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BHAGAVAD GITA. CHAPTER 8 SUMMARY. Akshara Brahma Yoga. YOGA OF IMPERISHABLE BRAHMAN. Topic wise break up of Slokas. Sl.1 to 4- Seven questions raised by Arjuna and crisp replies by krishna Sl.5 to 14- Elaboration on the answer for the seventh question Sl.15 to 22- Two goals
Topic wise break up of Slokas • Sl.1 to 4- Seven questions raised by Arjuna and crisp replies by krishna • Sl.5 to 14- Elaboration on the answer for the seventh question • Sl.15 to 22- Two goals • Sl.23 to 26- Two paths or Maargas • Sl.27, 28- greatness of Upasaka
Seven Questions • Related to last two slokas of previous chapter • Following questions raised by Arjuna • What is Brahman? • What is Adhyaatma? • What is Adhibhuta? • What is Adhidaiva? • What is adhiyagnya? • What is karma? • What happens when one dies?
Krishna’s answers to questions 1 to 6 Brahman is all-pervading consciousness, also known as paramaatma (Sl. 3 and 4) Adhyaatma is all-pervading consciousness enclosed in individual body and enlivening it, also known as Jivaatma Adhibhuta is the perishable universe made up combination of five elements Adhidaiva is the intelligent principle behind creation because of which the laws of nature is working perfectly (planets, earth, gravity…..), also known as hiranyagarbha
Krishna’s answers to questions 1 to 6 Adhiyagnya is the Isvara who is the creator of even Hiranyagarbha, also known as karmaphaladhaata (yagnya= action, adhiyagynya= one who presides over action and provides fruit of action, available within everyone) Karma is the cause of the entire universe. Why? Because, Lord creates the universe for exhausting the paapam/punyam of the jivas- not only this loka but all the 14 lokas are created for this purpose. If there is no karma, there is no need for Isvara to create the universe. Therefore, we are responsible for creation (we have placed an order
Krishna’s answers to questions 1 to 6 Brahman (paramatma) Adhiyagnya (isvara) Adhyatma (jivatma) Adhidaiva (hiranyagrabha) Karma Adhibhuta (universe)
Krishna’s answers to question 7 • 7th question significantly deals with IsvaraSmaranam (mind focussed on the Lord) at the time of death • What one remembers at the time of death will determine his/ her next janma (Bharatha’s remembrance of a deer – birth as a deer – realised attachment erased sadhana – last birth as Jada-bharatha…) • Psychology says, “What you think, you become” • Shaastra also says the same but extends the concept beyond this life to future lives as well ! • Therefore, if he remembers about the Lord at the time of death he will merge with the Lord- significant to attain Moksha
Krishna’s answers to question 7 • But what about the previous paapam/punyam bundle? (Sancita and Aagaami) • They are set aside by the powerful thought on the Lord (like the Bank discounting all your deposits and loans ) • How can one remember the Lord at the time of death? (even now it is difficult ). At death our will power/ body/ organs will be weak. How then? • Krishna says, “ Prepare right now! Here and Now ”. How? • Cultivate Bhakti on the Lord- learn, hear about the glories of the Lord through Puranas and Shaastras
Krishna’s answers to question 7 • Upaasana or constant HABIT of remembering the Lord (Narada….). Remembering that He is the only source. Upaasana should become a vasana and enter our sub conscious mind- even when there is no consciousness, mouth will chant Lord’s name (otherwise?.....) • A few samples…before sleep so that… • In hospital so that when in coma…. • While driving so that while accident occurs… • In all probable dangers like fire, flood, swimming etc • Dangerous weapons, climbing heights, air travel, daily activities like eating sleeping… • Look at arabs, sikhs….. All religions advocate • `
Krishna’s answers to question 7 • Prathyaahara (Shama+Dama), control of sense organs and the mind, we need to hand over everything to the Lord at the time of death, therefore, we need to start practicing at least for a short while NOW • No need to remember relatives, friends, say tata, will, purse, rolex watch • Closing the sense organs and telling them that you are withdrawing your mind from them • `
Goal and the path • 2 goals sloka 16….. • one of the upasakas, is the Lord Himself • The other, of the worldly, is for worldly accomplishments • If at all they think of the Lord, it is only for support • They are karmisslokas 17 to 18 • Non-upasakas will reach up to Brahma Loka due to their punyams but will have to come back to this world (dukkhalayam….) Even Brahma is a post only • Brahmic year = 4.32 million human years • They are samsaris, not looking at the statutory warning “It is dangerous to depend on impermanent”
Goal and the path • What is the nature of that Eternal? • It is all-pervading, changeless, consciousness principle • It is without form because it is all pervading, without boundaries • Not part, product of the world • seekers will attain Him, karmis will transmigrate • 2 paths- shuklagati and krishnagati • Karmis take krishnagati and seekers take shuklagati • seekers will attain Jnana and liberation at Brahma Loka, karmi will return back • Between karmi and seeker, the seeker is superior • Upasaka should take care to die carefully