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The Hejaz railway was built more than a century ago and it has managed to survive to this day and age. Granted, some parts of the Hejaz railway are no longer functional, but it is still relevant and can still pull in some tourists to partake in an adventure/ trip on the old fashioned steam train.
I N T R O D U C T I O NT O Hejaz railway B YX M R EM E A L S
T H EO L DS T E A MT R A I N H O WW O U L DY O UL I K E T OT A K EP A R TI NA J O U R N E YT H A TH A SA C E N T U R I E SO L D ThisisbasicallywhatatripontheHejazrailwayoffersto peoplefromallovertheworld. TheHejazrailwaywasbuiltmorethanacenturyagoandit hasmanagedtosurvivetothisdayandage. H I S T O R Y ?
W H A TT O T A K E ? C L O T H I N G Wearlightclothingbecauseyou'llbesweating profuselythankstotheheatofthesunwhen you'reonboardtheopenareaandthesteam comingfromtheengine. S H O E S Agoodpairofbootsshouldsuffice. Wearing anythinglessthanthatisgoingtoresultinto sandgettingintoalotofoddplaces. F O O D ThisiswhereXMREcomesinhandy. Theseare thesametypeofproductsthatthemilitaryforces eatandcanbasicallyprovideallofyourcaloric needsfortheentiretrip.
T H A N KY O UF O RY O U RT I M E take care W W W . X M R E M E A L S . C O M