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Feel blessed by worshiping your ista detav and we should always thank to the almighty God for giving us the life. Ishta devata in astrology helps to know more about your ishta devata puja.<br><br>Website: www.bagulamukhijyotishtantra.com/free-astrology/know-your-god-ishta-devta.html
Role and Importance of Ishta Devata in Astrology for Worship Summary: Feel blessed by worshiping your ista detav and we should always thank to the almighty God for giving us the life. Ishta devata in astrology helps to know more about your ishta devata puja. Who has created this beautiful world, all natural things, and also the human beings? And the answer is almighty God. So, it’s our duty to thanks the god by showing the respect, believe and devotion towards our great creator. In India there are several custom and culture. In every culture worship is the part of the morning routine. Early morning in every culture people use to worship their ishta devata or kul devat or devi. Ishta devata in astrology shows believe in specific God or Goddess that is called their ishta devata. They believe that by doing the puja of Deities they will achieve the blessing of God or Goddess. As per our Hindu philosophy “Bhakti mai Shakti” means people trust in God prayer or worship. What is worship? Actually what is worship? Offering of a material object like garlands diyas and sweet as Prasad or bhog, and singing bhakti geets or bhajan to impress our kul devta or devi. No all these are only just aids of worship. In any culture God never wants show off; the main thing is trust on that great creature of this world. The prayer brings the worshipper and the worshiped more close when done properly. It’s all about the thinking of mind or the body, or the feeling to the god. Puja when done correctly leads oneself toward deity.
Ishta Devata In Astrology According to Indian tradition in every human life there should be four main aims Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. People has to pass through from the above four phases of the life. To achieve all the goals we have guided to worship various devtas and among all devtas, the Ishta Devta is the main. But to worship the foremost Deity everyone at least should know their Ishta Devta. Than only, God can bless one with good path through life. Usually people come to know about their Ishta Devta or devi through their ancestors. But, those who don’t know them they can take help of Astrologers or professional ones to know about the kul devta or devi. Ways to worship Varied culture has varied way of worshiping to their deity. But in India, there are basically two ways to worship god –“one is through chanting proper mantras and another by doing simple puja with pure heart and belief”. Some people believe on Nirgun Nirakar brahma means the God is formless. In vedas also atma is main and will be never ending means amar but whole body will die out one day. In the other hand, we have given supremacy or value to an idol also. We have given the shape and a form to the god by making an idol for prayer and worship. Some people have faith that manmade god may provide instant delight, but nothing that is permanent. It is all up to our belief and way of trusting. The main thing is worship to get pleasure and showing faith towards our creator. Never forgive to thank our creator. Contact Details: Address: Pulpehladpur, SurajKund Road, (Near: Mehrauli Badarpur Road) New Delhi- 110044 (India) Mobile: 91 9810466622, 91 9871620010 Email ID: infobmjt1@gmail.com, rajguru.astrokalp@gmail.com Website: www.bagulamukhijyotishtantra.com/free-astrology/know-your-god-ishta-devta.html