1. Using TV Commercials to Teach Listening and Critical Thinking By Alfred Smith and Lee Ann Rawley
3. Commercials and Critical Thinking Cohen (1971) complex thinking process: problem solving, decision making, critical thinking, and creative thinking.
Presseien (1985) metacognitive aspects of thinking skills. (awareness or his or her own thinking)
Commercials suited for task-oriented viewing, students use high-order thinking processes
Make associations
Be a critical consumer
Seeing cause and effect
(Evaluating humor)
Comparing culture
4. Selecting Commercials Look for
Elements that teacher wants to focus on
Interests of students
Critical thinking skills that fit the commercial
What works well?
5. Commercials that tell a story. Organize information
Identify sequence
6. Commercials that pose a problem Offer choices or Compare two products
Are good for:
Making associations
Comparing and contrasting
Drawing conclusions
Making judgements
7. Three-Stage Lesson Plan General Format
8. Critical thinking skills
Determining sequence
Seeing cause and effect relationships
Making associations
Hypothesizing and verifying
9. Previewing:Commercial for Dimmetapp medicine which tells a story A. Show commercial without sound
B. Groups work with prepared questions
What kind of product is this? Do you know the name?
Who are these people? What are their relationships? [making associations]
How do these people feel? [making associations]
Retell a story. What happened? [sequencing]
How does a the boy get well? [cause and effect]
C. Show video again with sound [verify hypotheses]
10. Viewing: Commercial for M&Ms. Previewing Stage: Students imagine have been hired to advertise the product
Viewing Stage: Each group writes a script for a commercial and videotapes on anothers group performing
11. B. Watching the commercial
First, create and write down what they think the intended images and target audiences are
Second, watch the commercial several times with a different task each time
12. Task 1: Watching for answers
Who do they want to sell this candy to? [making inferences]
What is the image they have created? [generalizing, making associations, recognizing cause and effect]
What images are different from the ones the class created? [compare and contrast]
Task 2: Fill in blanks in a close passage, a script of the song accompanying the commercial. Focus on vocabulary.
Postviewing: Class discussion
13. Postviewing: Mexican Restauant By this time, students have encountered vocabulary, pronunciation, structures, and cultural themes.
Students answer questions in writing, in class or small group discussion
What is the advantage of going to this restaurant?
Do you think this is an effective commercial? Explain your answer.
Would this commercial be effective in your country? Explain your answer.
14. VideoDownloader Extension for Firefox https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/2390/
15. Sites supported: