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A common worry that plagues Indian parents today is whether or not they should enroll their children in the IGCSE curriculum.<br><br>With all that in our mind, we are here to help you find out the indicators which should set you thinking about the advantages of selecting the IGCSE curriculum for your child: https://blog.rewiser.in/advantages-choosing-igcse-curriculum/
Advantages of Choosing IGCSE Curriculum IGCSE or International General Certificate of Secondary Education is one of the mostsought-aftercurriculainthisever-evolvingeducationworld.IGCSEisaglobally recognizedEnglishmediumcurriculum,justlikeICSEandCBSEexaminations. While a lot of schools follow the SSC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate), ICSE (IndianCertificateofSecondaryEducation),andCBSE(CentralBoardofSecondary Education)curriculum,variousinternationalschoolsfollowtheIGCSEcurriculum. WhatisIGCSE? IGCSE is a broad curriculum that is based on the British curriculum (GCSE) and alteredbyschoolsworldwidetosuitthelocalneedsandenvironment.TheIGCSE curriculum’s uniqueness is in providing a wide range of subjects, from which the schools can select and design the subjects combination that they want to offer to theirstudents.
WhatistheIGCSEProgram? TheIGCSE,developedbytheUniversityofCambridgeInternationalExaminations,is an English language examination and a globally recognized certification. This examinationstartedintheyear1988andistakenbystudentsatthelevelof standard10th of theICSE/ CBSE board. Students who get qualified for this examination are eligible to apply for A-level qualificationsinUSandUKuniversities.ThecurriculumisfurtherdividedintoIGCSE CoreandExtendedfor afewsubjectstaking intoconsiderationthevarious intellectualabilitiesofthestudents. Every child has a different skill-set and thus should get a stage to bloom in their areasofinterest.TheIGCSEcurriculumiswithoutanydoubtagatewaytopursuing yourpassion.Thewholecurriculumisdesignedinawaythatpolishesapebbleinto a gem. Here are some of the indicators which should set you thinking about the advantagesof selectingthe IGCSEcurriculum foryour child: Globally RecognizedQualification The IGCSE board provides opportunities for students with uniformity of education aroundtheworld.Thecurriculummainlyfocusesonskilldevelopmentandcreative thinking. The IGCSE board is also one of the most recognized boards around the world. Ifyouareplanningtostudyabroad,theIGCSEcurriculumcanbeagreatchoice,as it is widely recognized and used to determine if your child can get a place in other countries’high schools andcolleges or not. PracticalApproachtoLearning IGCSEcurriculumfocusesondiscoveringthehiddentalentoflearnersbydeveloping key skills like analytical, problem solving, and communication. This curriculum focuses on inquiry-based learning thus igniting the curious minds of students. The studentsareprovokedtothinkandaskquestions,research andexplorestudy
HugeVarietyof Subjects toSelect From material,brainstorm,discussandshareideas.Hence,thelearningprocessbecomes healthy and enjoyable. Students with learning abilities benefit from this teaching processas they learnto connect dotsin real life. IGCSE board offers students a number of subjects. Students get an opportunity to selectthesubjectandgainin-depthknowledgeintheirareaofinterest.Anoptionto choosethesubjectoftheirveryowninterestencouragesthemtoworktowardsit with vigor and dedication. Every student is differently-abled and thus this board comesinveryhandytomakeaselectionaccordingtoone’s capabilityandscope. Every IGCSE school has a different range of subjects to offer the students. We at ReWiserhavethoughtfullyselectedMathematics,Physics,Chemistry,Biology, Business,ComputerScience/IT,Accounts,Economics,Language&literature subjectsfor our students. EncouragesLogicalandCritical Thinking The IGCSE curriculum is curated to boost students to think logically and critically aboutthetopicstheydiscuss.Italsohelpsstudentstosolveproblemsanddevelop analytical and inferential skills. These principles are pretty handy and well-aligned withthe global educationstandards. StudentsthatchoosetheIGCSEcurriculumaremoreadaptivewhichallowsthemto transittoothercurriculums,educations,and schoolseffortlessly.Thisisreally importantforstudentswhoareeyeingothercurriculumsaftertheIGCSEOLevel. Non-threateningAssessment Environment
Global EducationThroughSkill Development The IGCSE program is a boon for students with learning difficulties as they get a fearless stage to express their understanding of the subject. IGCSE board encourages a continuous assessment pattern of assessing students’ grasp which focuses on providing qualitative feedback. This assessment pattern helps students deal with learning difficultiesand take theedge off theiracademic performance stressandanxiety.Here,theteacherandthestudentworkhandinhandinthe areas of improvement on a daily basis. The continuous assessment focuses on students’ growthandnotjustonthescores.Thishelpsthemfeelconfidentandmotivated. IGSCE board provides uniformity of education all across the globe as it focuses on skill-building and creative thinking. Skill development makes the students feel confident thereby boosting their self-esteem. Problem-solving skills teach the studentstohandlelife’schallengingsituationswithease.Collaborativelearningskills develop students’ team building and leadership qualities. The IGCSE curriculum helpstopolish theseskillsthereby preparingthemfor globaleducation. Teachers and students become a vital part of the global learning network by sharing informationandresources.Studentswithlearningabilitiesgainadvantagesfromthe IGCSE curriculum as it makes them feel confident and recognized. This board provides an easy transition into international universities. Thus, it is the perfect choiceforsomeonewhowantstopursuehighereducationabroad.Thisprogram layersagreatfoundationtobuildpillarsofsupportiveknowledgethatareneededfor astudent. ExamQuestions IGCSE exam questions are often differentiated in terms of the difficulty level. This is tohelptheschoolandstudentstoidentifytheirstrengthsandweaknesses.Thisform ofassessmentisgreatasitmeetstherequirementsofboththecapablestudents andthose who findit academically challenging.
This differentiation helps them better understand their strengths and weaknesses. Thus,studentsareabletorealizetheirinterestsandiftheywishtoadvanceintheir subjects.Otherwise,they mayoptto chooseothersubjects ofinterest. Inanutshell,theIGCSEcurriculumisgloballyrecognizedandaperfectchoicefor studentswho’re looking tostudy abroad. Needmoreindividualizedadvice? With the help of this blog, we have certainly smoothed it over for you. If you want to find more amazing blogs, then make sure you keep visiting our website, follow our Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin channel, like, follow our Facebook channel, and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channelfor more content like this in the future! From helping students prepare and score better in the areas of standardized testing: SAT,ACT,APteststoprovidinghighschoolacademicsupportrequirements: IGCSE, IB Subjects, AS/A Level classes; ReWiseris with you every step of the way! Also,ifyouneedanypersonalassistance,reachouttoourexpertshere. We’re more thanhappy to helpin whatever way wecan.