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PAKISTAN by PSA (MSA-KAIST) THE WORLD WHERE IS KOREA AND WHERE IS PAKISTAN Flag Our Leader Qaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah Founder of Pakistan
Qaid e Azam Muhammad Ali JinnahFounder of Pakistan • A great politician and statesman, who was the founder of Pakistan. He served as leader of The Muslim League and Pakistan's first Governor-General. He is officially known in Pakistan as Quaid-e-Azam. His birthday is a national holiday in Pakistan.
More…. • Max Temperature: 55 Degrees Celcius • Minimum Termperature: -36 Degrees! • Famous Sports: Cricket, Hockey, Squash, Polo and Snooker • Famous Animals: Tigers, Eagle, Horse, Deer and some others..
Famous Pakistan • Dr. Abdus Salaam • K2 Mountain, Worlds 2nd highest Peak • 60% of world’s footballs are made in Pakistan • Alexander’s Last Stop • Indus Valley Civilization (7500BC -600 BC) • Gandhara Civilization(500 BC – 1000 AD) • The Mughal Empire(1300 AD – 1865 AD)
Dr. Abdus Salaam (1979 Nobel Laureate) • Professor Salam is famous for that electroweak theory which is the mathematical and conceptual synthesis of the electromagnetic and weak interactions - the latest stage reached until now on the path towards the unification of the fundamental forces of nature.
ALEXANDERS ARMY • In 327 B.C. Alexander, came and crossed Pakistan. • But during the journey, he fell ill and died. • His army did not go back and has since lived with the local people.
INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION • 5000 Years old civilization, around the same time as the pyramids of egypt were being built • One of the 3 Oldest civilizations of the world • Egyptian Nile Valley Civilization • Chinese Civilization • Indus Valley Civilization (Mesopotamia)
What did they know? • By 2800 BCE, it had developed into the largest and most advanced civilization of its time, covering almost all of Pakistan • The earliest-known farming cultures in South Asia emerged in the hills of Balochistan, Pakistan, which included Mehrgarh in 7000 BCE. • People domesticated wheat, barley, sheep, goat and cattle. Pottery was in use by the 6th millennium BC
The oldest granary yet found in Mehrgarh in the Indus Valley dates from 6000 BC • Figurines and ornaments of sea shell, limestone, turquoise, lapis lazuli, sandstone and polished copper have been found. By the 4th millennium BCE much evidence of manufacturing emerges. Technologies included stone and copper drills, updraft kilns, large pit kilns and copper melting crucibles. Button seals included geometric designs.
There is also evidence of sea ship building craft. • Archaeologists have discovered a massive, dredged canal and docking facility at the coastal city of Lothal, perhaps the world's oldest sea-faring harbor. • Evidence suggests efficient municipal governments. Streets were laid out in perfect grid patterns comparable to modern New York City.
Dentist Available! • Archaeologists studying the remains of two men from Mehrgarh, Pakistan, discovered that these peoples in the Indus Valley Civilization had knowledge of medicine and dentistry as early as circa 3300 BC. Recently there was found dentistry as early as 7000 BC
Budhism’s Birthplace (Ghandara Civilization) • Taxila was the city which centered around Buddha and his University. People used to come from all over the world to learn about his teachings. • Here was the first University of the World! • The remains of that city are still found on a huge scale in the ancient city of Taxila!