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Complete Guide on IB Subjects Choices

Every IB school is different, so your own school might not offer all the courses. Although, there are classes that the IB has created a curriculum and tested for.<br><br>What are all the IB courses available to take? Here, we will give you the complete list of all SL (Standard Level) and HL (Higher Level) IB classes. Read our blog to have an idea about the same: https://blog.rewiser.in/guide-ib-subjects/

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Complete Guide on IB Subjects Choices

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  1. Complete Guide on IB Subjects Choices • Which all IB courses are available to take? Here, we will give you the complete list of all SL (StandardLevel) and HL (Higher Level) IBclasses. • Every IB schoolis different,so yourown maynot offerall thecourses. However,these areall classes for which IB has created a syllabus and conducted tests. As per the IB curriculum, there are 56 classes divided into six subject groups which include advanced-level and standard-levelformats. There are different categories: • Group1:LanguageandLiterature • Group2:LanguageAcquisition • Group3:IndividualsandSocieties • Group4:Science • Group5:Mathematics • Group6:Arts • All the six categories of examinations have to be passed to obtain the IB Diploma Certificate. Note that you may opt for additional science, people, society, or language courses instead of artscourses. We will consider each inmore detail below:- • Group1:LanguageandLiterature • The first group of IB Diploma courses is Language and Literature. According to the IB, the purpose of these classes is to "develop a student's interest in language and literature and a loveof the richnessof human expression." Thiscourse consists of threesubjects:-

  2. LanguageA:Literature This course is available in 55 languages for both advanced and standard levels and introduces students to the world of literary text analysis. On special request it is also availablein other languageswith well developedwritten literature. LanguageA:LanguageandLiterature This course is available for study in 17 languages and deals with interpretation and critical analysisof literary and non-literarygenres in both written andoral formats. LiteratureandPerformance This course is only available in SL with English, Spanish and French languages and aims to examine the relationship between literature and theatre. It includes skills such as intensive reading, critical writing, discussion and practical, didactic and figurative performance components. Group2:LanguageAcquisition The main objective of this group of classes is to help students gain proficiency in a foreign language while learning about and appreciating other cultures. This course consists of three subjects:- ClassicalLanguages This course is available in both HL and SL. It allows students to study and understand the language,literature and culture ofAncient Rome/Greece. LanguageB This course consists of both oral and written tests and is intended for students who have previousexperience of learning aforeign language. A topic is provided and the student has to make a presentation and answer the questions askedby the teacher regarding thepresentation. LanguageAbInitio This course is only available for foreign language beginners in SL with no prior experience canchoose this language. Group3:IndividualsandSocieties The third group of IB Diploma courses spans various social science subjects such as social studies, psychology and politics. The group aims to develop a "critical appreciation of human experience and behavior" and to understand more about cultural institutions as well as the different types of environments people live in.

  3. BusinessManagement This course helps students understand how the internal and external environment affects the decision-makingprocess in business management. Economics This course focuses entirely on microeconomics and macroeconomics variables that affect individualsand countries together. These economic principles are taught by applying them to real world problems. The problem includesfluctuationsineconomicactivity,internationaltrade,economicgrowth, environmental sustainability, etc. Geography This topic takes advantage of its position to follow essential ideas and concepts from various disciplines. GlobalPolitics This course explores fundamental politics concepts such as equality, power and liberty. This course helps students develop an understanding and explore political issues affecting their lives. History This course helps the students to have a better understanding of the present in relation to thepast. Information Technology inaGlobalSociety(ITGS) This course allows students to use an integrated approach to informed judgment and decision making in the field of information and communication technologies in contemporary society. Philosophy The subject is a journey into the world of difficult, tricky and challenging questions in an analyticaland systematic manner. Psychology Thissubjectdeals withthestructured studyofbehavior andmentalprocesses. SocialandCulturalAnthropology This topic provides an overview of the diversity between cultures and societies in order to understandmankind.

  4. WorldReligions This course provides students with a rational and sympathetic approach to the world's major religions. Group4:Science In this group of classes, you have to opt for physical science or technical science to study. It aimsto help students deepentheir understanding of thescientific method. Biology Thiscoursedeals withthe interactionsthat constitutethe functioningof theecosystem. Chemistry This course is an applied science which involves academic study as well as practical and investigativeskills. ComputerScience This course deals with computational thinking including practical activities in conjunction with programming. DesignTechnology This course is great for students planning to enter the world of design and technology that helpfacilitate stewardship of the planetand create a better world. Environmentalsystemsandsocieties This course exposes students to a logical approach to the interrelationships between environmentalsystems and societies. Physics This course is fundamental to science and explains the formation of the universe from the tiniestof particles to the vastdistances between galaxies. Sports,Exercise,andHealthScience(SEHS) Thiscourse is a combinationof various subjects likeanatomy,physiology, biomechanics, psychologyand nutrition. Group5:Mathematics Thissectionisdividedintofourmathclassoptions. MathematicalAnalysisandApproachesSL&HL RelatedtotheoldMathHLandSL.

  5. MathematicsApplicationandInterpretationSL&HL Morepracticalandapplicationbased. Group6:Arts Dance This course deals with composition, performance and analysis as well as expressive dance movements. Film Thissectiondealswithpracticalknowledge offilmartandcraft. Music Thiscoursehelpsthestudentsto makeacareerasa musician. Theatre With the help ofthis course, studentscan make theircareer as Creator,Designer, Director andPerformer. Visual Arts Thiscourseenablesstudentstogainconfidenceasprofessionalart-makers. Needmoreindividualizedadvice? With the help of this blog, we have certainly smoothed it over for you. If you want to find more amazing blogs, then make sure you keep visiting our website, follow our Instagram, Twitter,and Linkedin channel, like, follow our Facebookchannel, and don’t forget to subscribeto our YouTube channelfor more content likethis in the future!From helping students prepare and score better in the areas of standardized testing: SAT, ACT, and AP teststo providing high school academic support requirements: IGCSE, IB Subjects, and AS/ALevel classes; ReWiseris with youevery step of the way! If you need any personal assistance, reach out to our experts here. We’re more than happy tohelp in whatever way we can.

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