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Fison Portable Autoclave is an 18L top-loading device, heated by electric or LPG, requiring minimal bench space. As a Class N autoclave, it features a leak-proof chamber, sterilizing at 0.16 MPa and 126u2103 to destroy all organisms. It includes an indicator light and a safe water level check system.

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  1. PortableautoclaveFM-PA-A101 www.fison.com| info@fison.com

  2. Description: PortableautoclaveFM-PA-A101is18 L electricorLPGheatedtoploading portableautoclavethatrequireslessbenchspace.ItisClass N autoclavewith completeleakproofchamberwhichprovidesefficientsterilizationprocessresulting indestructionofalllivingorganismsduetohighpressureof0.16MPaand126℃ temperature.Equippedwithanindicatorlightensuresefficientworkingand a safe waterlevelcheckprotectionsystemtoavoidwaterlackproblems. Features: Workingtemperatureof126℃ Electric/LPGheatingsource Overheatingandpressurewarningindicator Indicatorlighttoindicateworkingstatusofsterilization Automaticbeepsignalafterterminationofeachcycle Lowwaterlevelindicator Stainlesssteelsterilizingbaskets Reliableandsafeself-inflatingleakproofchamber Dualscaleindicatingpressuregauge InnerandouterchamberconstructedbyStainlesssteel Specifications: Chambercapacity 18L

  3. Chamberdimension 280×260mm Workingtemperature 126℃ Operatingpressure 0.14to0.16MPa Electrical/LPGheated 0.165MPa ≤±1℃ 105to126℃ 2kW AC220V/50Hz 410×410×430mm 14kg 16kg Heatingmode Maximumsafetypressure ControlPrecision:Temperature Temperatureadjustment Maximumpowerconsumption Powersupply OverallDimension NetWeight GrossWeight

  4. Applications: Standardportableautoclaveisidealforallapplicationsrequiringroutinetotal destructionofalllivingorganism.Itissuitableforuseacrossclinics,primary healthcentresandresearchlaboratories. FisonInstrumentsLtd272BathStreetGlasgowG24JRUK Email:info@fison.com | Website:www.fison.com

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