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Best School in Gurgaon for Nursery - Beansprouts Pre School

Choosing the best pre nursery school in Gurgaon can seem like a daunting and daunting task. Of course, you want to help your child progress and you want their preschool experience to lay the foundation for a bright academic future. Explain what you expect from the nursery. Some parents are primarily concerned with providing social experiences for their children. Others want to start reading and academic courses. Visit https://beansprouts.in/best-pre-nursery-school-in-gurgaon/<br>

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Best School in Gurgaon for Nursery - Beansprouts Pre School

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  1. Beansprouts Pre-School Here,yourlittleoneswilllearnto love,andlovetolearn

  2. Welcometo Beansprouts Beansprouts,bestplayschoolinGurgaon,a contemporarypre-schoolcomestoyoufromthe teamassociatedwithBlueBells.Housedona one-acrecampus,Beansproutscarriesthe promiseofachild-centricenvironmentbackedby fourdecadesofexperienceinschool education.At Beansprouts,webelievethatwhenonedevelopsa loveforlearning,oneneverceasestogrow.

  3. OurVision Weaimtoprovideasafe,friendly,playful environmentwheretheseedsoflearningwill sprout,enrichyoungmindsandpreparethemfor asoundfuture. OurMission Ourgoalistoofferthebestpossiblefoundationto nurturethesocial,cognitive,linguisticandphysical developmentofchildrenattheirmosttenderand impressionableage.

  4. Why Beansprouts? Ourunique360-degreecurriculumdrawsfromvariousrobust approachestoplacethechildatthecentreofthelearning experiencewithinrelationship-drivenenvironments.Italso integratestheoutdoorsasa'thirdteacher'.Weprovidebestdaycare inGurgaonand createa'loveforlearning'thatbuildsconfidencein acaring,secureenvironment.Inthisendeavour,wealsoprovide large,accessible,sensoryspacesthatarefloodedwithnaturallight andequippedwithtech-enabledfacilitiestosupporteachchild's learningjourney.

  5. LeadershipTeam SoumyaGulati LearningEvangelist Dr.AlkaSaxena WellnessAmbassador AshishGulati Founder AnshukaAneja Technology Proctor RitaBhandari EarlyYearsCoordinator

  6. School Admission AdmissionProcess Howtobeapartof Beansprouts? Registerdetailsonline Getanappointment foraschoolvisit Formalregistration attheschool Admission Theeligibilitycriteriaforthefollowing grades,asonMarch31,2022:

  7. ThankYou OurWebsite PhoneNumber EmailAddress +91-9873168900 https://beansprouts.in/ admissions@beansprouts.in Location BehindGoodEarthCityCentre,Malibu Towne,Sector-50,Gurugram–122018

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