is simple: the fastest racer from top to bottom wins. There are no judges, just a clock measuring time and gates that mark the route the racers must take through the course. • There are five Olympic events in alpine: Downhill, Slalom, Giant Slalom, Super Giant Slalom (Super-G) and Super Combined.
Kelly VanderBeek Sport: Alpine Skiing • Biography Information: • Born: January 21,1983 • Birth Place:Kapuskasing, Ontario • Residence:Chilliwack, British Columbia
The Record Online Excellent Local Info!
Ice Hockey • Ice hockey was born in Canada. The first set of rules specifying a puck and a flat piece of wood was written in 1837. • The object of the game of ice hockey is to get the puck into the • goal defended by the opposing team. The ice surface is divided in half by a centre red line and into thirds by two blue lines. • The 2010 Olympic Winter Games ice hockey tournaments are played on a North American ice surface which is four metres narrower than international rinks.
Martin Brodeur Sport: Ice Hockey • Biography Information: • Born: May 6th,1972 • Birth Place:Montréal, Québec • Residence:West Orange, New Jersey, USA
Enter Famous Athlete’s Name
Freestyle Skiing • Tricks for the Olympic freestyle skiing events include the twister, spread-eagle, iron cross, and the helicopter (an upright 360-degree spin). • In aerials, competitors hit the jumps or 'kickers' at speeds of 60+ km/h, launch themselves some 15 metres in the air. Competitors must perform two different jumps consisting of single or multiple somersaults with or without twists. • Ski cross is based on a simple concept: first across the finish line wins.
Jennifer Heil Sport: Freestyle Skiing • Biography Information: • Born:November 4, 1983 • Birth Place:Edmonton, Alberta • Residence:Montréal, Québec
Winter Olympics Vancouver 2010 Olympic Books Fiction & Non-Fiction
Poetry SLAM 2010
Can you dance a question mark? Can you dance an exclamation point? Can you dance a couple of commas? And bring it to a finish with a period? Can you dance like the wind is pushing you? Can you dance like you are pushing the wind? Can you dance with slow wooden heels and then change to bright and singing silver heels? Such nice feet, such good feet. from Lines Written For Gene Kelly To Dance Toby Carl Sandburg
If you could wear my sneakers!By: Sheree Fitch If you were me and I were you For just a day or maybe two Then maybe you and maybe me Would see the me that you were too Because…the you I see You try to be never ever Speaks to me See…If you knew the me I am Or I could know the you you be I think we would eventually Discover we like broccoli!
If you could wear my sneakers! con’tBy: Sheree Fitch Yeah…we could form the broccoli bunch Invite each other out to lunch Share our little broccoli trees Cover them with melted cheese But…you pass me by without a smile as if I were a crocodile then look the other way in case You see the me that’s in my face.
If you could wear my sneakers! con’tBy: Sheree Fitch If you could wear my sneakers (You might plug your nose) And if I could wear your shoes (Even if they crunch my toes) Maybe we could see the us We never got to meet The you and me That might have found More broccoli to eat
The in this Pong bounce and like a words side Ping- poem back forth metronome. Ping-Pong Poem by Douglas Florian
Ping. Pong. The sound the ball makes. Holding the paddle like that. They know what they are doing. The champions of recess. The Proving Ground Shanghai, China 1980
Humpty Dumpty Had a great lake. Humpty Dumpty Made a mistake. All the king’s chemicals, All the king’s waste Went into the lake, For goodness’ sake! Humpty Dumpty
We are Plooters, We don’t care, We make messes Everywhere, We strip forests Bare of trees, We dump garbage In the seas. We are Plooters, We enjoy Finding beauty To destroy, We intrude Where creatures thrive, Soon there’s little Left alive. We Are Plootersby Jack Prelutsky Underwater, Underground, Nothing’s safe When we’re around, We spew poisons In the air, We are Plooters, We don’t care.
Walking on air. Looks ancient. Mmm. I’d like to do this. I like adventure. Hard work. I’d tell him to keep going. Climbing Village of Karamakhi, Republic of Dagestan, Russian 2000
A tear streaming from my eye, Running through a field seeking refuge, A road lined with bullet shells instead of pebbles, An empty wheelbarrow stained red, A pillar of smoke uniting sky and ground, A slogan cried from the background, A hug of protection from my mama. My Memories of the Nicaraguan Revolutionby Eugenio Alberto Cano Correa Una lagrima fluyendo de mi ojo, Corriendo a campo traviesa buscando refugio, Un camino marcado po bals servidas en vez de guijarros, Una carretilla vacia manchada de rojo, Una pilar de humo uniendo cielo y tierra, Una consigna gritada desde el fondo, Un abrazo protector de mi mama.
Yes. Just don’t, I guess. I don’t speak it. I can’t. Halmoni. Grandmother. Haraboji. Grandfather. Imo. Aunt. Hey, let’s listen to you for a change. Say some foreign words. Your family came from somewhere else. Sometime. So was I. You’re Korean, aren’t you? Why don’t you speak Korean? Say something Korean. C’mon. Say something. Say some other stuff. Sounds funny. Sounds strange. Listen to me? But I’m American can’t you see? But I was born here. Speak Up by Janet S. Wong
Voting Time • Lines Written For Gene Kelly To Dance ToCarl Sandburg • If you could wear my sneakers! Sheree Fitch • Ping-Pong Poem Douglas Florian • The Proving Ground Poems by Children • Humpty Dumpty Barbara Wynklunder • We Are Plooters Jack Prelutsky • Climbing Poems by Children • My Memories of the Nicaraguan Revolution Eugenio Alberto Cano correa • Speak Up Janet S. Wong
Where are the Poetry books? Non-Fiction 800’s
Kinds of Poetry books General anthologies Many Kinds of Poetry by different Poets
Kinds of Poetry books Topical Collections: All the poems Have the same theme
Kinds of Poetry books Poet Compilations: Single-Poet Poetry books