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Annual New Bilingual/ESL/ELS Supervisors Training 2007. Presenters: Raquel Sinai, Bilingual/ESL Coordinator Lori Ramella, Bilingual/ESL Education Specialist Ericka Reed, Bilingual/ESL Education Specialist. New Jersey Profile of Limited English Proficient Students. Students- 2006-07.
Annual New Bilingual/ESL/ELS Supervisors Training 2007 Presenters: Raquel Sinai, Bilingual/ESL Coordinator Lori Ramella, Bilingual/ESL Education Specialist Ericka Reed, Bilingual/ESL Education Specialist
Students- 2006-07 • Language Minority Students 286,870 • Limited English Proficient 61,828 • Languages 167 • Total Districts 471
District Programs • Districts with bilingual education 81 • Full-time only 11 Part-time only 35 Districts with full-time and part-time 25 • Districts with ESL only 225 • Districts with English Language Services 149
Languages • Spanish 8. Polish • Korean 9. Urdu • Arabic10.Tagalog • Portuguese 11. Vietnamese • Gujarati • Mandarin • Haitian Creole
Administrative CodeN.J.A.C.6A:15 • Ensure that all limited English proficient (LEP) students as defined in this chapter are provided with a free, appropriate public education as defined in N.J.S.A. 18A:35-15 to 26; • Ensure that the rights of LEP students are protected; • Ensure the provision of bilingual education and related services; • Assist district boards of education in providing educational services to LEP students; and • Ensure the evaluation of the effectiveness of the education of limited English proficient http://www.nj.gov/education/code/current/title6a/chap15.pdf
Title III No Child Left Behind • Purpose: To help ensure that limited English proficient students attain English proficiency, develop high levels of academic achievement in English and meet the same academic standards as all students are expected to meet.
Title III • Formula Grants to States and Districts • Apply through consolidated NCLB application process • Subgrants must be at least $10,000 or districts may form consortia to meet minimum
Accountability • Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives for English Language Proficiency • Students must make progress in English language proficiency for each year that they are instructed in a language assistance program.
Accountability • Objective for Attainment of English Language Proficiency • Grades K-4 4 years or less in a program • Grades 5-12 5 years or less in a program
ESL/Bilingual/ELSThree-Year Program Plans • Program plans are required every three years for Bilingual, ESL and English Language Services. • New Program plans were requested for 2005 to 2008
Language Services for Limited English Proficient Students (LEP) • The Bilingual Education Law of 1974 (N.J.S.A. 35-15 to 26) stipulates that districts must establish bilingual education program when enrollment of limited English proficient (LEP) students from the same language reaches 20 or more students in one district. • New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C. 6A:15) outlines the programmatic and administrative requirements for school districts that enroll students who are limited English proficient.
Language Assistance Programs and Services Four Types of Programs • Full-Time Bilingual Program with ESL support • Bilingual Program Alternative • ESL-Only • English Language Service (ELS)
Full-Time Bilingual Program with ESL Support Full-time program of instruction in all subjects which a child is required by law or rule to receive, administered in the native language of the limited English proficient student and also in English. A bilingual program must be provided when there are 20 or more limited English proficient students in any one language classification enrolled within the school district.
Example: School district with over 200 Spanish-speaking students and over 20 Bilingual–certified teachers, offers a self-contained program for K-8 and departmentalized program for 9-12. Theuse of native languagefor instruction is influenced by the English language proficiency in English and academic level of student in their native language.
Bilingual Program Alternative An alternative program of instruction for bilingual students in districts where there is no full-time bilingual program available. Alternative program options are: • Bilingual Part-time • Bilingual Resource • High-Intensity ESL
Bilingual Part-time Students are mainstreamed in English program classes, but receive daily instruction by a certified bilingual teacher in mathematics and reading.
Example: School district with approximately 30 bilingual Spanish students, 30 bilingual Portuguese studentsand 2 bilingual-certified teachers, offers a part-time pullout bilingual resource room. Students receive a minimum of one period of developmental reading instruction and support in math from the bilingual teacher, in addition to their regular ESL instruction.
Bilingual Resource Students receive daily instruction or support from a certified bilingual teacher in identified subjects and for special assignments.
Example: School district with approximately 30 bilingual Spanish students, 30 bilingual Portuguese studentsand 2 bilingual-certified teachers, offer a part-time pullout bilingual resource room. Students receive content area support, in addition to regular ESL classes.
High-Intensity ESL Students receive two or more periods a day of ESL instruction. One period is the standard ESL class, and the other period is tutorial or ESL reading class.
Example: School district with approximately 25 bilingual Spanish students, and 3 ESL teachers, offers High-intensity ESL. Students receive two class periods of ESL instruction. The teachers provide push-in instruction for content area classes and daily pull-out instruction for ESL.
ESL-Only A daily developmental second language program of up to two periods of instruction based on students’ needs. An ESL-Only program must be provided when there are 10 or more LEP students enrolled within the school district.
English Language Services (ELS) Services designed to improve the English language skills of students of limited English proficiency. These services are provided in districts with less than 10 students of limited English proficiency. It is recommended that districts provide 90-100 minutes of ESL instruction weekly.
Example: School district has 8 LEP students in their district. The reading specialist provides 90 -100 minutes of ESL instruction to these students weekly.
LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENT (LEP)STUDENT ENROLLMENT TRACKING SYSTEMSCHOOL YEAR 2006-2007 Each year, the Office of Specialized Populations collects enrollment information on students who have a native language other than English and students who are limited English proficient (LEP). The department will continue to collect the data through the Internet to include the following types of data: • Data for three-and four-year-old preschool students; and • Data for LEP special education students in grades K-12. • Number of students from the total district population that speak a language other than English at home
LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENT (LEP)STUDENT ENROLLMENT TRACKING SYSTEMSCHOOL YEAR 2007-2008 The student information reported should be based on enrollment as of October 15, 2007, and the report must be submitted via the Internet to the Department of Education by November 30, 2007. http://homeroom.state.nj.us
LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENT (LEP)STUDENT ENROLLMENT TRACKING SYSTEMSCHOOL YEAR 2006-2007 • Your DOE Net account will not provide access to the LEP data collection. LEP accounts must be assigned through the DOE Web Administrator System. Information regarding the Web Administrator System can be found at http://www.state.nj.us/njded/data/collections/. • The form necessary to submit and create a Web Administrator Account is available at this site.
LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENT (LEP)STUDENT ENROLLMENT TRACKING SYSTEMSCHOOL YEAR 2007-2008 • For technical assistance with the data collection system, please e-mail your questions to LEP@doe.state.nj.us or call (609) 292-8777.
Immigrant Student Count • Each February/March, a count is requested on the number of immigrant students in districts. • The information requested is the number of eligible immigrant students (Pre K-12) enrolled in the school district and the number of eligible immigrant students enrolled in nonprofit, nonpublic schools within the district. • Districts experiencing a “significant increase” may receive immigrant funds under Title III.
Eligibility Criteria for Immigrant Funds • combined public and nonpublic immigrant student enrollment must be at least a 2% increase as compared to the average of the two previous years • total public and nonpublic enrollment must be 20 or more immigrant students • do not have be eligible for Title III funds
Federal Definition of Immigrant Student • Aged 3 to 21 • Were not born in any state, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands (St. Thomas, St. Croix and St. John • Have not been attending one or more schools in one or more states for more than three full academic years.
LEP Annual Progress/Exit • Beginning in 2007, each fall districts will report on the individual students who have exited Bilingual/ESL/ELS programs as of June 2007. http://homeroom.state.nj.us
TITLE III Parental Notification • NCLB provides specific instructions and requirements that districts must, no later than 30 days after the beginning of the school year, must inform the parent or parents of a limited English proficient (LEP) student that their child has been identified for participation in a language instruction educational program. • Districts not receiving Title III funds still must notify parents according to NJAC 6A:15-1.13. http://www.nj.gov/njded/bilingual/policy/title3par.htm http://www.nj.gov/njded/bilingual/resources/notification/
Assessment • Language Proficiency • State Assessments
Language Proficiency Tests • Approved Tests for Identification and Placement of LEP Students: • IDEA Proficiency Test (IPT)- Ballard and Tighe Publishers • Maculaitis II (MACII) Test of English Language Proficiency –Touchstone Applied Science Associates • Language Assessment Scales (LAS)- CTB/McGraw-Hill • W-APT • ACCESS for ELLs (Spring, 2008)
ACCESS for ELLs • Developed by WIDA Consortium • Measures student progress in learning English as defined by the WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards • Secure test, administered annually • All districts must assess LEP students with the ACCESS test in Spring, 2008
ACCESS for ELLs • Tests must be ordered through MetriTech: http://www.metritech.com/ • Online test ordering 1/10/08 – 1/31/08 • Test ordering training 12/10/07, 12/13/07 • Test window 3/17/08 – 4/30/08 http://www.nj.gov/education/bilingual/ells/
Use of Language Proficiency Tests • Identification of LEP Students upon Enrollment • Measure Progress in Learning English • Determine Readiness for Exit (multiple indicators)
Statewide Assessments • LEP students may take assessments with accommodations • Extra time • Bilingual dictionary • Translated instructions • Exemption from Language Arts Literacy test during 1st year in U.S. school
The WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards Why the WIDA Standards? • EducationalPolicy—Federal legislation • Pedagogy—Standards-based movement; vision of language proficiency expanded to encompass both social and academic contexts resulting in a pedagogical shift to content-based instruction • Assessment—the need to revise language proficiency assessments to match the pedagogical shift to content-based instruction www.wida.us
The WIDA ELP Standards English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting. (Standard 1) English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content areas of: LANGUAGE ARTS (Standard 2) MATHEMATICS (Standard 3) SCIENCE (Standard 4) SOCIAL STUDIES (Standard 5)
There are 5 Grade-Level Clusters • Pre-K-K • 1-2 • 3-5 • 6-8 • 9-12
There are 4 Language Domains • Listening- process, understand, interpret, and evaluate spoken language in a variety of situations • Speaking- engage in oral communication in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes and audiences • Reading-process, interpret, and evaluate written language, symbols, and text with understanding and fluency • Writing- engage in written communication in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences
Professional Development • Bilingual/ESL Model Program Resource Centers 2006-08 • NJTESOL-NJBE – www.njtesol-njbe.org • English Language Learners in the Mainstream Tutorial • ACCESS score reports, test ordering trainings • Sheltered Instruction Training www.nj.gov/njded/bilingual http://education.state.nj.us/events
Bilingual/ESL Model Program Resource Centers 2006-08 • Clifton Public Schools, Passaic County, for the K-5 Sheltered ESL Program with Bilingual Support Program in schools 12, 13, 14 and 17 • Little Falls Public Schools, Passaic County, for the K-8 ESL Program • Red Bank Regional High School District, Monmouth County, for the 9-12 ESL Program • Roselle Public Schools, Union County, for the K-3 Bilingual Program at Harrison Elementary School.
English Language Learners in the Mainstream Tutorial • http://www.njpep.org/pd/ell_mainstream/index.html • Independent work or as a collaborative PD activity OR • http://www.njpep.org/pd/onlinePD/index.html • An online course through Rutgers University, NJPEP, and facilitated through an external instructor.
Sheltered-Instruction Training A professional development model with an effective approach for teaching limited English proficient students both language and content.
Sheltered-Instruction Training • Fall institutes at three regional locations throughout the State of New Jersey. (Rowan University, Kean University, and New Jersey City University) • On-site support by college faculty • Provide training to elementary teachers and secondary content teachers on effective sheltered-instruction strategies • Build capacity of teachers to provide turn-key training and coaching on sheltered instruction for ELLs