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Managing the Employee Relationship: the Employee’s Viewpoint Presented by http://schoolofresearch.org/ http://schoolofresearch.org/
Background • Employee’s viewpoint concerns his/her ideas and conceptions on the issues in the workplace, particularly those that directly affect him/her in the organization. • Need to consider the employee’s viewpoint is critical. • Employee’s voice revolves around a broad range of mechanisms and structures that empower employees to take part in the decision making processes of the organization, either directly or indirectly. • Employees have the ability to influence the employer’s actions. • Opportunities exist for employees to present their grievances and discontent in the workplace. http://schoolofresearch.org/
Employee Involvement and Participation • Employee Involvement concerns the processes that the management of an organization employs for employees to raise and discuss the issues affecting them. • Entails communication channels that facilitate the smooth flow of information within an organization. • Employee participation involves efficiency in the processes designed to facilitate employees’ roles in the decision-making processes of an organization. • Employees can influence the decisions of managers and contribute to strategies aimed at improving organizational performance. http://schoolofresearch.org/
Quality Circles • Defined as a group of employees who meet on a regular basis to look for solutions to problems affecting employees in an organization. • Employees and supervisors meet regularly on this platform to discuss observed issues and problems in the workplace, investigate their causes, and recommend necessary corrective actions to the management. • Offer workers responsibilities and capacities to share experiences and make sound judgments. • Enhance team spirit and cooperation in the workplace. http://schoolofresearch.org/
Collective Bargaining • The negotiation between an employer and representatives of employees to get better pay and improved conditions of employment. • Negotiation brings together the representatives of workers and the management in the search for mutually acceptable solutions for various problems in the workplace. • Agreed collective solutions are presented in the form of collective agreements. • Entrenched in the labor laws of most countries. http://schoolofresearch.org/
Collective Bargaining • Allows a continuous relationship between trade unions and the management • Both parties are aware of the expectations of each party. • Helps in preventing work disruptions which would arise from unexpected demands. • Offers workers a strong platform of solidarity in bargaining for their rights and better working conditions. http://schoolofresearch.org/
Disadvantages of Collective Bargaining • Unionizableworkers pay union dues on a monthly basis from their salary. • Decisions are based on the majority vote, which may at times go against the opinion of some workers http://schoolofresearch.org/
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