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RCE-Barcelona. Regional Center of Expertise. Education for Sustainable Development April 2006. Overview. Barcelona in the world Conceptual framework Vision & mission Structure & composition Activities. Location. Global framework. shareholders. Businesses. Non-developped countries.
RCE-Barcelona Regional Center of Expertise Education for Sustainable Development April 2006
Overview • Barcelona in the world • Conceptual framework • Vision & mission • Structure & composition • Activities
Global framework shareholders Businesses Non-developped countries employees suppliers Governments clients the World International Organisms Industrialized countries NGOs Civil Society consumers savers
Clients Clients Clients Clients Clients Comunitats Comunitats Comunitats Comunitats Comunitats Competidors Competidors Competidors Competidors Competidors Societat civil Societat civil Societat civil Societat civil Societat civil Empresa A Empresa A Empresa A Empresa A Empresa A Inversors Inversors Inversors Inversors Inversors Governs Governs Governs Governs Governs Proveidors Proveidors Proveidors Proveidors Proveidors Stakeholder alternative perspective Context 3 Context 1 Context N Context 2 Context 4
SD Conceptual framework Public sector Society SD Enviroment Economy Private sector Third sector
Key actors Public sector ORGANIZATIONS Third sector Private sector Society
Key actor’s approach to SD Third sector Social movements Policies Sustainable Development Public sector Private sector & CSR Legisl. Democracy (broad sense) Society
The push and pull effect Public sector Framework: Recommendations, legislation, etc. Action: Training, cases, guidelines, etc. Framework: Recommendations, theories, concepts, guidelines, etc. Framework: Strategies, policies, initiatives, etc. Third sector Organization Private sector Actions: Training, pressure, activism, boycot, accusation, etc. Actions: Practices, rights, etc. Framework: Consumption, democracy, etc. Actions: Boycot, protest, individual change, etc.. Society
RCE Barcelona approach RCE movement Third sector Social movements Policies Sustainable Development Public sector Private sector & CSR Legisl. Democracy (broad sense) Society
Conceptual framework: the two axes Vertical axis: Coherence in education in all stages of formal education Horizontal axis: Coherence of EfSD among all actors and stakeholders • Universities • Education centers • Mass-media • NGOs • Governments • …
Vision and Mission of RCE Barcelona Vision: People of all ages and backgrounds have access to the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to be able to change to a more sustainable way of doing things, individually and collectively. Mission: To become a centre of reference and leadership in learning for sustainable development through creating innovative tools, initiatives and programmes in key areas of training, research, social dialogue and international networking. • Coordination: Didac Ferrer and Marc Vilanova Work team: Didac Ferrer, Marc Vilanova, Heloise Buckland and Mireia de Mingo.
Our working principles • To work with organizations that promote learning activities for people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds, promoting coherence where possible • To promote interaction between people and organizations of different sectors (e.g. government, education, business, civil society, museums and media) • To work with other organizations that have strong networking capacities • To complement and strengthen existing learning for SD networks, activities and organizations to maximize efforts • To interact with other regions promoting learning for SD • To act as a catalyst for new, innovative ways of learning for SD • To maximize resource efficiency, transparency and evaluation in all activities and be a learning organization
The universitary nucleus: UPC and ESADE • ESADE • Leadership in CSR • Sustainability reporting • UPC • Leadership in ESD in technical field • Sustainable vision 2015 • Environmental plans since 1996
Composition of RCE Barcelona & networks involved GUNI AGS EESD CRUE IJLV ACEU … SEKN EBEN EABIS CEMS .... World Cities Agenda 21 ICLEI .... UPC ESADE AjBarcelona GENCAT ECODES ESF ECEA ENCORE NRG4SD CRPM … GRI SiRi Co. GRI Avina Expo2008 … WFEO EWB Int. CONG-D ITDG …
Potential partners RCE BCN Press Education centers Civil society Public sector Organizations from other regions Companies Museums Sostenible Other RCEs SMES UPC ESADE ECODES ESF Aj. Barcelona UniZar TVCatalunya Theaters Camper Fundació Un Sol Món Trade unions FICMA Amnistia Internacional Rosa Sensat
Key activities RCE Barcelona • The five key areas of activity of RCE BCN are based on the two-axes approach: Vertical axis: Research Logical network: Assisting RCEs in Latin America Return to society: Science Shop on SD Center: Training Horizontal axis: Networking and media
[Activities] Research and innovation • Promote research and innovation in EfSD through production and dissemination of knowledge • [Future projects] • Collection EfSD (original, translations) • Funding research • L4SD1000 • [Current projects] • A publication on leadership for SD (BCN Agenda 21)
The question: “what are the most effective actions institutions should promote for individual and collective learning for SD?”
L4SD1000 Research project proposal • Learning for Sustainable Development through 1000 life stories in 10 places worldwide during 10 years • A unique worldwide Research Project for the ESD Decade • Vision • At the closing event of the Decade, all RCE’s will meet and present jointly the results of this research investigation carried out with more than 1000 citizens of different places in the world and at different life-phases, and will give a useful answer to the question: “what are the most effective actions institutions should promote for individual and collective learning for SD?” • Strategic Objectives • To have at the end of the Decade a sound research investigation on where Learning for Sustainability happens during a life in order to orient decision-making in ESD at all levels • To link in a single worldwide ESD project all Regional Centers of Expertise creating thus a research network on ESD ?
[Activities] Networking and media • Promote the collaboration among actors active in the field of EfSD through the organization of events. • [Future projects] • Day of innovation and imagination (DI2) for a better world • Cycle on EfSD tools workshops & meetings • [Current projects] • UN Decade Website In collaboration with a renown portal on sustainability (www.sostenible.es) • 16 visions on EfS from different sectors • Barcelona TV emmission
[Activities] Training • Promote the education and training of persons with leadership capabilities and with an integrating view of both axes. • [Future projects] • International training scholarships • Training of trainers • Open platform • [Current projects] • Development of a training programme on leadership for SD
[Activities] Assisting RCEs in Latin America • Promote and assist the creation of RCEs in Latin america. • [Future projects] • Common platforms • Funding • Common tools • [Current projects] • Creation of RCE in LA (Perú, Curitiba)
[Activities] Science shop on SD • A Science Shop is a mechanism to transfer knowledge from universities and research centers to organized society that cannot “buy” it (see www.scienceshops.org). • [Future projects] • Extend the idea of a SSSD to other RCE • Current projects] • Creation of Pilot Science Shop in Sustainable Development
Criteria for the first activities selected • They connect different sectors • Builiding RCE Barcelona as a multisectorial network • They are based on already existing networks oriented to SD • Making use of huge previous efforts • They directly involve different actors in their own design and management • Real perspectives, with “feet on land” • They look for an important dissemination • Visibility of a cultural change • They use already existing frameworks • Based on existing opportunities and resources
Funding • Funding sources for fixed budget • Public organizations in Spain • European Commission • Private company member quota • Founding partners institutional support and resources • Additional program or event specific funds • Corporate sponsorship, support or partnership. • Foundations and other sources (such as Avina foundation, and so forth) • Possible global RCE sponsorship.
Organization • BoardRCE BCN • Respresentative of each organization member of the core of RCE Barcelona • Representative network RCE Europa • Representative UNU • Generalitat de Catalunya • Academic committee • 2 independent academic named by Board • 2 independent practitioners named by Board • Member from core organizations Society • Executive committee • Representative ESADE, UPC, GEN CAT, ECODES, Ajuntament • Working team: • Didac Ferrer • Marc Vilanova • Heloise Buckland • Mireia de Mingo • Sandra Benveniste RCE
Characteristics of RCE Barcelona Characteristics: • Structural form of multi-organizational and multi-stakeholder networks • Based on partnerships and collaborations built on common objectives and sharing or pulling resources • Open to all type organizations • Active at local, regional and global level. • Propositive but not normative. • Systemic focus, not structural or cosmetic. • Center for Sustainable Development
Thank you very much Didac Ferrer (didac.ferrer@upc.edu)