2. 2
3. 3 Definition of Peer Review(Para 3.4) Peer Review deals with examination and review of systems and procedures to determine whether the systems and procedures are in:
Operating continuously during the period under review
Put in place by the practice Unit.
4. 4 NEED FOR PEER REVIEW Expectation of service Receiver to receive quality service
Gap between minimum quality of service and actual service rendered.
Reassuring the stake holders and the society at large that the profession is conscious of its responsibilities and strives its best to ensure that the highest standards are observed by all practising members rendering audit and attestion services to the society. The Peer Review process is an endavour to enhance the quality of services rendered by members of ICAI in public practice.
5. 5 Global Scenario in Peer Review Independent Regulator in certain countries
In some countries disciplinary action if deficiency in services of Auditor is found.
In the US, public accountancy firms are required to enrol in an approved Practice Monitoring Programme in order to be admitted to or retain membership in the AICPA (the professional body in the US). Furthermore, under Sec 104 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 2002 they are additionally liable to be inspected by the PCAOB (Public Companies Accounting Oversight Board), to assess the degree to which each firm and its associated persons comply with the Act, the PCAOB and SEC rules, the professional and reporting standards, etc.
Existence in Most of the developed Countries-50
Started 1930 in France.
6. 6
U.K. Position
The Audit Inspection Unit (AIU), part of the Professional Oversight Board, is responsible for the monitoring of the audits of all listed and other major public interest entities. The AIU was set up following the Government’s post-Enron review of the regulation of the UK accountancy profession which reported in January 2003. The review team’s report recommended enhancing the monitoring of the audits of listed and other major public interest entities through a new independent inspection unit (the AIU) reporting to a professional oversight board (the POB) within an integrated independent regulator (the FRC). The professional accountancy bodies continue to register firms to conduct audit work with their regulatory activities being overseen by the POB. The audit registration committees of the accountancy bodies receive formal reports from the AIU on our monitoring work, with the POB overseeing the action taken by them in response to our recommendations. The Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprises) Act 2004 implemented the statutory changes necessary to give effect to these arrangements.
7. 7 Present Peer Review System In India
Supervisor Within Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Chinese Wall between Peer Review process and Disciplinary Mechanism ( No disciplinary action even if there is deficiency in service of Auditor)
Audit of accounts after 1st April’ 2002 only covered
Peer Reviewers are Individual Members of the Institute.
8. 8 Present Peer Review System In India Three Stages of Peer Review In India
Stage I-Mandatory Peer Review once in three years
Stage II-No Time limit, Proposed Once in 5 years
Stage III- No Time Limit, Proposed Once in 7 years
(Only Attestation services Covered)
9. 9 The Regulatory Framework to bring the light of the day The Chartered Accountants (Amendment) Act, 2005
Bill Introduces new Chapter VIIA in Chartered Accountants Act 1949.
Chapter VII A consists of Sections 28A to 28D.
Central Government will constitute Quality review board consisting of 11 persons.
10. 10 The Regulatory Framework to bring the light of the day contd…. Council of ICAI will nominate 5 members on QRB
Chairman and other 5 members will be appointed by Central Government
All services provided by members( Both attestation and non attestation will be subject to Quality Review)
Disciplinary action if there is a deficiency in service.
11. 11 Composition of Peer Review Board at Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
12. 12 Salient Features of the Statement on Peer Review
13. 13 Some features of the Statement. Statement on peer review was passed by Council in March 2002
First meeting of Peer Review board took place in July 2002
Statement on Peer Review serves as a mechanism as is intended to further enhance the quality of professional work of practising chartered accountants over a period of time. Thereby ensuring that the profession of chartered accountants continue to serve the society in the manner envisaged.
Statement issued under Section 15 of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Act 1949 which provides that the duties of carrying out the provisions of the Act shall be vested in the Council. The section enumerates various duties of the Council. With a view to regulate the profession and in terms of powers vested, this statement has been issued.
14. 14 Paras in Statement on Peer review Introduction
Definition of Terms
(Attestation Services Member, PU, Peer Review, Peer Review Board, Review of Technical Standards)
Authority of the statement on Peer review
Powers of the Council
Peer review Board 7. Scope of peer review
8. Powers of Board
9. Compliance with this statement of Peer review
10. Qualifications of the reviewer
11. Members/ Firms subject to review
15. 15 Paras in Statement on Peer review contd…. 12. Obligation of the practice Unit
13. Periodicity of Peer Review
14. Cost of Peer Review
15. Training and Development
16. Review Framework 17. Referral of Disputes and Appeals
(Reference to Peer Review Board over the powers of the Reviewer or to conclusions reached by Reviewer or any other matter related to Review)
18. Immunity
(No liability of PU under Code of Ethics)
19. Confidentiality
20. Procedural departures
21. Budget and Finance
22. Secretariat.
16. 16 NOTIFICATIONS AND CIRCULARS ISSUED BY THE PEER REVIEW BOARD 1. Notification No: PRB/Notfn./001/02-03. issued on January10’2003 (Cost of Peer Review)
Total Revenue from Attestation Service clients of practice units (Honorarium and TA/DA to Reviewer)
2. Notification No: PRB/Notfn./002/02-03. issued on January10’2003 (Criteria for Stage I, selection for Peer Review)
3. Notification No: PRB/Notfn./003/04-05. dated: 23rd July’2004 (Cost for Stage II Review)
4. Notification No: PRB/Notfn./004/04-05. dated: 23rd July’2004 (TA/DA for Branch Office of a PU)
17. 17 NOTIFICATIONS AND CIRCULARS ISSUED BY THE PEER REVIEW BOARD contd… 5. Notification No: PRB/Notfn./005/04-05. dated: 23rd July’2004 (Coverage Stage II limits)
6. Notification No: PRB/Notfn./006/04-05. dated: 23rd July’2004 (Manner of Referral of disputes-to be filed within 60 days of the receipt of decision of the Board)
7. Notification No. PRB/Notfn./007/05-06. Dated March 27th 2006 (Stage III Cost of Review as per Stage II)
8. Circular No: PRB/Cir./001/02-03. issued on January10’ 2003 (Declaration to be filed by a Reviewer every year)
18. 18
19. 19 Objective of Peer Review(Para 2.1 )
20. 20 Scope of Peer Review(Para 7.0)
21. 21 Attestation Services (Para 3.1) Include:
Auditing or verification of financial transactions/ books/ accounts/ records
Verification/ certification of financial accounting & related statements defined under Section 2(2)(ii) of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949
Internal Audit/Concurrent Audit
Does not include:
Management Consulting Engagements
Representing a client before the Authorities
22. 22 Attestation Services (Para 3.1) Continued…
Engagements to prepare tax returns or advising clients in taxation matters
Engagements for the compilation of FSs
Engagements solely to assist the client in preparing, compiling or collating information other than FSs
Testifying as expert witness
Providing expert opinion on points of principle (ASs or the applicability of certain laws) on the basis of facts provided by the client
23. 23 Technical Standards(Para 3.7)
24. 24 Reviewer: Para 10 An individual who is
a member
possess at least 10 years cumulative experience of audit
Need not be continuous
Audit experience of less than 2 years not counted
currently active in practice of accounting and auditing
Reviewer can also take assistance of a CA working with him atleast for one year.
25. 25 Allotment of Review Work Receipt of Empanelment Form
Issue of Empanelment Letter
Filing of Declaration which is to the following effect:
(i.) that no disciplinary action was pending
(ii) have not been convicted by a competent court whether within or without India, of an offence involving moral turpitude and punishable with transportation or imprisonment or of an offence, not of a technical nature, committed by you in your professional capacity unless in respect of the offence committed you have either been granted a pardon or, on an application made by you in this behalf, the central government has, by an order in writing , removed the disability (the conviction here means conviction at the first court)
Undergoing training
Intimation of 3 names of reviewers to the PU
Selection of a reviewer by the PU
26. 26 Firms covered under Peer Review : Para 11 Stage I
PUs conducting:
Central Statutory Audit of Public Sector Banks/ Private Sector Banks/ Foreign Banks/ Public Financial Institutions
Central Statutory Audit of Central & State Public Sector Undertakings and Central Cooperative Societies having paid up capital of over Rs. 5 crores and an annual turnover of more than Rs. 50 crores
27. 27 Firms covered under Peer Review contd…… Central Statutory Audit of Insurance Companies
Audit of Companies having paid up capital of over Rs. 5 crores and an annual turnover of more than Rs. 50 crores
Audits or rendering attestation functions for asset management companies and mutual funds schemes
(Implementation commenced from 1st April 2003)
28. 28 Firms covered under Peer Review contd…… Stage II
PUs conducting statutory audit:
Branches of Public Sector Banks
Branches of Private Sector and Foreign Banks
Regional Rural Banks/Co-operative Banks
Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) listed on the Stock Exchanges and not covered under Stage I
29. 29 Firms covered under Peer Review contd…… Companies having paid-up capital of Rs.
2 to 5 crores and turnover above Rs. 20
(Implementation commenced from 1st April 2004)
Stage III
PUs not covered under Stage I or Stage II
(Implementation to commence from 1st April 2005)
30. 30 Selection of PU Random sample basis
Stage I PUs, mandatory review once in a block of three years or at shorter intervals on request of the PU or decision of the Board
Stages II/ III PUs - may not be subjected to review every three years
31. 31 Selection of PU contd…. Board decides the proportion of PUs to be reviewed during each phase
A PU may also, suo motu, apply to the Board for the getting reviewed
An auditee concern may request the Board for the conduct of peer review of its auditor (PU)
32. 32 Confidentiality: Para 19 Reviewer’s access only to working papers of the PU
Reviewer cannot carry extracts of client’s working papers & records acquired by him while conducting peer review, as part of his working papers
Reviewer bound by a Code of Ethics
Reviewer bound by “secrecy provision” enshrined in the Statement on Peer Review
33. 33
34. 34 FAQs What is the time period for which records of attestation services are subjected to peer review?
Ans : While attestation engagements for the Three immediately completed financial years are subjected to Peer Review, the records of audit Reports/ attestation services relating to years prior to the accounting year beginning 1st April’2002 shall not be subjected to review.
35. 35 FAQs How will a PU be selected for review?
Ans: At each stage of Peer review , certain PUs , satisfying the criteria laid down in the statement would be selected for peer review on a random sample basis. The board is empowered to decide the proportion of Pus to be included in the selection during each phase of Implementation.
A PU can also suo –moto apply.
36. 36 FAQs Can a reviewer visit clients of the PU
Ans: No, he cannot , under any circumstances , communicate with or visit the clients’ of the PU
Can a reviewer visit branches of a PU?
Ans: Yes, he may visit a branch if the turnover of attestation functions of that branch is more than one million Rupees.
37. 37 Preliminary Report After on-site review, reviewer may communicate with PU and seek clarifications and consider sending a preliminary report if replies not found satisfactory
After on-site review, in case of deficiencies in systems and procedures or non-compliances the reviewer to issue preliminary report to PU immediately
Reviewer to take care not to mention any names
Scope of review performed and scope limitations, if any, to be mentioned
38. 38 Prepare report on letterhead of reviewer (individual)
Dated/ signed (Membership no. and Reviewer code no.)
PU to reply in writing within 21 days of receipt of preliminary report on areas mentioned in it
39. 39 Interim Report Reviewer to issue interim report if not satisfied with reply of the PU and deficiencies are of such serious nature that they do not ensure quality of attestation services performed by the PU -weakness in compliance with technical standards and/ or in internal quality control systems
Report to clearly indicate "Interim Report"
On receipt of interim report by the Board or receipt of response from the PU, the Board may instruct the reviewer to carry out a follow up review after a period ranging from 6 months to 12 months at the discretion of the Board
40. 40 Final Report Reviewer to submit Final Report to the Board with a copy to the PU
Final Report should incorporate the findings as discussed with the PU
Final report to be submitted to the Board should also contain an annexure forming part of it w.e.f 1st July, 2005, notified on the Institute’s website (See Page 43-45 of this presentation)
41. 41 Reviewer may issue
a clean report, if of the opinion that PU is conducting its affairs in a manner that ensures quality of services rendered by it
a qualified report
A qualified report may be issued:
Non-compliance with technical standards
QC system design deficiency
Non-compliance with QC policies and procedures
Continued… Contd….
42. 42 Non-existence of adequate staff training programmes
The deficiencies are not of such serious nature to vitiate the efficacy of the key control objectives
The Board shall consider the report and if satisfied, will issue Peer Review Certificate
If not satisfied, the Board may issue recommendations to the PU and direct the reviewer for further review
Continued… Contd….
43. 43
45. 45
46. 46 Basic Elements of Reviewer's Report Title
Scope Paragraph
Opinion Paragraph
Reference to preliminary report
Date of the report
47. 47 Guidelines for Qualifying Review Report Compliance with technical standards
Compliance with quality control policies
Compliance with documentation
Compliance with relevant regulations
48. 48 Illustrative Reports See ICAI's Peer Review Manual
Appendixes V to VII
50. 50 THANK YOU!