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AUM Integral Wellness HOLISTIC WELLNESS SERVICES A U M I N T E G R A L W E L L N E S S Aum Integral Wellness i s a Dallas, Texas- based hol i sti c wellness center that offers cli ents speci ali zed servi ces and therapi es to help them reach the hi ghes t possi bl e degree of health and wellbei ng.
Type of Trauma Trauma comes in various forms – physical, emotional, or a combination of both. The type of trauma you’ve experienced can influence the approach to massage therapy. A gentle touch might be more appropriate for emotional wounds, while physical traumas might benefit from deeper techniques. A skilled therapist will take the time to listen to your unique story, tailoring their approach accordingly.
Professional Expertise Trusting your therapist is fundamental. Look for a certified massage therapist with experience in trauma massage therapy. A skilled practitioner understands the intricacies of trauma and knows how to create a safe and nurturing environment. They will respect your boundaries and pace throughout the session.
E mo ti o nal R e adi ne s s Embarking on trauma massage therapy requires a level of emotional readiness. Healing isn’t linear, and it’s okay to take your time. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s important to address these emotions with your therapist. They can help you find grounding techniques and coping strategies.
Gradual Progression Trauma massage therapy is not a quick fix. It’s a gradual process that unfolds at your pace. A skilled therapist will focus on gradual progression, gently guiding your body and mind toward healing. Patience is key, and your therapist should be your ally in this journey.
AUM Integral Wellness HOLISTIC WELLNESS SERVICES C O N T A C T U S admin@aumintegralwellness.com E-mail https://www.aumintegralwellness.com/ Website (214) 239-3164 Phone In the Pecan Creek Plaza 8350 Meadow Rd., Suite 265 Address