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Review of: High-Speed Visual Estimation Using Preattentive Processing (Healy, Booth and Enns 1996). Gene Chipman. Preattentive Processing =. Cognitive operations performed prior to focusing attention Tasks performed on multi-element data sets Tasks performed in 200 milliseconds or less
Review of:High-Speed Visual Estimation Using Preattentive Processing(Healy, Booth and Enns 1996) Gene Chipman
Preattentive Processing = • Cognitive operations performed prior to focusing attention • Tasks performed on multi-element data sets • Tasks performed in 200 milliseconds or less • Minimum time to initiate eye movement • Perception in this time frame involves only information available in a single glance
= Better Visualization Tools • Geared toward general issue of formulating guidelines for designing visual presentation techniques • Poor assignment of features to data dimensions can interfere with viewer’s ability to extract information • Properly designed tools allow users to perform visual analysis rapidly and accurately
Prior Study in Psychology • Gibson, LaBerge, Schneider and Shiffrin, and Logan formally define automacity • Treisman et al. (1992) notes differences in preattentive processing • Governed by innate mechanisms (not trained) • Did experiments in target and boundary detection • Other research by Julesz, Duncan and Humphreys, and Wolfe
Conjunctive Target composed of multiple features not detectable preattentively
orientation Julesz & Bergen [1983]; Wolfe et al. [1992] length Triesman & Gormican [1988] width Julesz [1985] size Triesman & Gelade [1980] curvature Triesman & Gormican [1988] number Julesz [1985]; Trick & Pylyshyn [1994] terminators Julesz & Bergen [1983] intersection Julesz & Bergen [1983] closure Enns [1986]; Triesman & Souther [1985] colour (hue) Nagy & Sanchez [1990]; D'Zmura [1991];Kawai et al. [1995]; Bauer et al. [1996] intensity Beck [1983]; Triesman & Gormican [1988] flicker Julesz [1971] direction of motion Nakayama & Silverman [1986];Driver & McLeod [1992] binocular lustre Wolfe & Franzel [1988] stereoscopic depth Nakayama & Silverman [1986] 3-D depth cues Enns [1990] lighting direction Enns [1990] Preattentive Features
Issues Addressed by this paper • Can Preattentive processing be extended to rapid and accurate numerical estimation • How do changes in display duration and degree of feature difference influence preattentive processing • Can preattenvie processing be applied to real world tasks
Salmon Migration ??? • A sentence I never expected to read in HCI • “Salmon are a well-known fish that are found, among other areas, on the western coast of Canada.” • Gave a real world task for this study, the migration return of salmon for ocean to their birth river. • Added a complication to investigating the real issue • Required data manipulation • Added factors that are not clear (variation in spatial distribution)
Fishy Experiment • Rectangles placed in space based on fish starting location • Features changed are color and orientation • Color was red or blue • Orientation was vertical or 60 degrees • Feature differences are relatively equal perceptually • Two data aspects were migration direction (north or south) and stream function (high or low) • Data aspects had different spatial distributions • A feature change is mapped to each data aspect • Users were NOT informed this was fish data • A real world application but …
Data Presented to Users • Users asked to estimate the percentage of rectangles with a given feature, to the nearest 10% • Constant trials had relevant data mapped to one feature (color or orientation) • Variable trials also had irrelevant data mapped to the other feature to investigate interference
Three different experiments • Numerical Estimation • Can users do numerical estimation preattentively ? • Display Duration • At what duration can users no longer do numerical estiamtion ? • Feature Difference • How much feature difference is necessary ?
Numerical Estimation • Mean Error was affected by interval being estimated • Middle values (around 50%) were less accurate • Visual feature did not matter • Color and Orientation were the same • Constant and Variable trials were the same • Spatial distribution affected accuracy • Users more accurate for stream function which was more distributed spatially
Display Duration • Trials were displayed with random durations • 15, 45, 105, 195 and 450 milliseconds • Estimation accuracy was stable for 105 milliseconds and higher • Feature interference (Constant vs. Variable) not dependent on duration • Interesting to note knee in curve at 100 mSec • Psychological Moment defined as about 0.1 sec (Blumenthal, 1977; Card, Moran, and Newell, 1983)
Feature Difference • Three different data mapping conditions • Small: 0 and 5 degrees and two shades of red • Medium: 0 and 15 degrees, red and purple • Large: 0 and 60 degrees, red and blue • Mapping condition for other two experiments • Subjects were accurate (avg. error < 10%) for Large difference at 45 and 195 mSec and for Medium difference at 195 mSec • No evidence of feature interference
Good things • Shows that preattentive processing can be used for numerical estimation • Extends previous work beyond detection and boundaries • Shows that mapping a second irrelevant feature does not affect accuracy • Shows that color and orientation equally useful features regardless of duration and degree of difference • Shows that spatial difference may have an impact
Bad things • Uses ‘real world’ data to show laboratory results applied, but does not establish this in any formal manner • Use of fish data adds complications such as issues with spatial distribution and correlations between features (data was edited to remove and suspected correlation) • Random data would have been just as good
Where has it gone? • Oriented Texture Slivers: A Technique for Local Value Estimation of Multiple Scalar Fields • Weigle, Emigh, Liu, Taylor, Enns, Healey; GI 2000 • Improved Histograms for Selectivity Estimation of Range Predicates • Poosala; 1996 • 3D (Healy)