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Find relief from pain with Shockwave Therapy Treatment in Springwood! Discover more about this non-invasive therapy option and its benefits today.<br>
Home Bookings About Meet the Team Treatments Contact Us Book an appointment Shockwave Therapy Shockwave Therapy is a non-invasive technique used to treat a range of foot and lower limb conditions with similar results to Dry Needling and Prolotherapy. This form of therapy is often recommended for chronic musculoskeletal including soft tissue injuries that may not have responded positively to conventional treatments. Shockwave Therapy can be administered to treat Plantar Fasciitis and chronic Achilles Tendon Pain, both of which are well-researched conditions treated by shockwave therapy. How does Shockwave Therapy Work? Shockwave Therapy works by delivering a range of low and high-energy shock waves to the injured tissue with a handheld device. The acoustic frequency of the shockwaves stimulates the body’s natural healing process by improving blood circulation and supporting new blood vessel creation; it can accelerate cell regeneration and collagen synthesis; decrease the sensitivity by stimulating nerves; break up tendon calcification and it also has an anti-inflammatory effect to the area of pain. A highly effective treatment requiring no anaesthetic and no adverse side effects, Shockwave Therapy is an excellent alternative for those who do not respond well to needle therapy.
Is Shockwave Therapy Painful? While non-invasive, there is sometimes low pain associated with the process activated in your body as it begins to self-heal but the majority of patients can return to work immediately after treatment and can even continue to exercise depending on the nature of their condition. How long does Shockwave Therapy take? Typically 4 treatments are required and are spaced once a week for most cases. Reduced symptoms are coming after 2 treatments but healing continues for up to 3 months following the final round of treatment. Where can I book a Shockwave Therapy session? Birdwood Podiatry provides shockwave therapy at our clinic in Springwood. If you have chronic heel pain, a sports injury that won’t improve, or joint that won’t stop aching - this treatment might be ideal. If you’d like to book a treatment or have any questions about this treatment please get in touch with us. Give us a call at (02) 4707 6558, email phil@birdwoodpodiatry.com.au or to book an appointment click here. Blue mo unta ins p o d ia trist, So re heels, co rn, b a ck, cycling , b lue mo unta ins p o d ia trists, fung a l na il, sho ckwa ve, Po d ia trist Phillip Smith, hip , sp ur, running , ca id ens, fla t, leg s, ca llo us, leg s inserts, p a in feet, tinea , hig h Med ica re, Blue Mo unta ins Po d ia try, o rtho tics d ia b etes, p la nta r fa sciitis, p a in feet o rtho tics, a thletes fo o t, hea lth sho es, severs knee, knee, g a it, b lue mo unta ins p o d ia trists, wa rt, a rch, shin sp lints, d ia b etes, Child ren's p o d ia trist, Lithg o w, Bla ckhea th, Ka to o mb a , Leura , Wentwo rth Fa lls, La wso n, H a zelb ro o k, Fa ulco nb rid g e, Sp ring wo o d , Bla xla nd , Glenb ro o k, Emu Pla ins, Pe Birdwood Podiatry Phillip Smith (02) 4707 6558 phil@birdwoodpodiatry.com.au www.birdwoodpodiatry.com.au Monday - Friday 9am - 5:30pm Shop 4, 127 Macquarie Road, Springwood NSW 2777 Copyright ©Birdwood Podiatry 2023
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