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2 Oz Silver Rounds | BOLD Precious Metals

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2 Oz Silver Rounds | BOLD Precious Metals

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  1. 2OzSilver Rounds FromBOLDPreciousMetals

  2. Page 3 4 5 Table of Contents I II III Introduction WhatIsSilverRounds 2OzSilverRoundsFromMint IV 7 WhyareSilverRoundsValuable? V 8 Popular2OzSilverRounds Buying2OzSilverRoundsfromBOLDPreciousMetals11 Contact VI VII 12

  3. I Introduction Silverroundsprovideinvestorsand collectorswithabroaderrangeof optionsforpurchasingsilverthan silverbullioncoins.While1ozsilver bullioncoinsarethemostcommon, 2Ozsilverroundsprovideadistinct weight,lowerpremiums,more designs,andbroaderavailability. 4

  4. WhatIsSilverRounds? Inthephysicalpreciousmetalbullion industry, silver rounds refer to silver coin-like oval-shaped pieces that are not formally legal tender approved by a sovereign governmentmint. 4

  5. 2OzSilverRoundsFromMint I ScottsdaleStackerRounds Scottsdale Mint is a privately owned mint in the United States that is a pioneer in environmentally responsiblerefining.Ontheobverseofthe2oz ScottsdaleStackerSilverRoundisabold,high-relief strikingofalion'sheaddesign.Thesamedesignis deep incuse struck on the reverse. These design elementsandraisededgesaroundtherimtomake stackingthese2ozsilverroundssimple. II GoldenStateMintRounds The Golden State Mint produces a lot of silver rounds, as well as gold and copper rounds. The Standing Freedom Round is one such example. This round is an example of Golden State Mint's Mini Mintage program, which defines strict deadlines for the mintage of silver rounds.It is a unique twist on the vision of Liberty from thefamedPeaceSilver Dollar.Oncethedeadlinehaspassed,therounds'mintageiscomplete,andtheyhave covetedstatusasaresultofthelimitedmintagetimeframe. 5

  6. 2OzSilver RoundsFrom Mint III GermaniaMintRounds TheGermaniaMintisanewprivatemintthatbeganissuing various beautiful silver round collections in 2019. These collections are now among the most searched rounds in the world. The Germania Series, Allegories Series, Mythical ForestSeries,andGermaniaBeastsSeriesareamongthem. Theuseof.9999puresilverintherounds,arelativerarityin theproductionofsilverrounds,isoneofthekeyhighlights ofGermaniaMintsilverrounds. 6

  7. Whyare SilverRoundsValuable? Silverhasknowntohavelastingvalueforcenturiesduetoitsnumeroususesranging from ornamental to medicinal to industrial. Silver rounds are an useful way to purchase and store this precious metal. Graded rounds or those that have been otherwise preserved may increase in value over time, especially if they are part of a limitedseriesorareotherwiseunique.Furthermore,severalpeoplevaluesilverrounds because they appreciate the beautiful designs. A few factors of purchasing bullion thatmakethesepiecesimportantcanbedefinedbyyourgoals.

  8. Popular2OzSilverRounds I Silver-2ozLincolnWheatCentRound Contains2ouncesof999finesilverBU TheObversesidedisplaysareplicaofthe originalLincolnWheatCent,withtheright-facing portraitofPresidentLincoln. TheReversedisplaysthetwowheatstalkstothe leftandrightrim.

  9. II Silver2ozScottsdaleRoundStacker Contains2troyozof.999fineSilver. The Obverse side Displays an ultra-high relief imageofScottsdale’sCrownedLion’sHeadlogo. TheReverseFeaturesanopposingnegative insetthatmatchestheobverse

  10. III 2021SilverAllegoriesGermania&Austria2ozBURound Contains:2Troyozof999.9finesilver. The Obverse side displays Lady Germania, personified in the classic form of a brave, beautifulwoman.ShemeetswithLadyAustriain friendshipbetweenthetwocultures.. The Reverse side Features an exclusive design prepared by Germania Mint to represent the moral principles and noble values that encompassedthehistoricallandofGermania. 10

  11. Buying2OzSilverRoundsfromBOLDPreciousMetals If you want to add something unique to your silver collectionorarelookingforadifferentinvestmentoption, 2 Oz silver rounds could be ideal for your portfolio. BOLD PreciousMetal'scustomerserviceteamcananswerany questions about purchasing silver. Please contact our customer service department at 866-454-2653 or via email. 10

  12. Best Online Bullion Dealer, TexasUSA 7301RanchRoad620NSuite155- 194Austin,TX78726-4537 support@boldpreciousmetals.com 1(866)454-2653 12

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