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Itu2019s official now, the SAT is going digital. This is a welcome change, as it reaffirms the significance of standardized testing. Know More!
DigitalSAT:TheFutureof StandardizedTesting It’s official now, the SAT is going all digital. This is a welcome change, as it reaffirmsthesignificanceandrelevanceofstandardizedtestingina post-COVID scenario. The exam, which students will complete on devices at testing centers, will also be shortened from three to two hours. The changes willtakeplacein2024intheUnitedStatesandMarch2023inothercountries. We’ve previously tackled some of those major initial questions, and we’ve taken a closer look at the questions around what it means for the SAT’s difficulty to be going adaptive. Still, behind everything we’ve already covered isawider,andalmostexistentialquestion:Why?Whyallthesechanges?Why now,not before? Whysuch a sudden shift? The answer not only explains the current state of the standardized tests but alsogivesusasenseofwhattoexpectfromtheCollegeBoardandACTnext. SameSAT,Different Format
The College Board has been talking for years about plans to shift from a paper-based test. As earlier, the digital SAT will still be scored on a 1,600 scale, but the fully computerized exam will be moved to two hours instead of three, have shorter reading passages than the current format, and will allow the use of calculators in the Maths section. The digital SAT will be only accessible at the designated testing sites or schools, which will provide studentswithdevicestoaccessthetestorstudentsmayalsoopttousetheir own devices. The digital SAT will be autosaved in case of internet failure or disruptions and will be adaptive to student performance. Each section will startwithanintroductorysetofquestions.Thedifficultyofsubsequent • questions will vary depending on whether the students have performed well or notintheirfirstset.Thedigitalformatwillalsoenablestudentstoreceivetheir scoressoon, maybewithin a fewdays of theirexam. • WhyTheseChanges? • Thisisn’tthefirsttimetheSAThaschanged,andmostprobablyitwon’tbethe last. In fact, in recent years, this is the third major redesign the test has undergone. In the year 2005, they changed the total score from 1,600 to 2,400, and added the essay, dropped analogies. In the year 2015, they went back to 1,600 scores, made the essay optional, and changed the content of questions ineachsection.Thechangeisslightlydifferentinordertomakethetesteasier totake,moreinclusiveandfair, ormorepredictiveofsuccessin college. • Every restructure points out the same thing: Changing the design is a bid for its continued significance. The changes made(at least in part) in the year 2005 were to counter the increasing popularity of the rival ACT. The 2015 redesign was made in order to appeal to school districts looking for a Common Core test to satisfy federal testing needs. Of course, it’s 2022, not 2015, and the worldwide pandemic has fundamentally changed the landscape of standardized testing. But even as universities switch to blind and optional tests, what still matters most to the College Board is to appeal to the students in2022.Intheadmissionprocess,manystudentsarestilleyeingstandardized tests as a chance to give an edge to their applications. By making the SAT shorter and easier, the College Board positions it as a more attractive alternative to its chief rival the ACT, which still is over three hours long and hasan essay as optional. • Shorter:-Notjustoverall,butthepassagesintheReadingsectionare diminishingandgoingfromabouttenquestionseachtojustone.
Moresecure,andefficient:-Inthecurrentscenario,ifasinglepapertest form is compromised, entire groups of students could have their exams canceled.Inthepast,thishasbeen animportantareaofconcern • —securitybreacheshavecausedwidespreadcancellationofexams acrossentirecountrieswhenpapercopiesoranswershaveleaked. • Digitaltestallowsstudentsatthesametestcentertotakevariousand differentversions/variations of atest. • Papertestsrequiretobepackaged,shipped,andthenunpacked.And then, test materials and bubble sheets need to be repacked, shipped, unpacked once again, and scanned. Digital exams make everything easierand fastereliminating all thehassle. • Getscoresquicker:-Thedigitalformatwillalsoenablestudentsto • receivetheirscoressoon,maybewithinafewdaysoftheirexam.So, thereshouldbelessworryabouthittingapplicationdeadlinesearly. • WillThisEffectTestPreparation? • As long as there is a predictable structure to the test, meaning recurring questiontypesandpatternstothecontentbeingtested—therewillbetricks andstrategiesto learn,andstudents willbeable topreparefor it. • StudentsplanningtotaketheSATthisyearshouldsticktotheircurrenttest prep plans. Nothing is changing for domestic or international test-takers in 2022. • Internationalstudentsplanningtogivethetestin2023anddomesticstudents planningtoappearinthetestin2024shouldstaytunedforfurtherupdates. • Needmoreindividualizedadvice? • With the help of this blog, we have certainly smoothed it over for you. If you want to find more amazing blogs, then make sure you keep visiting our website, follow our Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin channel, like, follow our Facebook channel, and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channelfor morecontentlikethisinthefuture!Fromhelpingstudentsprepareandscore better in the areas of standardized testing: SAT, ACT, AP teststo providing high school academic support requirements: IGCSE, IB Subjects, AS/A Level classes;ReWiseriswith youeverystepof theway!Also,if youneedany
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