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As more schools are making the switch to the IB, we thought weu2019d share what makes this program important. Read to understand about IB board: https://blog.rewiser.in/all-you-need-to-know-about-ib-board/
AllYouneedtoknowaboutIB Board WhatistheIBboard? Let's start by defining IB. In the 1960s, the International Baccalaureate (IB) program was developed in Switzerland. The curriculum was designed to provide students from around the world with a challenging, globally recognized certificate for admission to colleges. IB offers students the IB Diploma, which is accepted by most colleges and universities. There are now about148schoolsinIndiausingtheIBcurriculum,whichwasadoptedinthecountryin 1976. Itconsistsoffourprograms: PrimaryYears Program(PYP) MiddleYears Program(MYP) DiplomaProgram(DP) CareerRelatedPrograms(CP) Why are more Indian schools implementing the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum? Presently there are more options for curriculum in Indian schools than just the state board, ICSE or CBSE. With the idea of "Globalization" spreading across the globe, international schoolsare opening up in India ata respectable rate.
ListsoftopIBSchoolsinIndia AdvantagesofIBoverotherboards The IB curriculum emphasizes experiment-based learning, creativity and a holistic approachto education. IB prepares students to be global citizens. The curriculum is structured in such a way thatastudentcan developaworldwideperspective andbecomegloballycompetent –confident,self-reliantandawareofglobalevents. IB helps students develop critical thinking. In the modern world, critical thinking is essential because it allows people to analyze, evaluate, and generate ideas. As futurecitizens of theworld, students can benefitfrom this kindof thinking. IB gives instruction in balance- An IB student is seen to have a balanced study routine, effective time-management abilities and a personality that goes beyond academics.The curriculum promotes creativity, action andservice (CAS) as well as learning outside the traditional classroom setting. With the help of this balance a learnercan developemotional, physical, intellectualand moralbalance. IB promotes deep learning – IB syllabus and exams discourage learning a subject just to get marks or grades. Subject groups allow students the freedom to choose a subject of their choice, which promotes a deeper understanding of a particular subject.IB upholds the principleof its motto,"Learn to Understand". The Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and Extended Essay (EA) components of the IB curriculum urge students to "apply" the knowledge acquired in the classroom. For example, TOK encourages students to make connections between multiple subjects and supports their learning. This method of instruction greatly helps in the overall developmentofthe studentby fosteringa contemporaryandglobal perspective. Asa result,the IBcurriculum representsthe futureof educationin allcountries. You can use the following table of contents to navigate to the various subject areas: Group1: Language and literature studies Group2:Learningalanguage Group 3: Consists of people and societies Group4:Science Group 5: Math Group6:TheArts Youmust take courses from each of the sixareas to earn your IB Diploma. Remember that you can take a language, people and society, or science course in place of an arts major. Youwill also have to completethe core part, which consistsof a separate course called Theoryof Knowledge (TOK).
Group1:Languageandliteraturestudies The first category of IB Diploma courses includes language and literature courses. According totheIB,theseclassesare"designedtodevelopastudent'slifelonginterestinlanguage andliterature, as well as a lovefor the richness of human expression." Group2:LanguageAcquisition The main goal of this series of classes is to teach students to speak a foreign language fluently,while also learning about and appreciating adifferent culture. Group3:IndividualsandSocieties The third set of IB Diploma courses covers various social science subjects including politics, psychology and social studies. The group aims to provide students with a "critical appreciation of human experience and behavior" as well as knowledge of cultural institutions andthe various environments in whichindividuals live. Group4:Science Youwill choose either Physical Science or Technical Science to study in this group of classes.Its objectiveis togive studentsa deeperunderstanding ofthe scientificmethod. Group5:Mathematics These courses are designed to help students develop an understanding of mathematical information, concepts, and principles, as well as the ability to abstract and generalize. All of themare available online. CommonStudyErrorsthatIBMathStudentsMake Group6:TheArts This final set of IB classes emphasizes creativity and various artistic pursuits, such as the performing arts (such as sketching and painting) and visual arts (such as theater and dance). If you do not wish to, you may satisfy this requirement by enrolling in an additional classfrom Group 1, 2, 3, or 4 in lieu oftaking an art course. ThecoreoftheDiplomaProgram(DP) Along with the six academic subject groups, students also participate in the following three DPcore activities: In the Theory of Knowledge course, students are encouraged to consider the nature of knowledgeand what it means to say,"I know." Extended Dissertation, a 4,000-word report that is the result of an independent research project and Creativity, Action and Service (CAS), in which students engage in projects and extra-curricularactivities focused on thesethemes.
IBGradingPattern Themaximum score for any IB courseis seven. The Extended Essay and ToKparts of the DP Core are graded on an A to E scale. Creativity, action and service are pass/fail requirements.Youget1-3pointsbasedonthesumofyourTOKandEEscores,making your total possible score 45. At the conclusion of the IB Diploma program you receive a final grade with a maximum possible score of 45. Of these, 42 issues are due to your six IB categories. The minimum score required to obtain the IB Diploma is 24, and you must obtain a minimum score of nine for each of your SL subjects and a minimum of 12 overall in your HL subjects (noscore less than 3). At Reviser, we are providing IB helpto helpthose students who want to clear IB exam with highestgrade.